
Blinded by Light

giovedì 3 dicembre 2009

Part 20 - Secrets

Everyone was in shock to know that Robby was alive and on Buraki's side.. i didn't know who he was, then the others tryed to tell me all the story. It seemed so complicated, strange and, at the same time, sad...
Nera was really in discomfort.. everyone tryed to lift her, I hope she will be ok soon. At nightfall we anchored for the night and i decided to walk outside to get some air.
"Why you don't kill them now?.." uh?.. what's happening now?..
Voice-"You know.. i can't.. I'm going to have a son, and i can't betray the Light Guardians.."
Voice2-"So... What you wanna do?"
Voice-".....I.. I'll use the crystals.."
Voice2-"what?! no! you can't do that!"
Voice-"...It's the only way to stop them.. once for all.."
Voice2-"When? when you'll use them?"
Voice-"...I.. I don't know yet.."
uh... the crystals..? I looked at my wings.. Could these the same of that visions..? did Buraki get them? well.. i've never seen the crystals in my visions...*sigh* when i'll understand something of all this story??..
For now i can't do nothing... tsk, just wait...I can only expect to become crazy one of these days!.. okok.. i just need to sleep for now.. it's night, everyone are sleeping, then i'll sleep too.... i'll try.. *sigh* I was going back inside to the ship, i've opened the door and suddently i've seen Pyron.. he was there, in front me.
Flame-"O-Oh.. sorry~!...." no words.. no moves... "Ehm... hello?" nothing... .what's happening to him?... uhm.. "I'm going to kiss Gana... i love her so much..." i was going away... i turned and he did no moves... "Uhm... then you are really frozen...!" i back next to him and tryed to understand what was happening but nothing was working.. the last thing was...the slap as hard as I could use "Ok, prepare to wake up, Mister-I-sleep-standing-up!"
Voice-"N-No! Wait!!"
Flame-"Uh? wh---- GAH!" something tugged me and sent me out of the room, i was down, on the ground "auch.. what's hap--- WAH!" i opened my eyes and seen Aika on me, and her mouth at 3cm from mine "A-Aika!"
Aika-"Hello, nice to see you again!" i was a little embarassed.. If someone would have seen, he could misunderstand...
Flame-"A-Aika... n-nice to....nice to see you... ehm.."
Aika-"Oh! sorry! (she rose off me and helped me to get up) are you ok?" well... i've not told you I didn't like that... hehehe "why are you smileing?"
Flame-"Oh! ehm... I-I'm happy to see you!"
Aika-"Really?... you look embarassed" W-Well...
Flame-"......Eh...EHm... no...Gah! w-what are you doing here? and what's happening? i was trying to wake up Pyron.. and suddently you were on me... *red..*" damn.. i didn't expect this! it scared me.. but at the same was nice....!
Aika-"Well, I stopped you! you was going to kill your friend with that slap!" what sl--- ooh.. oh..
Flame-"Ah... oh! ahah! eh... r-really?! ehm.. i mean.. i just tryed to.. to scare him!"
Aika-"Really?.. ........."
Flame-".........." we began to look at eachother...
Aika & Flame-"............."
Flame-"uh?... seem Pyron is waked up.." Aika turned and seen Pyron flew away "You see? i scared him and he is waked up..!" she looked at me...
Aika-"No, is just the effect of my power that is over..." ..... silence... "AAH!! It''s over!!" she flew "I can't let the other see me now..!"
Flame-"W-what? why??" She looked at me and she flew away "uff.. i'll never understand.. uhm.. but where is gone Pyron?.. well.. i hope that everything is ok.. " now i should go to sleep..
........then I went to sleep.. i really needed.. just close my eyes makes me feel better..
Spirit-"Look. There's Pyron" uh?.. i was in my room..
Flame-"*yaaaahwn....* what now?..." i went outside and i've seen everyone was looking something... i looked up.. Oh, how long i slept?.. 3 min?? grr.. if Griz is not who wake me up , are the others to do it ... Pyron landed.
Gana-"Pyron. We were worried." Gana snuggles Pyron... *sigh* Seems that i have to wait before get a girlfriend too...I'm doing all this work to save my best-friend... Luce... I just hope she is ok...
Pyron-"I'm okay Gana. I just helped a new friend. Here's...huh? Where did she go?" a new friend?...
Lagon-"Where who goes?"
Pyron-"Where did...hahahahaha. Stop it. That tickles." w-whut? what now??
Nera-"Pyron, why are you laughing?" if it is because of what we ate ..I'm starting to be seriously worried about my health...
Flame-"Yeah. Who's tickling you?" A dragoness appears and shocks everyone. ..T-Then Pyron went to search for some new dragoness eh?
Pyron-"There you are. Guys. This is Nikki. I helped her when she was attacked by the Manti. Nikki, this is Ruby, Lagon, Nera, Spirit, Flame, and Gana. The non dragons are Griz the Grizzly Bear, Saka-she leads the cheetahs in Hulcana Village, and Silver, the leader of the Vixers fox clan. And lets not forget the fairies." o-ok... I only hope she will remember all these names in one time!..
Nikki-"Nice to meet you all. Pyron saved me from those creatures. (She came closer to Pyron) He's my hero."
Gana-"Well, he does like to help others."
I looked Gana.... she is not jelaous?.. uhm.. i never talked to Gana.. oh god, seems that i don't talk so much with the others!.. i should get some free time to talk more with the others... Uh.. but maybe... if i'm joining Buraki... *sigh* i don't know what to do.. i'm so confused..
Nikki keep following Pyron...and Pyron keep trying to move away from Nikki... I looked them and laughed a little.. Ooh~ How cute! hehehe!
Ruby-"Everyone, I have to tell you something before we get to the island of the elves. It's important that you know." oh...something tells me that is not a good news..Since you all know Fairy Island was destroyed, I have to confess something to you. The 4 islands serve a major purpose." ah... i knew.. then, i remember about Draco Island for real...
Nera-"What kind of purpose?"
Ruby-"Before I explain, Nikki, are you with us?" Nikki was still close to Pyron..... pffft..!
Nikki-"Well, Pyron saved my life (She snuggles Pyron) so I'll help. Um, where are you guys going anyway?"
Gana-"We're going to Draco Island to find Spyro and Cynder. We believe their at the top of Draco Peak."
Nera-"So we're going there to find them before Buraki's forces get there."
Nikki-"I never met them or know this Buraki guy, but I'll help long as Pyron's willing to fight." Oh, that's mean she will go away if Pyron won't fight anymore? Oh well... maybe i'm mistaken..
Ruby-"Ah, you arrived." Uh? who? where??
We saw a white light come down. It took on the shape of a dragon.
???-"Hi handsome." w-w-who...
Pyron-"Sapphire?! How are you here?" uh?? Pyron know this dragon?...
Sapphire-"I came at the request of Ruby." and not only Pyron..
Ruby-"As I wanted to show Pyron and Gana, Sapphire's new purpose is a spirit dragon. She travels to help those who lost their way. Like you Pyron." ....... what? "Now, the 4 major islands here serve a much more secret purpose. They create a mystical barrier that protects Draco Island." Uh!... why I... I remember about this?..
Ruby-"Yes. However, this can only happen when grand elder dragons like myself can channel our powers to create it. If the island or the dragon are destroyed, the barrier weakens." Something is not right here.. why this Draco Island is so familiar?? I did something here in my past?...
Pyron-"Then Robby was after the island all along?"
Sapphire-"Yes, but since he's been influence further by the dark power of Buraki, his spirit was unfortunately expelled and now he roams around."
Nera-"No...can we save him?" Nera was really worried for this Robby... i don't know what's happened.. but maybe i've understod something more now...
Sapphire-"I'm afraid you can't. His body so far poisoned not even Pyron's healing power can help him. Robby may not have a physical body, but he's still here for you Nera. I'll find him for you."
Nera-"...Thank you."
Ruby talks about the other Elders on the islands... Thundrax, Nessie, Melos and herself: Ruby... we were heading for Melos, on the isle of elves... that's our next step.
Nikki-"Wow, you guys have quite the mission."
Lagon-"So, are you scared?"
Nikki-"No way. I'm a good fighter myself. Count me in to help you out." Well, Nikki is one of this group now..... uh..... unlike me...
For now, i have to try to help them as much as i can... Buraki will be a step closer to get Spyro and Cynder if the others island or the elders get destroyed... I trust of them... i'm sure they will succeed...for now i have to find a way to save Luce.. maybe i'll get the chance to kill Buraki..when i'll go in his lab...
At nightfall, we anchored for the night... i was in my room... i couldn't sleep: all the questions and problems, came back in my mind everything.... I'll have to tell everything to the others, one day..
I didin't know what to do... i still don't know why Buraki needed to me.. and why they keep call me 'Number 2'?? i have a name! and that 'Number 1'... What they did to him?... aah....
all the night... All night I stood to look around and to think... i weren't tired, strange.. is the first time i've not slept.. but i was full of energy..
We we're up bright and early, We sailed and we soon saw a big island up ahead.
Silver-"We're coming towards an island."
Sapphire-"The island of the elves."
Ruby-"I hope we can warn Melos in time."
This time we can not fail.... if Melos, or the island of the elves get destroyed... it will be more difficult protect Spyro and Cynder... I still don't understand..
All this Story?....
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