
Blinded by Light

venerdì 31 luglio 2009

Part 2 - Losing the Hope

I don't know how much time they have used to do this.. experiments.. I just know.. i'll never fly again.. I'll don't feel me the same of before..I.. I don't feel me the same yet...what they have done at me..? That is my only question now...
???1-"Good[good..].. number 2 is waking up..! 2 days to wake up yourself [yourself...]..uh?[uh?..]"
Number...2?.. what's happening here?.. why now they call me "number 2"?...
???2-"Really?![really?!...] That's great![great!...]"
???1-"So[so..].. the original Dark Purple one is the only that can controll these crystals[crystals..]..
Again whit the crystals?.. why they are so special?.. and.. the original Dark Purple one..? I don't understand nothing..!
Just in..."one day".. are happened too much things...
Flame-"w[w...]...why you've called me[me..]... number 2[2..]...?"
???1-"ooh![ooh...] the Dark Purple dragon can talk uh?[uh?..]..."
I just wanted an answer.. I would not have said anything if that had not been necessary.. then I remained in silence to wait for an answer..
???2-"uh[uh..] you are just the 2^ has survived to this experiment[experiment..].. and isn't died yet[yet..]... and if you wanna know what happened to number 1[number 1..]..
???1-"After him lost the control of his powers[powers..].. we don't have seen him for a long time[time..].."
So.. I.. I could lost the controll of my body?... I.. I'll can kill the dragons too..? I could destroy all?... Why they have done this if they knew what could happened?!... ugh..! my.. my head..
???4-"Damn..! number 17 going to be falied!.. run to the room A-5! Fast!"
???2-"What?[what?..].. he is the last Yellow one we have![have..]..Number 2: don't move![move..]..."
Why?! You really think I can move me?! I am lying here on ground from two days, you remember? ... bah.. my head..that's.. hurt... ugh..
I've wait.. wait for 1..2...and 3 hours.. what they doing?.. and why is important this purple dragon for them?..They know somethink.. and I most know too!.. However.. i'm here now!.. Just.. Just wake up, Flame..!..
I'm starting to seen all.. dark.. no, not again..!
This time I was feel.. different.. I was feeling more power.. more energy in my body... but.. I can't controll me..
My eyes are open, I was shining.. my eyes.. my wings.. i can't controll nothing.. Am I.. Am I losing the controll?.. I'm going to.. destroy everythink?!... I.. I won't!...
???1-"Hey![hey..!] what's happening there?![there?!...]"
???2-"No!![No!...] Number 2 losing his control![control!...]"
???1-"What we most do?[do..] He can escape now![now!..]..
Flame-"Yeah...! I can..!"
What happening? Someone have take my body?!.. What is this light?.. The.. The crystals?!..
Flame-"Stop to think... number 2..! now you are mine..!"
My body has started to run.. destroing the wall of the room where i was.. Nothing stop him!... But.. But I.. I can...!
Flame-"Haha! Stupid humans!.. you'll never learn!.."
Humans?.. so they are humans?.. I was never seen them before..
Hey! don't distract me! I most take the control!.. I need to know more about them!.. I need to know a lot of things!! Stop!...
Human1-"Damn! Allarm! Number 2 is escaping! stop him!"
Human2-"Close all doors! Call the other!"
Too late for them.. I'm out from there yet.. i've.. i've destroyed all the walls front me..!..
Flame-"So.. that's the big power of the crystals uh..? or that's just your powers?"
.... I just want my body's control...
Flame-"They control you now.."
How they can control me?.. and how you think to escape running?.. you can't fly.. remember..?
My body stops alone...
Flame-"I.. I can move me?... what happened before?.."
yeah.. I've the control of my body.. I'll never understand what the humans have done at me.. but i can't use my power now.. i could lost my control again...
I.. I most find a quiet place to rest.. maybe in a forest..I need to rest for a moment..
Walk too much it's really tiring..and here there aren't forests!... where am I?.. Where the humans take me?.. I just want back home..
I have walked for an hour and..finally i've find a quiet place .. where I could drink too... and.. Looking at my reflex in water .. I have seen my change .. My eyes.. they aren't yellow like the last time i've seen myself.. now i've one red eye and one purple eye...! my wings had dozens of blue crystals...what they have done..? I can't sleep.. i think i'm not so far away from the lab.. and they could find me..
I.. I most find other dragons.. i most know what happened here..
I feel me.. so alone here... and my head still hurts... I just want someone.. someone can stay with me now.. it's so boring and dark.. and i can only walk to go far away from the humans..
Now.. only the moon can illuminate my road... in this dark forest..

Warning, Do Not Copy

●All the stories can not be copied or used
without our permission©.
●The Characters can not be copied or used
without our permission©.

Part 1 - One of them

Everything had beginning 2 years before the birth of the Purple Dragon..
The guardians feared the dark forces could attack us.. but all seemed quiet.. all seemed over..
All we.. we have lowered too soon the watch...
I was back home, I would never have thought that it would have happened.. The dark forces never attack us because.. they was learning to use all secrets of the dark power.
The guardians... I was with them.. I have thought that I would have been to the sure with them.. and it was but...
One day.. The dark armies arrived..attacking the old temple..
There wasn't escape.. we weren't quite.. and he .. he knew..
Guardian-"We... we can't stop them! can't die here..!"
Flame-"what are you--...?" I have not been able to finish talking.. i've seen an orange light... I could not move..a white crystal began to cover me.. -"".. and then.. i don't remember nothing else...
From that moment I do not remember anything from there onwards..! What was... happened..?
I begin... to hear voices...
???1-"Hey[hey...]... I've found somethink[somethink...].."
???2-"What is this[this...]?"
???1-"I think...I think it's a Dragon![dragon...].."
???2-"Why IT's here?[here...] Why inside a white crystal?[crystal...].... free him and take IT in the lab[lab...]."
.."It"?... I'm.. an item?
...... They broke the crystal.. i.. i don't know what are they...and..what is a lab?...why they want me?.. what i've done?..
They take me from the lab.. it's.. everythink is so different here... i can't move me.. i can't do nothing.. i can't talk too...
???1-"Hey[hey...], we have found another dragon..![dragon...]"
???2-"Yeah... hehe[hehe...] it's hard to find a dragon easily like this[this...]! Blocked in a crystal[crystal...]!"
???3-"Just lucky[lucky...].. are you sure he'll don't try to escape[escape...]?"
Why i.. why i most escape...? what they wanna do?...
???1-"Don't worry[worry...].. he is stunned, he can't do nothing..![nothing...]"
???2-"Yeah..[yeah...] and however..if it will try to escape..[escape..] hehe...[hehe..]"
???2-"We'll cut his wing...[wing..]"
What? wing?... i..i most get out from here..! they are.. crazy..
I try to move me but..that isn't good..
???1-"Hey![hey!...] he trying to move![move!...] haha[haha...]"
What's so funny?.. Just wait i'll can move me and... you will in danger..thing!...
???2-"We take him in his room..[room...] then we can begin..[begin..]"
I.. I can't let them..
And now... all dark again.. no voices.. What..they..want...? I can't see anythink.. i can't... understand.. why they want the dragons?.. I.. I most..I most escape..?
I see! A..A light.. too much light here... it''s all white.. where they take me?
???1-"Eh![eh!...] now you can't escape![escape...]"
???2-"Let's start this experiment[experiment...]... so.. dragon[dragon..]: what you have for us?[for us....] "
???3-"it has already given us one wing of his[his..].. in change he will want to know the effects these blue cristals will give at it[him..].. hehe![hehe!..]"
Again whit "It".. why they---...What? wing?! ugh!...I... That's impossible!... why they've broke my... ugh...! I.. I most escape.! I'll don't let them.. touch me again...! come on.. Flame.. open your eyes!..Run!...
???1-"What the..? stop it[it...]!"
Shut up echo!.. I'm waking up!...I'm.. I'm not still stunned!... I.. I CAN MOVE ME!
???2-"Damn! It's waking up! stop IT!"
No way!... I've somethink to do at you Thing1, isn't? ugh..! but.. not now..! I most go away from here..! Ah! my.. my wing... Just.. Just run!...
???3-"Stop! don't let it go!"
Now..I'll destroy somethink..! I will go straight without stopping me! Broking all walls!!
How much big is this place?! My back start to be hurt!... and my wing too...! And what is this sound? so terrible.. and why this thing are scared by me?.. I'm dangerous? damn, I hate this---- "SBAM"
???1-"Hehe! I'm sorry little big dragon!.. but you can't destroy iron walls... not yet.."
AUCH!... that's hurt..! What he wan't from me?! And.. what he mean whit.."not yet"?..
???2-"It's.. calm now?"
I think i was calm in that moment...thought about my past life..about them.. the guardians.. how i could was here..
I've started to think... where are the other dragons?..I would never talk to this things...I will never trust of them..
???3-".... take him in his room..and finish this experiment.."
And then.. i was done nothing... just close my eyes.. and let them do all... i don't know why... maybe.. maybe i was hoping...someone come to take me away.. someone could tell me what was happened...
???1-"... get to work[work...]."

and then.. all dark...

~You Have To Know....~

All the stories can not be copied or used
without our permission©.
The Characters can not be copied or used
without our permission©.

Do not copy Flame or Flame's Story

© Original Flame's Story

giovedì 30 luglio 2009

Talking about.. stuff x°3

EDIT: I'll add somethink more later

Hello everyone. I'm here from YouTube because i've joined in a great Fan story there.

In this Blog I'll write all the story of my character, but in this post i'll write something else..
This is a Fan Made by LinaFann093 (Gana)© and DarchiLive093 (Nera)© (on YouTube)
So talk to them to know more x°3
(Here LinaFann093's Blogspot)

~You Have To Know....~
All the stories can not be copied or used
without our permission
The Characters can not be copied or used
without our permission

Ok, now somethink about my Character of my story.

Name: Flame
Species: Light Dragon
Nature: He is always quiet, stubborn and he not sustain the alchol x°3 Sometimes he is rebel and do what he want without permission.
At the beginning of the story he will be serious but just because he is confused >.< He could do everything to protect his friends, though he have to leave them. (for now i don't know what write more)
Physical appearance
Just say he is not Fat (not like Lagon muhauahua kidding lol)
Seriously... don't ask me how much he is tall or thin, I DON'T KNOW xD
I think he is like Spyro (talking of
height and weight) because he have just 2 years more of Spyro.
-Scales color: Dark Purple
-Horns: 6 horns in the head, 2 big and 2 not too much big, 2 small. White, with a... .__. i'll draw them xD
He have the eyes of 2 different colors: The Left eye is Light-Purple, The Right eye is Red.
I'll write more later, when i'll know how to do >.> xD

Normal Abilities: He have a great strength and agility.
Dark Fury and Light Fury: when he lost the controll of his body, the eyes begin to shine:
-RIGHT EYE abilities: when this eye begin to shine: Dark Fury, he could hurt everyone with an incredible power(including friends)
-LEFT EYE abilities:
when this eye begin to shine: Light Fury, he protect all friends with powerful blue barrier and he can use great light power

Experiment Abilities: The Blue Crystals are part of the experiment done in his body, but for now noone know the power of these crystals.
Elements: Light, Darkness and other unknown...

Friends: (click the links to go from the original maker here in Blogspot)
Dragons: Gana, Nera, Lagon, Pyron, Spirit, Nikki, Max, Dragoune, Saneira, Jewel
well, just say all without Buraki's forces and who try to kill his friends..

He don't remember nothing about his past life,
so he don't know nothing about his family etc..

Do not copy Flame or Flame's Story

© Original Flame's Story