
Blinded by Light

venerdì 1 gennaio 2010

Part 21 - Next Stop: Draco Island

I keep thinking I know everything of this world.. all his legends, secrets...but I still don't know how. Something tells me that in my past.. i was involved in some kind of...organizations... and i think this involve the Light Guardians too. These crystalls could be connected at my past, but... Buraki.. how he found them?.. and I still don't know where is the "thing" inside my body that allow Buraki to know where am I... I think I have to ask him everything when i'll get the chance..For now, I have to think to protect the islands.
We finally arrived at the elve's island and everyone but Griz and the Vixers went to search for Melos. I were looking around, it could be pretty hard to go alone in a place like this.. We spotted an elf.
Lemir-"Mistress Ruby, your safe and sound, and you brought friends. Please follow me."
We followed the elf to the heart of the island where there were more elves and a Dragon with no wings, but he was flying.
Pyron-"How is he flying and have no wings?"
Ruby-"Melos is from the Eastern part of our world. He's an Eastern Earth Dragon." Eastern Dragon...
Pyron-"Eastern Dragon?"
Gana-"Yeah. There are several types of dragons. Westerns like us, Easterns like Melos who are spoken of in Chinese legends............" Yeah.. now i remember.. Wiverns, Lizardos... there are many different dragons. I think is the first time that I see and Eastern Dragon.. And I'm sure i didn't expect to find one here.
Melos-"It does my heart good to know your safe old friend."
Ruby-"Likewise Melos. Have you heard from Thundrax and Nessie?"
Melos-"Yes. Their preparing to evacuate their islands too. It's no longer safe for any of us. My friends, the elves, are leaving too." then they already know what is gonna happen.
Gana-"So your saying we can't defend the islands?"
Melos-"No...not after what Robby did to the fairies' home."
Nera-"Robby..." all of suddent i got a bad feeling... then i began to look all around us. I don't like this feeling.. every time that is going to happen something I felt like this...
Lagon-"So now what? Buraki wants to get to Spyro and Cynder so he can make them evil. We have to stop him." Here it is.. someone is com---
Robby-"You should worry more about yourself Lagon." We look up and saw Robby... Oh cra----
Lagon-"Robby?! He's as big as me!"
Robby-"Yes. Now I'll destroy this island with you along with it Lagon. Muhahahaha!!!"
Nera-"Stop it Robby! Can't you see what your about to do?"
Robby-"Yes...destroy this island and take Lagon along with it."
Melos-"Earth Shot! " Robby got hit "All of you, go!"
Nikki-"Wait Melos, you have to come too."
Melos-"No lass. I'm afraid I can't." he throws crystal shard to Ruby "I have to defend this island. It's my duty as a grand elder dragon. Ruby, my longtime friend, this is where we part ways. Take care of yourself."
Ruby-"I will....old friend...lets go everyone!" No... we.. we can't leave!
Pyron-"But we can't leave Melos behind."
Ruby-"We have no choice. Come on!"
I stayed to look for some seconds, all the others were running away...
Flame-"So.. that's your plan, eh Buraki...?" I followed the others and we sailed as fast as we can. Robby engulfed it in a giant ball of shadow and destroyed it...and i felt so much pain in that moment.. i could barely move, i felt so weak. Everytime something like this happen.. it's ever just like I am there, hitted by that giant dark ball...
Gana-"Oh no. Was Melos...killed?"
Ruby-"He did what he thought was right. We can't let his sacrafice be in vain." Everyone were sad. I knew: one day I'll get my revenge for what Buraki has done.. and is still doing.
Spirit-"Guys, I see Melos's spirit. He's saying not to give up and continue on." uh? Melos's spir----- oh.. yeah..Spirit can see him..
Nikki-"I didn't know what I just got myself into, but I'm willing to help you guys out even more."
Flame-"Yeah. We can still do this. We have to get to Draco Island." everyone agreed..
for the whole night i felt pain, i had never-ending-headackes.. just, i couldn't sleep. It's horrible... feel the death every time someone die.. loose all my energy and feel pain, headackes all in one time for more than an hour. I wonder if I can resist more.
3 hours... 3 hours doing nothing... looking around, just hoping to feel better.
[Give me the crystalls, Elios. I don't want kill you.] great.. again this stuff...
Voice-"Pace, amico!... We don't have to fight just for these useless stones."
Voice2-"Oh, if you don't want to fight, is better for you if you give them to me."
Voice-"Well, no objections. Just.. i have to find a way to give them to you, mr. I-know-everything."
Voice2-"hehehe.......the only way.... (looks at the wings).. how about you give me your wings?.."
Voice-"You're just a fool .... if you really think i want give you this power... You. Can't. Use it!"
Voice2-"grrrrr!.... WE WILL SEE THAT!"
And suddently, again a great pain.
Flame-"Ngh!!..." damn!! visions hurts me?!... I were loosing some blood from my mouth.. Ugh..that's really... hurt... and suddently i lost my senses...But is surely the best thing is happened to me that day... finally I weren't feeling that pain anymore.
When i woke up we stop by a strange and unnamed island.. where we found the other 2 grand elders Thundrax, a Wyvern and Nessie, a Plesiosaur...they give us 2 small crystalls and parted ways. It was easy to know what could happen to their islands after what's happened to Melos and the other islands.
Some minutes passed and i was going around the ship, i didn't know what to do.. then i lay on the ground of the deck.
Flame-"(laying down)*siiiiiiiiiigh.....*... I almost want to go to tease Buraki for a while...I had some fun the last time..." I almost smiled but i though at what happened next.... "Luce....I don't care of that dream... i trust you..."
Gana-"Okay Nikki, I've been cool with youri infatuation towards Pyron, but he's my mate, not yours." Uh? what's happening now?.. i get up and i've seen Gana, Nikky and Pyron... Gana looks pretty irritated..
Nikki-"Oh, I'm just having some fun. Lighten up Gana. Say I know. Why don't you and I fight for Pyron. The winner gets to have his claw in marriage."
Pyron-"What?! I'm no game piece you can just-"
Gana-"Okay, I'm in."
Pyron-"Gana?!" oww...
Lagon-"What's going on?"
Saka-"Looks like Nikki and Gana are gonna fight."
Griz-"And I bet Pyron's the prize."
Flame-"So we're gonna find out which one will be Pyron's official mate? Neat." ...... *cough cough* Pyron is a prize! Pyron is a prize! hehehe.
Pyron-"I'm not cool with this."
Nikki-"Well, you first." Uhm.. Pyron has been ignored..
Gana-"Good. Taste my Heating power."
Spirit-"Look at the electricity building in Gana." Gana and Nikki began to fight for... almost more than an hour.. i lay down again during the battle.... Is anyone actually going to stop them?.. it seems everyone are enjoing this battle as a show...
Spirit-"You think Gana will try that blue lightning move?"
Nera-"No. The ship's not large enough." E-Ehm.... maybe I---- Gana fires another fire ball and Nikki does the same. They were both hit.
Lagon-"Whoa, their both still standing." They were exhausted and they collapsed... no they don't.. Uh, i should go to se---
Pyron-"Gana! Nikki." Pyron ran to both and heal them up. ok nevermind...
Gana-"Guess it's a tie huh?"
Nikki-"Yeah...for now."
Pyron-"No. No more you two. We got a mission to complete." They got up.
Ruby-"Pyron's right. We have to get to Draco Island fast. Gana. Pyron. You two fly on ahead to Draco Island."
Gana and Pyron-"Huh?" She gave to Gana and Pyron all 4 crystals.
Gana-"Why are you giving these to us Ruby?"
Pyron-"And why only the two of us. We're stronger together as a team."
Ruby-"True. YOU two work better as a team."
Ruby-"You two have the highest amount of magic within you both. Gana, you and Pyron are more important than you realize."
Pyron-"What? How so?"
Ruby-"Sorry Pyron. Your not ready to know why."
Spirit-"Pyron, what Ruby says. We'll catch up."
Nikki-"We'll be ok. You go on ahead."
Pyron-"....Okay." Gana and Pyron took fligh and headed for Draco Island with the 4 crystals with them...
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