
Blinded by Light

lunedì 12 ottobre 2009

Part 19 - A new enemy?

"voices, promices, lies....
betrays, corruption, power....
everything sound so familiar, isin't?... 500 years... and you remember just the last day..."
i'm.. becoming crazy..This voices keep follow my mind.. i heard voices everyday..and my head is still hurt... The problems never ends and plus, more problems came..
The guard.. he said that words... seems his voice wasn't the same.. that voice was so dark..evil..and i think i've seen that his eyes were red...
I went inside the palace, the guard told that Pyron was ok.. then i have to go to see him. My mind was full of problems.. i still had headackes.. When i joined in Buraki's Army i though that he would use me to kill my friends..or do something like slow their plans.. but seem that he won't me to do this works.. I felt lucky for this, i couldn't do something like that.
Now if i think at that.. seem that Buraki is not asking me to do something... then i didn't know why he would me in his Army..
Hours was passed since Pyron's life been saved by Ruby's powers.. and i needed just of that hours to add all these news problems in my mind.. all these questions.. all the doubits..
I know... one day i'll have to kill them.. and not for Buraki's ord---- w-what?... wait, Flame.. of what are you talking about?...
Flame-"nothing.. i'm just thinking.. don't worry.." lies.. just like the voice said.. i'll lie if i say that i'll ever protect my friends: betrays. I'll lie if i say that with me noone is in danger: betrays again..
Nothing, i can just lie, lie and lie.. if i think at the first days.. seem a lot of things are changed.. I was just a weaky dragon that doesn't know where he was and who was...and now i'm a trator, the enemy.. all my problems could be resolved just telling the truth to my friends: they will kill me.. so easy..
Lagon-"Seriously, Flame.. i see that you have some problems" some... just some problems?..
Flame-"I won't---... i told you to don't worry.. but, thanks." seem that i want still live uh?.. or i just knew that he will not kill me.
hey.. what's happening to me?... i feel me so strange.. so angry..more than before. Something is happening, and is better that i find the problem, wing is hurt again..and my energy is more weak than before.. and this is so strange.. Pyron should be fine now.. that's the why we are going to see him.. then why i feel me so weak?
Lagon-{YoU fOol DrAgoN... YoU ReAllY THinK tHaT wE dOn'T KnOw tHe TruTH?..}
Lagon-"Uh? I told you that Pyron is in the next room." what?...ah my head...
Flame-"o-oh.. ok..." Again that dark voice..the red eyes.. and now i think that i've seen the body of Lagon and all around me that was darkest...
Nera-"Any problems Flame?"
Flame-"nono..i'm just a little tired..i'll be fine.." ah.. my head.. i hate when i feel me like this... i should take some days to rest, maybe this could help me a little.. i hope.. but when? we don't have time to rest for some days.. aah.. maybe i feel me like this because i have too much secrets.. too much problems that i have to say.. the problem is that i can't.. plus, my wing is hurt again. the last time was.. when Alazar killed Jewel, Kaloth and Heinaus.. and is passed a lot of time now from that day.
We found Pyron and Ruby. Pyron was on the pedestal and he seems is ok now. Everyone was happy about this, he was just a little weak, and i knew that because i feel weak too in that moment...*siiigh....*
A fairy came and went inside the room with something in hands..seem that was a juice. Pyron need to rest, then we went outside again waiting that he restored all his energy.
It was so good stay outside.. the sky, the wind... so relaxing...I felt better in that moment..well, just a problem..
Lagon-"haha, you went outside without eat the food in our room....mmmh, it was so niice..."
Flame-"Gah! S-Shut up! i won't listen to you!" we looked each other...
Lagon-"....So . Nice . !"
Flame-"GAAH!!! *stomach growl*.. oww..." all we laughed and we went to the ship waiting Pyron, Gana and Spirit. The night came, and everyone went to sleep.
When i've opened my eyes i was in a strange place... but so damn familiar!... a lab? I've seen a shadow come from behind me, i turned and seen Buraki and Alazar..
Buraki-"Good job, Number 2!.. you really can do everything to save a life uh?.."
Flame-"What?.." everything was so strange.. and a question came: how the hell i came here?!
Alazar-"You really helped us so much... and now i think that you have to do one more thing.."
Luce came "L-Luce!!" she said nothing..
Flame-"a-are you ok?.." she seemed strange.. so serious and quiet.. "Luce..?"
Buraki-"We will end once for all the experiment we started on you.." a door opened and inside the room there was a large cage..
Flame-"What this mean?.." Luce run against me and pushed me inside the cage "AH! W-What are y---..."
Luce-"This time, i'll controll your Light powers... no mistakes this time.."
Buraki-"Say" *flashh*
"Flame... Flame! Wake up!"
Flame-"u-uh...?" it was.. just a dream?.. i really hope so.. i've opened my eyes and i've seen that everyone was going outside the ship..."uh, i can sleep 5 min more..." i've closed my eyes again...
Voice-"You'll never learn, sleepyhead.. *sigh..*" this voice was really familiar... and i'm afraid of who could be.. GAH! no! no more water! I've opened my eyes just in time to see Griz and his bucket of water and stop him with my tail..
Flame-"I-I'M AWAKE!" he laughed "*peew....*.. Hey, seem is afternoon!..gah! i'm really a sleepyhead.."
Griz-"no, is just morning.." uh? just morning..... J-JUST MORNING?! You Bast---...
Flame-"....ehm..W-Why the sky seem so dark today?.."
Griz-"uh? (he looked at the sky) uhm.. i don't know.. maybe it will rain.." rain.. i don't think so.. i get up and went outside and looked around...
Flame-"Where are Gana and Pyron? They're still in Ruby's palace?.."
Lagon-"Good Morning!.. yes they are still there, Saka is gone there to tell them we are all here.. they should be back soon."
Saka-"and i'm here." we turned and saw Saka "Good morning guys."
Flame-"Saka.. Where are Gana and Pyron?"
Saka-"They was still sleeping.."
Flame-"umph, so the sleepyhead is me uh?"
Spirit-"You should remember that Pyron had an hard day, and Gana had to stay with him.."
Flame-"Uh.. yeah, you've right.." Pyron is not the only one... "uh?"
Flame-"Where is Nera?.. seem that she is not here.."
Saka-"Uhm.. i don't know.... oh!" she saw something and everyone turned to see what was "Here comes Gana and the others."
Pyron, Nera, Gana and Ruby land on the ship.
Gana-"Griz get us outta here! No time to explain." ok, i won't know what's happening, but seem that is not good..
We sailed but we didn't get a few hundered feet before something bad was happening.
[Buraki'sVoice-"Enjoy the show, number 2.."] what?.. what he mea-----
Voice-"WHHHHHAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGG!!!" What the hell was that?! Fairy Island was engulfed in a dark ball of negative energy. This is the show...? Buraki should improve these shows.. Maybe uhm.. something less scary?!
Spirit-"What happened?" This is the right question..!
Lagon-"Can someone explain what's going on?" This is... nevermind..
Nera-"It's Robby...he's on Buraki's side now." What?! That's impossible! No, No!............ who the hell is Robby?..
Lagon-"What?!" Yes, I'm shocked too.
Silver-"Look everyone."
The ball rised up into the air and exploded.
Magix-"No...our gone..." damn.. that was.. really strong... Uh!..
Flame-"Oh this isn't good.."
Ruby-"No it isn't. Now Spyro and Cynder are in danger."
Ruby-"With Fairy Island destroyed, the earth golem Tyfus is now a step closer to Draco Island. Griz, we have to get to the island of the elves." Elves?.. how the elves can h---
Griz-"Right." ....ok..
Just i don't know what is happened.. But is surely Buraki's fault.. and he know where we are just cause i'm still with my friends.. Uh.. if we'll find Spyro and Cynder maybe everything will be ok.. we will beat Buraki and win this war, everything will be ok...
[Voice5-"my plans are working... i'll get the power and destroy the light...this time i'll don't let him stop us.."]
[Voice4-"For a moment.. i though you could understand.. but seem that i though wrong.."]
[Voice5-"I don't know what the dark power could help you.. Do what you want!.."]
[Voice4-"tsk... don't worry about that..."]

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