
Blinded by Light

lunedì 15 marzo 2010

Part 23 - Get Ready

Flame-"UuuUhmmm (>.<) you're so uncomfortable. I guess a stone table was more comfy."
Lagon-"Why you don't just shut up? And stop moving up there, you may fall."
Flame-"That's what you're hoping, admit it!" I began to pounch Lagon's back as it was a pillow that i wanted to make it more comfortable.
Lagon-"Gah! Stop it! You little moron..."
Flame-"Save your breath old-man, i'm not planning to die because you will crash on the ground for an heart attack."
Lagon-"......What?! oh, that's enought (ò.ò)" He landed on an island... and i fell on the ground like an idiot.
Flame-"Oow... next time why don't you crash and kill me directly?"
Lagon-"I wanna do something... i'll leave you here." What? what's that mean? He try to kill me and now just because i'm still alive he wants to finish me?
Flame-"H-Hey, I was just kidding you know!" He began to fly away "Ooh come on! Don't be childlish.." he stopped and looked me "well.. yeah.. it's not easy be childlish when you reach a certaint age but.." He flew away "W-WAH! NO! I Was Kidding!! oh damn... next time i should just shut up." I looked around, i was calm because i knew he would come back... well, that's what i was hoping. The island seemed a desert... just sand, sand and sand... some trees here and there, no non-sea water..
Flame-"Ngh...I'm gonna die." I could still see Lagon that was going away.. "damn bast---" he is big enough to carry 3 dragons biggest than me... but my back still hurts, i'd prefer sleep on a stone table, rather than stay again on his back!.. now to see if there is something i can do around here.. perhaps I'll find some food and water too.. God, I'm not a wild dragon... i hate stay in the 'nature'.. if a desert can be called in that way... Oh well, who cares about a poor lost dragon that can't fly? (<.<") Let's see if i can find something interesting.. I walked for some minutes and i've found some plants. The desert finished there.. ofc there are forests close to a desert, is allways like this...! What the hell of island is this one?? There's just miss a town in the middle of this place! With all the island there was around here, Lagon really had to leave me in this one? Ah! If he dares to come back here, i'll pounch him hardly..grr!
???-"A dark purple dragon...with blue crystalls in the wings..."
Flame-"uh?" I turned and seen a black dragoness "Why, ehm... hello...and you would be...?"
???-"Me? oh, forgive me.. My name is Sereth.. the death." the death? oh great.. i just needed of a crazy dragoness in a place like this..
Flame-"N-Nice to meet you..." she was talking about me before? "you.. were looking for me?" she smiled.
Sereth-"Well.. is not me who is looking for you..but yes, i'm here for you." uhm.. she is here because someone else wanted to? She came closer, walking around me.."I'm here because he wanted me to give you the death kiss, my dear.." oooh, incredible... looks like everyone come to kill me just when noone of my friends is with me.. great..
Flame-"He..? uhm.. Buraki?" she stopped for some second..
Sereth-"Buraki? you mean that fool big snake that think to become a powerfull dragon? Ah! No, but i'm sure he would pay me more than who really wants you death.." she touched my neck with her tail, just like she was using a knife to cut it... but she wasn't cutting me.. "This... a slow and painfull death... just as he wishes.." W-What?! I jumped away
Flame-"You won't kill me, pal!" she laughed "What's so funny?......!!!AH!!..." I suddently felt a great pain at the neck, and i lost some blood from the mouth.. "W-What... does that mean...??"
Sereth-"Oh...what a quite strong dragon we have here.. seem that you won't die just for that joke i did to you.." Does she wounded me.. inside? NGH...
Flame-"I...Already have my healt problems... i didn't need of your help to make them whorse.." i could barely stand, probably it was for the blood i was loosing inside.. yuk, i think i could feel it.. "ngh... i'm gonna become a vampire for this.."
Sereth-"W-What? you think it's a joke?... uh, i see. You have some powers that can protect you, isn't?... then tell me, how did you know about what i was going to do?.." uh? w-well.. wait.. of what she is talking about??.. okok, i can use this as an advantage for me.
Flame-"Y-yes... is just as you said.. and well.. uhm.. i can..see the future.. yes......Fear me!"
......... silence......
Sereth-"This stuff doesn't work with me... but i'm sure about it, you have powers.. he spoked to me about that" she walked away "looks like you are lucky... for now i'll let you live..." She jumped and flew away, leaving me here... with nothing to do.. damn, it's really painfull... As she said, i'm lucky... well, just in this case. When my condition began to improve, I set off trying to come back where Lagon left me and when i arrived i lay down on the ground
Flame-"aaah... that's really,really better than Old-dragon's back... i really needed.." ............... boring. I need to find something that will help me to waste my time... I looked around and there was nothing but desert. Still, i don't understand why in all the island i had to be trapped in this one. ..... Oh! Blue apples! w-wait.. why i'm so happy to see them?! I got up... and going slowly close to the tree... Last time i ate those things i almost died.. and i don't want remember what weird dreams i did!... but afterall.. these apples were so good... ngh.. Gaah! It's like i'm going to take some drugs! Come on! It's just an apple, Flame.. what could happen?....
Flame-"Allright... only one...............little piece." I jumped and took one apple and i've began to look at it for almost 10 min... ngh.. why i want to eat this fruit?..Just know that is just like drinking 100l of cidre with one of these blue things could scare me.. I looked at the sky. I guess Lagon won't come back untill tomorrow, then he'll don't mind if I'll have some fun getting drunk...ah, sometimes i think that i don't know myself enough.
After my mouth touched the blue apple... i don't remember anything. I just woke up from a weird dream... a really weird dream. I had an headacke so painfull and everything looked blury..
Flame-" head.. This is the last time i eat that crap.. oww..." I was a little worried about what i could do while i was drunk.. then with the tail i tried to see if there was someone next to me.. "Thank goodness I didn't that kind of stupid things..." I tryed to get up.. i could barely stand... "Yes.. i swear this is the last time."
Flame-"AAAAAH! Don't... yell like that!... whoever are you.." i looked up and the light of the sun almost blinded me "Oh, God!... Come down here! damn..." Everything was still a little blury but i was slowly getting better and someone landed in front of me.. "ah... you are.. Lagon..?"
Lagon-"Wow.. looks like you had a bad night, eh?"
Flame-"uuh... I'm fine.. I'm just a little tired. *Yaaahwn..*"
Lagon-"heh, come on.. let's go. Today Ruby will explain to us what to do for Pyron and Gana"
Flame-"uh.. wooo.....great!.............. I can't move. (=_=)" the smile in the face of Lagon become a kinda-shoked face
Lagon-"*sigh..* i don't want know what you did while you were alone here.." he grabbed me and putted me on his back and he flew heading for Warfang.
Flame-"....your back.... is so..uncomfortable."
Lagon-"grrr...(trying to calm down) w-welcome back."
We managed to find Warfang and meet with the others in some hours.. We have to find a way to help Gana and Pyron. I hope we will help them in time..
Lagon-"I'm sure they are fine and that in this moment they are burning Buraki's face!" Uhm.. i wish it could be so easy.. but i don't feel pain, then i think they are ok..
Flame-"You've right... I don't think Buraki is so strong.. afterall, he always send his stupid army to do his dirty work. that's mean just one thing: he can't do nothing alone, he is weak."
Ruby-"Never understimate the enemy..." If he can controll all the soldiers in his army, this mean he have a great power.. i know. "so, we have to meet Terrance. let's go." So we followed Ruby and stopped in front a big palace. "Ok, i'll speaks to Terrance and tell him what is happened. You guys can get ready for our next plan, I think i'll just need of one hour to make a good plan with Terrance, i want you all ready when i'll have finished with this." we agreed and I went for a walk in Warfang.
I was walking and looking around and i've seen a guy who was looking at me like saying 'come here' .... then i went where he was.
Flame-"You.. were waiting for me?.." he was a... scientist.. probably one of Buraki's servants.. "what the hell you want from me?"
Scientist-"Buraki told me to stay with your group.. he just need of more informations of where are you going.. hehehehe"
Flame-"You are a stupid, just like Buraki, if you think I can't do my job with the touch of the perfection. What, you don't trust me?" he was a little stunned.. hehe, I can play at this game untill i'll get the chance to save Luce.. and maybe I can let Buraki get these crystalls.. they are just giving me too many problems.
Scientist-"I hope you are kidding, Number 2! you can't speaks to me like that!!"
Flame-"in my path with Buraki I've not heard that i have to respect his doggyes. Do your dirty job...when i'll finish mine you'll probably be the first in my death list." he was a little scared... hehe "So, go away, and tell to Buraki that he don't have to worry, i can do my work better than the best servant in his army." ok..i hope this will give me a break with that stupid Buraki. I don't want his stupid scientist or member of his army everyday and wherever i go.."Now GO AWAY!" i roared and he fleed away.. uff stupid servants... i can't wait to help Gana and Pyron's daughter to kill that stupid Buraki... oh great, i guess i have to wait some years uh... But now i have to get ready for the next mission.
I wasn't worried just for Pyron and Gana and for me that i'm betraying everyone to save just one life.. but i was worried for the Light Guardians. I've not seen them for days and i couldn't hear theyr voices.. i remember the voices of them.. uhm.. maybe i'm not getting crazy afterall, now i feel normal.. nothing strange is happening.. i just feel the pain that everyone feel, but i hadn't understood why i feel that just of some of them...
And my memories.. just lacked this uh... what i remembered wasn't the best, i'm a little afraid to know my past..but also, want to know everything: my family, my friends.. the light guardians and then the crystalls. Who know, maybe Buraki can do something for me with all his tecnology and experi---
Flame-"wait... uhm.. that's not bad.. keep thinking." shut up, i can't concentrate! "sorry..(>.>)" ok... Buraki thinks he can use me to defeat the alliance... but what if the only one that will get used will be Buraki? and used by me.. with his help i'll can do everything.. but i'll need of time. And i'm sure that the others will not understand when i'll leave them, i can't tell the truth... or Buraki will kill Luce...
I walked for some minutes exploring the city, there wasn't many things to do then i came back to the palace and waited for the others. Ruby should have got a plan for our next mission.
After almost one hour, everyone came back in the palace and Ruby told us about our next step: heading for a town named Dragonopolis, we could get more information about what Buraki was planning to do.. Ruby had the feelings that there we could find Gana and Pyron too.. she was sure that they were ok.
Ruby-"We just have to get ready.. this will be a long trip, Dragonopolis is far from here. Tomorrow we will go early then it's better if you go to sleep earlier."
Flame-"Understood, kids? Tonight only adults can go to sleep after midnight." Lagon pounched my head "Ow.. (T_T)"
Lagon-"Kids, eh?"
Ruby-"I meant... we should go to sleep now."
Flame-"What?! But... i'm not tire----" I almost fell on the ground but Lagon helped me to stand..
Lagon-"Woah! You're not tired uh?" Everithing was getting darker, i could barely keep my eyes open, i had a great headacke and felt pain everywhere.. "Are you ok?"
Flame-"I...guess.." I couldn't resist, i closed my eyes and I fell asleep at once... i couldn't understand what was happened.. but finally i got some time to rest... Maybe it's for what that dragoness did to me... maybe is worse than i though. Afterall, she wounded me the throat.. then i guess i'm lucky to be still alive with the head attached to the neck..!
Then I just have to rest... sleeping normally and not for faintings or something else... finally. The only things left were find Pyron and Gana.... and next... Buraki.

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