
Blinded by Light

mercoledì 9 marzo 2011

You still have to trust me - Day 2

We walked for hours in that iced land, we all were getting very tired and so we decided to stop for a while. Everyone still didn't trust me anymore after knowing that i was one of Buraki's army.. I knew that even Kyle didn't trust me at all. I had to find a way to make them understand my real intentions, without letting Buraki know about my plans. I was thinking at a lot of things since I decided to follow Gana and Pyron 'till here... Still, i didn't know what was really happened to everyone in these 5 years... just various dates and informations that i could receive from Buraki. All the problems were also part because of me, that i had to follow some of the orders that the big-boss gave me...
I was laying on the ground...Wherever you're hiding, Buraki... the day i will find you, you'll be just part of the past...
Kyle-"So..." I turned and Kyle was standing next to me..
Kyle-"I.. I actually don't really know your story about.. eh.. everything."
Flame-"I just remember less than half of my life... more than 500 years are forgotten... the rest is just what you see. Me, a dragon who didn't know who really was and where to go, that joined an alliance against Buraki.... Betrayed them months later to save who I though was a good friend, to then find out 3 years later that she was just working with Buraki to get information about something on me..."
Kyle-"Ah... well that sounds pretty bad--- w-wait, 500 years?!"
Flame-"Hey, i'm not an old-guy... Lagon is."
Kyle-"Who is--"
Flame-"Ah, nevermind!.. I just got trapped into.. a kind of..ah, magic cristall... I just don't remember when, nor why... and what is happened before." Kyle layed on the ground too. What i just said was what i remembered in these 5 long years... nothing really userfull that could make me understand why the crystalls on my wings are so 'powerful" to make everyone want to know something more... and take them off me.
Kyle-"And now... You came back with the alliance?" ah... that's a good question... I looked back at the sky..
Flame-"...I'm back to see my old friends..."
Claire-"You really don't want to give a direct answer eh?"
Kyle-"Uh? Claire."
Flame-"heh.." I got up and looked at her. "I'd prefer to keep for myself about my story. For now i just want to protect who needs to."
Claire-"I don't want to be protected by one of the enemy..." .... I can't tell them anything... If Buraki is listening, all my work will be just a waste of time..
Flame-"I guess for now you have no choice... But when Pyron will come back, then you'll be free to make him kick my poor butt for hours and all the times you want.............pfft--!"
Claire-"Grr! I'm not in the right mood to laugh!"
Flame-"Ahh allright, allright, sorry!"
Gabe-"We gotta find a way out from here AND a sure place. These two won't wake up yet..."
Kyle-"What should we do then? It's been hours since we began to walk in this 'swamp'... and is almost getting dark."
Flame-"If we could at least know where to go..." I pointed at one of the thousen of iced trees "I'm sure i've already seen that one---"
Flame-"Oh! Fine, i'll just shut up!" I began to look around. The others were trying to wake up Peter and Gana but it seemed like they still need hours, if not days, to wake up... I was still wondering what was happened. I was surprised for what that Peter did, and still I didn't know why those guys attacked us... Maybe Buraki got angry for what i did... freeing Gana and all his new toys from the cage, i did a real bad move for him... Not that i won't do it again if it will happen one more time.
We were in a bad situation, we could do nothing right now and we didn't even know where to go. I've been surely in better situations than this one... Also, now I lost the trust of everyone... just Peter and Gana doesn't know about it here. I have to find a way to get their trust once more, somehow.
Gabe-"Hey, i found something!" We all came next to Gabe. He found a kind of passage for undergrounds... Weird that there is something like that in the middle of a swamp... But there was no other way to get out from that icy place, so we decided to try to go in. The entrance was frozen.
Flame-"There is no way to go through if not making a lot of noisy mess.."
Kyle-"After you.." Fine... I focused my energies on my right paw and hit the frozen entrance, destroying it completely and, as i expected, making a lot of noise.
Flame-"Scary-monsters-things here? We're coming..!" No life signs... It was a long and dark tunnel. The ground and walls were full of machine parts, chemicals probably of failed experiments... Claire covered her nose.
Claire-"Ew... this place stinks..!"
Flame-"Gotta get use to it. Looks like this tunnel won't take us anywhere for hours..." All on the walls of the tunnel, there were some lights that were still working, but others were death already, if not turning off. "We'd better move. I don't like to think that something could try to kill me while we're in the darkness..." Everyone nodded and then we began to move on. I couldn't know where we were going, but we had to find a way to get out from the swamp. Noone could resist to all that cold for long, so...actually there are positive sides...yeah...
It was really quiet... noone was talking... They were still angry with me, i couldn't do anything about that. I just had to carry Gana and Peter on my back and keep walking..
Claire-"So.." She was kicking the various parts of the machines that were on the ground while walking "..This is maybe a trap to take us from your big boss..?" I sigghed..It would be so easy without the stuff Buraki put in me once i joined the army..
Flame-"I don't even know where we are now...Would you mind to give me a second chance? If I really was with..." Ngh-- no.. can't say that."You would've been death if i was back to kill you all... don't you think..?"
Claire-"If you-- This mean it's a lot of time that you are a traitor??" Oh hell...
Flame-"I.. eh..I've been with Buraki's army for.. 6 years? I don't know and i don't care.. Now i'm here to help you all, isn't this enough?"
Gabe-"6 years? So you know.. like, everything about Buraki, do you?" hrmmm.... I just said nothing and kept walking, a bit faster.
Kyle-"Eh...Let's just keep going..." Claire stopped, and so did Gabe and Kyle as they saw her standing there doing nothing. I stopped as well and looked at her.
Flame-"What now?!"
Claire-"I have enough of you and your lies--or secrets! I'm not moving with someone that i don't trust the same way i don't trust you!"
Flame-"grr... So what you're going to do? Stay there doing nothing, becoming the meal of dunno-mutant-creatures or Buraki's new toy?" I turned back "Ah! Do what you want." Then i began to walk again.
Claire-"You won't go anywhere with them!" Damn, this is going to overstress me... Then i heard something, i turned and saw Claire with a kind of ruined sword.
Flame-"What is that suppose to mean? You're threatening me?"
Kyle-"Come on you two, stop it!"
Flame-"Tsk..." I turned again and began to walk "If we don't move, it will be easy to---" I suddently felt a great pain on my left back leg "AHH!" I fell on the ground and saw the sword that Claire was holding before, skewered on my leg... She throw it to me! NGH...
Flame-"A-Are you crazy?!" I took off the sword from the leg and throw it away.
Claire-"You're just like another of the enemies we're fighting. And so your fate will be the same." I tried to get up, I was loosing a lot of blood.
Flame-"I am..nothing like them!.." Also, i began to feel pain on my wings.. "Ngh!.." Again..?? I though it was gone! I could barely get up, there was pain almost everywhere on my body, and i couldn't even know why... "You... You'Ll PaY...FoR ThaT.." Everyone were a bit surprised for that and did some steps back.. All of a suddent we all heard something... as if a machine was moving in the walls. All the pain i felt on all my body and the wings was going away, but i got the feeling we were all in danger... C..Claire!..
Claire-"W-what's going on?" The ground started shaking.
Flame-"Ah...W-Watch out!!" I began to run towards them. I passed next Kyle and Gabe, with a strong move of the wings i made a wind wave that sent them away from there, i used that move to jump and land behind Claire to push her away. Then something incredibly strong and big came out the wall in front of me, destroying it and hitting me very hard. "AAHH!" I was down, sent next to Gabe and Claire.
Gabe-"Flame!" The big thing was a machine, that looked like made to move underground, places like this... Probably it was the same machine that digged and built this tunnel.
Claire-"Flame.. you.. uh!" I tried to get up. For some reason, i didn't felt all that pain that it was suppose to be... the arm of that machine was strong enough to kill dozens of peaple with only one move..!
Flame-"I'm.. Fine.." The machine was heading to us. "I saw the projects for this.. there is something on its back that gives the main energy to work.. But there won't be a chance here to move around.." Kyle got up, he was on the other side.
Kyle-"Stay away from them!!" He focused all the energies on his hands and made 2 fire sfears. Uh? When did he--- Ah! This mean i.. I lost my fire breath?? He shotted the two sfears to the machine, hitting its back. It fell on the ground, everything shaked and Kyle fell down too "woah!" This was the perfect time to hit it.. but i couldn't do that, if it explodes, we're all death..
Flame-"grr.. damn.." Claire jumped on my back, she was holding the sword i throwed away before. "Ah! What are you doing?!"
Claire-"You can't make it explode, right?... then let me hit the right spot with this!" uh.. She trust me?.. I nodded and jumped high above the machine."Now!" She jumped off me and throw the sword against the machine, hitting the main 'heart' of it. I flied and catched her before she fell and landed next to Kyle and Gabe. The machine was death.. well.. turned off, forever. I just let myself fall down and lay on my back.
Flame-"Meeehh.... Give me a break...!"
Claire-"How's the leg..?"
Flame-"Uh?..." True.. it didn't hurt as it did at first.. I looked at the leg and saw there was nothing "What the..?" Claire showed me the sword.
Claire-"There isn't only your blood in here..." She smiled a bit.
Flame-"Ahh, i didn't liked this joke at all.." but i smiled back... "So.. this mean you--"
Claire-"I actually tested you with that.. whatever was your reaction before, you saved me.. no, you saved all of us."
Gabe-"I don't know what was happening to you before that machine came, but it surely seemed weird... scary-" Is it true that nothing since the first steps of this journey against Buraki is changed on me?... Am i still.. cursed? I looked at my right wing, all its cristalls became red.. while the left one still has the normal blue color.. something was happening, but i still couldn't understand what... I just knew, it was something bad.

You still have to trust me - Day 1

During our walk in the never-ending swamp, something bad happened. We walked for hours and began to loose the hopes: we were, like, lost. After a while, we saw someone that seemed injured, well...not in the most healty person we met 'till then. Peter went to help him while all of us stayed hidden, ready to help him if that other person was another of Buraki's machine.
They talked for a while, ending up knowing him a bit more: Name, Gabe - Human, that also seemed worried about something. Once he heard the name of Peter, he got..well.. maybe scared about that and told him he was in danger.
After that, an explosion, and then the real danger came out: Sylar and Elliot. This last one knew Gana, also very well, or that's what i though once he said he was Gana's brother... I was kinda shocked about that.. But nothing that could distract me from what they came for, nothing good.
We had to fight them, and the battle took us hours.. they were nothing like the other members of Buraki's army.. and somehow i felt a weird energy from one of the two guys, it was very familiar.. almost..Pyron's energy.. it was just strange, since he wasn't there.
While i was fighting a creature they made appear, Gana got hit badly and fell on the ground.. Peter went next to her, he screamed and then an incredible wave of energy got the attention of everyone, we all stopped of fighting... Last thing i remember was a light beam, then...
I opened my eyes and i was shocked for what i saw... the whole swamp.. and over that... it became just a giant iced land. I got up, the bad guys were gone and i saw Gana and Peter on the ground. I ran to them, but I was feeling very weak in that moment... something like i could barely move, as if i used all my energies all at once.. It wasn't as the other times, in that moment i could feel it very good, and that was bad for me.
I reached Gana and Peter and fell on the ground.. Ngh.. this.. this is Gana..? Why i feel good?..ah... I tried to get up, it was really hard. Damn..curse... How am i suppose to protect them if I feel this way everytime my friends are in danger..?!
Claire-"Flame, Gana, Peter!" I was trying to get some energies back and i layed close to them. Claire, Gabe and Kyle came to us. "Are you allright?"
Flame-"I..I'm fine...ah... I can say the same for Peter.. But Gana, dieing." Was that true..? Or i'm just feeling this way because of the battle?... no.. it's something more.. i can feel Gana perfectly right now... maybe because i'm very close to her..
Gabe-"You seems pretty quiet for say something like that!" That's not my problem!... or.. uhh...this is not the first time someone say that. ngh..
Kyle-"W-We must do something!"
Claire-"Let me handle this..! Flame, i need your help."
Flame-"Uh?.. what..?" Claire grabbed my paw and passed one of the claws on her arm and cutted it a bit. I moved the paw back "W-what are you... doing..." I couldn't understand untill i saw it: she let the blood fall on Gana's wounds and slowly it stopped bleeding. "Cells regeneration..?" Claire nodded
Claire-"That's my power." I was feeling a bit better, but it wasn't enough.. just what i needed to get up and walk.
Kyle-"What should we do now?" Good question.. I looked around but there was only ice.. I still couldn't understand what was happened, but it was something really powerfull.. i didn't expect that a human could do something like that.. all by himself. I looked at Peter..
Flame-"This guy.. Is chained with Gana.."
Kyle-"Well.. with 'chained' it sounds a bit bad, don't you think?"
Flame-"Not that we had choice..." I looked at Kyle "Gana is loosing her powers because of this story of the Enchanted souls...You remember that, do you?.. One gains strenght,while the other one is loosing it." Claire and Kyle said nothing... ".... In this case, the ones who loose the powers are Gana and I... Don't know if Gana knew about all this, but I'm sure i couldn't choose if accept this, and let a human to take my powers all of a suddent."
Claire-"Flame.." I know it wasn't that... But right now, nothing about the Enchanted souls took us in something good.
Kyle-"Ah! Is that what you think? That you're FORCED to work with us?"
Flame-"ACTUALLY, I never said that." We looked eachother a bit badly.. "I don't know how you see that, but i know that untill i'll see something good, I'll keep seeing this just as another curse."
Claire-"Calm down, for now we just have to wait that Gana and Peter wake up. We can talk about that later. Flame, Kyle. You two are, like,--"
Kyle-"Parthners..." I looked around, trying to avoid Kyle for a while and take a breath..
Flame-"Fine." I began to walk.
Claire-"Hey! Where are you going?"
Flame-"If we have to wait for those sleeping-beauties, we'll have at least to find something to survive in this freezer." I walked away from them and stopped when i could feel some peace after all the things that have happened to us. I could also think more to what Ealyin told us... It was true, we were loosing powers while others get it... but she also said <>.. Sacrifice... let go the great power to give it to the half of the Enchanted soul... and then get a new power... I tried to use my white fire, just a little flame to see if i lost one of my elements, but it was still working.. Weird... the effect of this curse still doesn't have effect on me and Kyle?....ah! How am i suppose to be into all this, if i'm one of the enemies?! I pounched the ground and destroyed it a bit.. Ngh.. I.. should learn to controll this...ah.. I'm still the same... this mean that i still can do things by myself right now... I sighed and saw my reflect on the iced water. Still the same... I closed my eyes for some seconds, then i looked at the sky. Still the enemy...
"FLAME!" uh! That was Claire... ah! I ran back to the others and jumped ahead and i got hit by a kind of light energy, but it didn't hurt me.
Flame-"Who-- ah, Luce...?" What the hell she's doing here?
Claire-"You.. you know her?"
Flame-"We...met long time ago..."
Luce-"You're nice at hiding the truth, that's why he keep using you eh?" everyone looked me.
Kyle-"What is she talking about?!"
Flame-"What are you doing here?" She was staring at something behind me, i looked back and saw Gana that was still on the ground. I did some steps back. "You won't touch her." Also Kyle and the others came next to me.
Luce-"You're protecting her?" She began to walk and came close to me, everyone walked back. "(Keep on help the Resistance...and you'll be one in Buraki's death list.)"
Flame-"...(Keep on annoying me... I promise you that you won't see me help them anymore...)"
Luce-"Ha!" she turned and walked away "Your threathing won't scare me... uh, Number 2, isn't?"
Flame-"Yeah, Number 2. Too hard for you to remember an experiment's name?"
Claire-"Experiment?.." Won't change nothing, Luce just told everyone my situation... I don't see why i should keep secrets anymore..
Luce-"You'll just give me that dragoness." She turned again and began to make a kind of light energy sfear around her body "Else, you will die."
Kyle-"Ah! Y-yes?"
Flame-"It's time to show to this lady what Enchanted Souls can do." He said nothing and i looked at him "Parthners?" He was watching me and then smiled
Kyle-"Let's finish this!" He jumped on my back. As he touched me, i felt weird for a second.. Again this feeling..?
Luce-"Ah! What are you doing?!"
Flame-"I said you won't touch Gana..."
Kyle-"... so stay away from her!" Luce seemed... scared.. or just surprised of what i was doing. Actually all the stuff i did and kept doing for Buraki's army was going to become a waste of time least 5 years, if not more... I didn't care, i was ready to kill her if this would've protected my real friends.
Luce-"....Oh...oh! haha! Now i got it." What.. of what is she talking about?.. "...Fine, keep doing what you was trying to do. I won't stop you."
Luce-"Soooo nice... ready to destroy hopes of everyone, just with your lies. I really can't wait to see the day when you'll have to tell everyone---"
Flame-"SHUT UP!" I began to charge energy with the mouth making a white sfear, my whole body was shining a bit.
Kyle-"W-woah! What's happening?!"
Luce-"Ah! That power...!"
Kyle-"aaah!" As i shotted the white sfear, a wave of energy sent me and Kyle some metres back and we crashed on the ground. Luce jumped away and dodged it. The sfear hit a wall and completely destroyed it and a big part of the ground with a kind of white magical explosion.
Flame-"Aw... t-that hurts...!"
Kyle-"Damn! You can't even keep your attacks!"
Flame-"Ngh, shut up, I... I don't even know how i did it!"
Luce-"Grr... I hope that you know what you're doing!" She flew away. Kyle got up and Claire and Gabe came next to us.
Claire-"Are you ok?"
Kyle-"Yeah..i just felt, like, all my energies fade away when Flame used that power." that's how is happened...
Flame-"Yeah, I'm fine too."
Gabe-"You're... one of Buraki's machines..?" uh..
Flame-"I'm not a machine."
Claire-"Still, with Buraki's army." I said nothing... "How long you wanted to hide this?"
Flame-"So, you don't want me anymore?" I get up "Not that i'm expecting you to understand, afterall."
Kyle-" you." I was surprised and i looked at him.
Claire-"How can you?"
Kyle-"I... don't know how to explain... I just felt it when i jumped on his back..." w-what?! "And after all he did.. I won't belive that he will fight against us when we will face the enemy!"
Kyle-"I won't let him go. If you don't want him here, then i'll go too." Claire and Gabe looked at eachothers..
Gabe-"I think I can give you a chance. Afterall we doesn't know very well, eh?"
Claire-"...fine." I took a breath. This is gonna be a long day... ngh.. I went next to Gana and Peter, i still felt pretty bad and weak.. Gana...I put both her and Peter on my back. "Allright, let's try to find a way out from here..." I looked at the sky...
Flame-"Pyron... where are you?..."