
Blinded by Light

domenica 23 maggio 2010

Part 25 - Goodbye

After some hours everyone helped with the repairs of Dragonopolis. I tryed to do my best, but I was still feeling a great pain.. It never happened before, i didn't know what was wrong with me in that moment...
Kaiser-"Maybe is better if you take a break.." I turned and seen Kaiser..
Flame-"...I have.. to help here." He came closer
Kaiser-"Don't worry about that. You can't leave with your friends like that, go to rest." I looked at the others and then again Kaiser, I nodded and then left. I went in a quiet place not too much far from Dragonopolis's doors and i layed down.
My head and some part of my body still hurt, just as something struck me really hardly... And it wasn't the only thing.. my neck still hurts as well...
???-"Well, well... if isn't Number 2.." I turned and there was Alazar..
Flame-"Alazar...What do you want this time??..."
Alazar-"I'm here because i want you to put an end to Granite's life." !!... now?..a-all of a suddent??...
Flame-"You really think i'm going to do it??.." He did an evil smile
Alazar-"Well, i'm not going to force you... i though that some bonus could make this story... easier for you..."
Flame-"Tsk, you are saying that this time I can decide what to do?... Then i guess you know my answer already." Alazar began to move around me.
Alazar-"That's your choice. I don't think Buraki will be happy to hear that.." .... this.. is really related to Buraki?... I don't think he had something to do with Granite..
Flame-"So what are you going to do now?"
Alazar-"Since we don't have your help... I think I'll use something else."
Flame-"So that's it.. You want Granite death... And you really think that i'll allow you to kill him?" I get up, ready to fight him...
Alazar-"uh..haha.. Hahahah! You know very well what makes me think that...maybe the name 'Luce' will clear your ideas.."
Flame-"Grrr... I.. can't---ngh!!.." Again that pain, a great headacke.. i couldn't move anymore and I was down. "Y..You'll..."
Alazar-"You shouldn't play with your friends's lifes... now you'd better don't mess with my plans..." I couldn't do nothing to stop him.. again, i was in a dead end. I couldn't save both lifes... and I couldn't stop Alazar...
I was back to the others, and they were ready to go. Even Gana and Pyron joined up with the others while i wasn't there...
Lagon-"Took you two long enough."
Pyron-"So where to?" Two armed guards approached us along with Kaiser.
Nera-"Kaiser, you came to send us off?"
Kaiser-"No. I arrest Pyron."
Kaiser-"Pyron, by order of the Dragonopolis tribunal, you are under arrest."
Gana-"Under arrest for what?"
Kaiser-"For the death of Granite." W-what?? N-no! It wasn't Pyron! And i know it!... Grrr!
Some hours have passed... The trial began and I was outside the doors of Dragonopolis again. I didn't expect that Pyron would be the suspect in that case. I couldn't do nothing, as always, but i was sure Kaiser would find the truth. It was obvious that Pyron didn't kill Granite... He is not one of them... However, i could try to clear some things. Buraki is coming and soon i'll leave the group, untill i'll get the chance to save Luce... I'd just like to have some other visions when i need them.. Just to see if she was ok.
For all the time that Dragonopoli's court need to find the truth, I didn't know what to do. I tryed to find some new power, since i always find out some strange stuff from my mind.. ngh...
I began to use randomly my Light beam and tried to mix it with my fire breath, but it came the usual white fire that doesn't burn.. how useless.. but every powers have their meaning.. maybe this breath has no effect with certaint creatures... well, when I'll understand how to use it, then it may become a great power...... no, this doesn't makes it less useless to me at the moment... ngh.. oh well.. Maybe some training with melee fights will help me.
I went close to a big rock..
Flame-"This..... is maybe too much big...*sigh*" Well, i'll never know if i don't try ... ok... 3.... 2... "1..." I pounched the big rock... "...... PAAW!! ARGH!!" Damn!! What i was thinking about?! ARGH! That's hurt!!"A guard that was there from the doors was a bit worried...
Guard-"Are you... ok?"
Flame-"Oh! YEAH! I just destroyed my paw hitting a stupid GIANT RO---......."
Flame-".....Yeah. I'm Ok." I turned and looked at the rock... "grr... you'll pay..." I walked away back to the doors and stopped. then i turned again looking the rock.. The guard was watching a little worried... "I won't go away untill i've broken that thing!" I know i can do it.. i already did it one time.. i don't remember when.. but i did it! I run as faster as i could and then pounched again the rock....and it literally exploded in 100 pieces! The guard was just.. SHOCKED.
Flame-"HA! Now that's a hit!.......i hope noone was behind that...ngh.." I turned and seen the guard "....I'm ok!" I just went back in Dragonopolis with a satisfaction look.
The others was all there in Dragonopolis, and there was Pyron too.. that's mean everything was clear and we could finally rest. After 2 days we left Dragonopolis to get back to Warfang and meet Ruby and the others. Then we will get our move against Buraki... It was early to think about it, noone of them was ready to fight him.. but i couldn't tell them that without speak about my situation... Even if.. soon I'll leave them.
I though Buraki would come in some hours, but days passed since we left for Dragonopolis. Everyone got ready to fight Buraki, but it wasn't enough. I tryed again to controll my powers, my physical streigh wasn't a problem anymore, i could finally use my streigh as my I could destroy almost everything just with a hit. We got some rest after some other hours, Pyron went outside of Warfang... I began to feel some pain.. and then a great headacke, as my head was going to explode.
???-"Well well, look what we have here?.... Long time no see, eh Pyron old buddy?" Ugh! my head...! I'm seeing with Pyron's eyes?... There was a yellow dragon, and he didn't seems to be there to have a little chat.
Pyron-"Why are you here Quazar? I doubt it's about revenge."
Quazar-"With you Pyron, it's all about revenge."
Flame-"Ngh!.." I couldn't stand up, Gana was next to me and she helped me to stand.
Gana-"Ah, Flame!"
Flame-"Ugh.. S-Sorry." I get up and shaked my head "I need to take a walk.." then i went outside, trying to find Pyron
Lagon-"Flame!" I stopped and seen the others that was coming too "We have to leave soon."
Flame-"I'm going to find Pyron.."
Gana-"We're coming too." ... I nodded and the we all went outside Warfang and there we saw Pyron.. and there was the same yellow dragon of my vision..
Gana-"Hey, what's going on here?"
Quazar-"Ah, you must be Gana, Pyron's dragoness. And your Nera, Spirit, and the traitor Lagon. Oh, and Flame as well." He know us?...
Gana-"How you know us."
???-"Because I did." Kyle appears. I still don't like that guy..
Gana-"Kyle? You did?"
Kyle-" dark half did."
[It's time to leave, Number 2..] !!.. Buraki...! it's now?!
Pyron-"Why are you here Quazar? I doubt it's about revenge." No, not now! I.. I still have something to do here!..
Quazar-"With you Pyron, it's all about revenge."
???-"That's enough." Uh!
Lagon-"That voice?!" We looked up and saw Buraki. No..
Buraki-"So good to see you all."
[Time to say bye to your friends.. HahAhahA] You bast---
Pyron-"Why are you here?"
Gana-"If you came to fight, we'll take you down." Everyone went after Buraki, my red eye began to shine and i felt a great pain in my head. Buraki used his Dark Lightning. I moved my wing and a barrier appears and protected me by the hit, but everyone were hit.
Lagon-"Gah! Can't move."
Pyron-"Flame, help us." I can't go now Buraki! You know that without me you can't know what they are planning to do.. [That's no matter, I need you with my army now.] "Flame.." Why? I'm more usefull here! [So you want to stay with them? And let us kill your friend Luce die?] I-I... "Flame, what are you doing?" That was the moment i always feared... I was going to tell the truth to the others and join the enemy.... Now.. I was the enemy.. I walked towards Buraki, i couldn't even look at the others.
Flame-"Sorry. but I'm joining Buraki." Everyone were stunned.
Buraki-"Good Flame. Let us be off." Buraki grabs me and flew away. So that's it. From now, I am the enemy. But that wasn't all that bad.. since now i could play the same game i did with my friends... with Buraki. And then take all the informations i need. But i'm sure it won't be all that easy.. just a wrong move, and Luce... will die.

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