
Blinded by Light

domenica 3 gennaio 2010

Part 22 - Two souls

A few hours passed since Pyron and Gana went to Draco Island.. Ruby was worried, looking at the sea.. Spirit came next to Ruby.. they were talking about something.. then me, Lagon, Nera and Nikki came closer to them.
Ruby-"I can't tell you."
Lagon-"Tell us what?"
Ruby-"Lagon, Flame, Nikki, Nera."
Flame-"Well, tell us Ruby."
Ruby-"I...can't..." This should be really important... but i don't understand why we aren't suppose to know..
Spirit-"We must know now Ruby."
Nera-"Stop it guys. Ruby you don't have to say anything."
Ruby-"Nera, you can predict the future so you know why I can't tell them, but...I'll tell them. Just don't tell Pyron. Gana will tell him when she's ready."
Spirit-"Gana knows?"
Ruby-"Yes. A few years from now, Gana and Pyron will become the leaders of a resistance group to fight Buraki. And...their daughter will be the one to ultimately kill Buraki."
Lagon-"No wonder you didn't want to tell Pyron. He'll be shocked."
Ruby-"That's all I'll say for now. We have to get to Draco Island fast." So is this... Pyron and Gana's daughter will stop Buraki once for all. How unfair...I wanted to take care about him by myself... but looks like Gana and Pyron's daughter will put an end to all this ... And now we have to get to Draco Island.. i hope Gana and Pyron are allright---
Flame-"NGH!...*cough*" w-what's all this pain?!... Ugh!.. is this... Pyron's energy?.. i felt better in some minutes.. but it surely wasn't good that i felt that pain..
A couple of hours have passed and we were heading for Draco Island.
Lagon-"Griz, can't this tub go any faster?"
Griz-"No Lagon. This is as fast as she'll go." wow.. i don't want to know what's the slowest...
Spirit-"Do you think we'll make it in time Lagon?"
Lagon-"We have to Spirit." Something big comes out of the water... and it surely wasn't a friend.... damn, is that thing Tyfus?...
Saka-"Whoa! What is that beast?"
Lagon-"Oh no. It's Tyfus." He dives down.
Flame-"That means he's on his way to Draco Island. We'll never reach it."
Ruby-"Lagon, you take Nera, Spirit, Nikki, and Flame with you." What?
Flame-"(Showing to Ruby my broken wing) But Ruby, I can't fly with these crystals in my wing."
Ruby-"Hmm...Okay, the rest of you go. I'll see what I can do for Flame."
Lagon-"Alright. Let's go people." They took flight...
Ruby-"Ok.. let me see.." she came closer looking my wings.. "Hm.. they are so familiar.."
Flame-"Uh? You already seen these crystalls?" Ruby says nothing ".... Ruby..I.."
Ruby-"I know, Flame..." W-what? "...What's that reaction?"
Ruby-"Hm.. i have to think that you.. have some secrets?.."
Flame-"I...I have nothing to tell you." I turned to look at Draco Island..
Ruby-"I will find something to do for these crystalls...and don't worry for your friends."
Flame-"....Ruby.." she looked at me "Have you ever..done something you knew it was wrong.. to save someone..?" Ruby said nothing.. and for some seconds of silence she answered.
Ruby-"You did?.." I said nothing "don't worry... Everyone follow what our heart tells to us..when we know it's a good thing."
Flame-"....and what if someone do something.. knowing is not a good thing?.." I think Ruby begins to suspect something... but i don't care.
Ruby-"You have your friends, Flame. They will ever help you... whatever is the problem." Hm... my friends...i think is so complicated..if she could know what is my situation, i think she wouldn't tell me thi----... Uh..maybe she just wouldn't tell me nothing..
Flame-".... I'm sorry." Ruby was confused.. i don't know either why i told that to her..but i felt like i had to.
Ruby-"Sorry? for what?.. I'm glad to know that you can talk. hehe" she smiled. ha-ha. funny..... "So.. may I know why you asked me that?"
Flame-"I'm sorry, but i can't tell you why.. *sigh..*" suddently we heard an explosion and saw all the group coming back.. with Cynder and Spyro... and.. Kyle??
As we ride the boat back to Diamond Port they explained what had happened.
Ruby-"I see. You destroyed the darkness within Kyle and spared his life." Humph.. so now Kyle is a friend.. well, not bad. They did a lot of things alone uh.. I looked at Spyro and Cynder... and then they are the legendary dragons... I've seen them already.. but where??..
Pyron-"Yeah. Maybe we can do the same with Robby, Nera."
Kyle-"That won't be possible. His spirit's been outside his body far too long. It's just a shell fill with dark energy now."
Kyle-"Nera, don't feel down. Robby wants you to go on. Besides, you have a new guy in your life and he treats you well."
Nera-"Yeah...just like Robby. Lagon is amazing." Uh?? what's this story? i didn't know Hm..
Kyle-"And Pyron, you got Gana."
Pyron-"Yeah. And speaking of which...Ruby, what's the deal with you not telling me the whole truth? You know something, don't you?" There was silence.... oh God. "Oh, I get it. You told everyone but not me. I want to know now."
Gana-"Pyron, i-it's not that important. Let's go get something to eat." I'm not hung-- oh..
Pyron-"Sorry Gana. Tell me what I need to hear Ruby, not what I want to hear."
Ruby-"I can't. Gana, can you?"
Gana-"...Okay. Pyron, the reason why you and I are important is-" Suddenly the wind picked up.... G-Gana...*sigh*
Silver-"Wow, A sudden gale we got here."
Ruby-"Oh no, and he's causing it." We looked up and saw a snake that looked like a wyvern: Buraki.. oh.. ehm.. then it wasn't Gana... *cough cough
Spyro-"Who is that?"
Cynder-"Who's Buraki?"
Gana-"He's an evil snake who's doing deadly experiments on dragons and other creatures."
Pyron-"All so he can become the ultimate dragon." ... won't be easy stop him.. so what he want now?
Spyro-"That's terrible."
Buraki-"Hehehe. Looks like I found you. And you woke up Spyro and Cynder."
Lagon-"We won't let you take them."
Buraki-"Lagon...clueless as ever. I'm not here for them. I'm here for...Gana and Pyron!" Gana and Pyron?..
Pyron-"Us?!" He fires some kind of beam at us.
All-"Aaaaaaaa!" The ship was hit and destroyed. We were all tossed overboard and landed in the water. We were okay.
Ruby-"Is everyone okay?" ngh... my seasick is back right now.. ugh
Nikki-"Yeah. Where's Pyron and Gana?" uh?
Saka-"Oh no. Look!" Buraki had Pyron and Gana with him. What he wanna do with them??
Lagon-"No! Buraki got them."
Spirit-"Gana! Pyron!" Gana and Pyron were both knocked out. damn! what can we do?
Nera-"We can't pursue them."
Ruby-"No. This can't be..." We didn't know what to do. We just tryed to get back to Draco Island and we stayed there til our wings were dry. We were trying to get a plan... Pyron and Gana should be allright.. but I don't know what we can do.
Lagon-"That's enough. I'm heading for Buraki's facilities!"
Ruby-"No.. it will just a suicide.. We should head for Warfang. There we will met Terrance, the Dragon Elder... we will make a plan and do what we have to do."
Lagon-"But.. We can't wait for too long.."
Flame-"Lagon.. We are all worried about what's happening. But we can't go and attack Buraki's facility with random attacks.." Lagon said nothing.. "*sigh* You guys go ahead.. i'll catch you later"
Nera-"Where are you going?" I have to understand why the secrets and legends of this islands were so familiar...
Ruby-"....ok... we will meet in Warfang. Be careful."
Then they head for Warfang, and i went to Draco Peak... I think is here where Pyron and Gana found Spyro and Cynder.. for all the time i had headacke.. This place is so familiar.. just like everything close to Draco Island. I really came this far in my past? why?
???-"So, you're back." i turned and i've seen an old dragoness..
Flame-"Who are you?...ngh!" suddently i felt a strongest headacke... "Good to see you again.. Terra." uh?? I..I can't controll my body anymore!...
Terra-"Looks like your spirit can controll this dragon.." your..spirit?..
Flame?-"Yeah.. and it's really good..But this place reminds me a lot of bad things.. Humpf.."
Terra-"So, young dragon.. why you came here?" talking to me?..
Flame-"I.." I can talk... "I don't know... Everything around here looked so familiar to me.. i wanted to understand something.."
Flame?-"Hm.." suddently some kind of white fire covered half of my body.. that was the spirit? the fire moved out from me and takes the shape of a dragon...
???-"Everything here is familiar to you?... how this can be?.." uh? why this shouldn't be right?..
Terra-"His memories.. when he lost his memories your crystalls makes him loose the controll of his mind?... and of his powers?.."
???-"Really strange... why you've used the crystalls?.. ah, how can you know.. I really hope there was a good reason to use them even if you knew about the price to pay for use the full power..."
Flame-"What? of what are you talking about?"
???-"You lost your memories to hide something. Something really important... and to hide this thing, you have used the Crystalls... loosing your memories."
Flame-"That's just crazy.. i'm not so stup.... uh"
Terra-"What?" that's not stupid....i looked at the white fire spirit..
Flame-"You... who are you?... why I have your spirit inside me?.." he said nothing... "i have to know... afterall, my and your memories are mixed."
???-"....... I am.... your.. uhm.. I am your.. dark form." what? is the most shining dark form i ever seen...
Flame-"I haven't dark powers. Is better if you tell me the truth.."
???-"*sigh..* I am.. the spirit of your crystalls... the last one who used these crystalls... yes..." then... i knew him?
Flame-"ok... It's better if i go.. I don't want to stay here and loose my friends going to Warfang...and i think i'm just loosing time here...." then i left, the spirit came inside me again...
Flame-"......... so..... you are not who speaks too much....." silence...... strange.. what's happened in that place? why the spirit don't speaks anymore?..
I've found Lagon, he was waiting for me... but why?.. o-oh! i can't fly.. and he is the only one who can carry me.. hehe.
Flame-"Hello there. Ready to carry the young one on your poor and old back? hehe"
Lagon-"yeah, very funny..."
Flame-"Oh, come on (i jumped on his back) gallop!! woooh!"
Lagon-"*siiigh..* ok let's go! the others are waiting for us." then we... He flyed heading for Warfang carrying me.
Ruby will explain what we're gonna do to save Pyron and Gana.
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