
Blinded by Light

mercoledì 16 giugno 2010

Part 26 - What's Happened?

Ah... my head... w-where am I..? It was all dark.. silence.. too quiet after all is happened...I feel bad, i left my friends in that way, ignoring them... I got up and looked around. I couldn't see very well, but it seemed a small room. I was on a bed, suddently the light turned on and the door opened. Some scientists came inside.
Scientist1-"So, how is our Number 2?"
Flame-"How am I? Try to guess."
Scientist2-"Uhm, seem everything ok." They both wrote something on a noteblock. "Can you see everything as before?"
Flame-"Of course..." why are they asking me.. that...?..Uhh.. I looked around to be sure. "Y-yeah..i guess." They wrote again. "Where am I? I don't remember anything after Buraki took me with him, away from my friends.."
Scientist1-"Really...? Interesting." They wrote again...
Flame-"Can you stop writing every thing i say?! And why don't you answer??"
Scientist1-"We have to write every detail about your healt... For security stuff...If something is wrong with you, we'll have to fix you soon."
Flame-"F-Fix me?!" Are they trating me as a machine?
Scientist2-"Anything wrong then.. do you feel pain somewhere?"
Flame-"Just the usual headacke...ah.. now is really painfull.." I layed on the bed "*sigh..* This is one of Buraki's labs, isn't?.."
Scientist1-"Uuhh.. yeah.." they wrote again.. that was kinda annoying, it seemed an interview. "Looks like you're ok afterall. Now stay there and rest." Yeah, as if i can go somewhere else. Ugh.. my head.. why i feel all this pain?... And my neck hurts too... what have they done to me?? I looked up.. Guys.. i'm sorry for what is happening. I just have to save Luce, then i'll kick Buraki's butt and come back from you. For now i'll play the same role i played untill now... but this time the information will be userfull. Buraki will show me his new experiments, army, technology...all stuff that can help my friends to get the chance to attack first.... But how long i'll have to stay here? When i'll can tell them what is really going on? After some minutes, the head began to hurt much more than before.
AH!.. a-again these visions...!
There was a big computer, on the screen there was written a big number...
[Processing - 90%...] Buraki was there... it was a dark, big room.
Buraki-"muahaha! Finally! Soon, you'll be mine!" Then i've seen again a lot of flashes, it wasn't really clear but i've seen.. blood.. my friends...and other peaple that i've never seen.... and then, dark again.
When i've opened my eyes, i was again in that room. My head didn't hurt as before. My neck was ok as well... but.. what does that vision mean? Future? Past?... present?..All this pain for something that could've happened yet...I.. have to ask directly to Buraki. He was coming, the door opened and he came inside the room.
Buraki-"Goodmorning Number 2. You've already wasted one whole day sleeping!"
Flame-"O-One day? I slept for one day??" Ah.. this doesn't matter all that much! "However..I want to know---"
Buraki-"Come on, we can't loose more time! I need you for some tests."
Flame-"Uh?.. Now that you have the new toy, you want broke it already?"
Buraki-"ooh, You're not a toy.." Wow, i feel better... "But i need to test your physical streights.. you had a bad night, and i want to see if you still have your powers... and to see if i can trust you."
Flame-"You have Luce, i'm here for her... You still don't trust me, after seeing me betray all my friends??"
Buraki-"Ah, Yeah.. your friends. Don't worry, you'll see them again, but first..." Some robots and a scientist came next to me. I was looking at a big screen, something seemed strange. "...They will take you---"
Flame-"Wait... How long i slept?"
Buraki-"Uh?.." He watched the same screen i was looking at. "Oh.. Uhm, let's say 1...maybe 2 ...months.." I looked at him, i was a REALLY surprised, almost shocked.
Flame-"W-What?? What's happened to me? Why i slept so much??" The scientist and Buraki looked to eachothers.
Scientist-"We... don't know."
Flame-"Ah! What have y---"
Buraki-"SHUT UP!" Uh!.. These guys have done something to me? That's why I slept for montsh...? "As i was saying, they will take you around here. So you'll understand how is this place, since you've never been here before..."
Flame-"tsk.. alright." I looked at the scientist and robots "You lead.." they left and i followed them. Still, Buraki seemed strange.. I can't understand what is going to do... and i can't even stop him yet. First, i have to free Luce and put an end on this story. I followed the scientist for a while, they took me in various places.. there was everything, food, cameras and technology everywhere.. a lot of rooms where they works on their experiments.. I wasn't allowed to see some rooms, probably the rooms where there was the most important informations.. I have to know what's inside there.. I have to make Buraki trust of me more than now... I have to play my moves doing my best. After almost one hour we finished the base tour... tsk, nothing really interesting. Nothing that could clear my ideas or let me understand something about the experiments they did to me.. those crystalls.. I looked at them. What is their real power? What are their secrets?... Ah i'll never find an answer staying here doing nothing.
Flame-"What now?"
Scientist-"Well, this is all you can know for now. So i guess we have to go back from Buraki." Ah, great... who knows what he is going to do now.. We walked back into one of the rooms where i couldn't go. The door open and i saw someone really was.. Emalf.. I though he was death as the others like him.
Flame-"Well, well.. if this is not a mirror that is reflecting the most beautiful dragon around here.. is just an ugly clone that have an unfinished business with me."
Emalf-"Ah, really funny, number 2... But i have no time to be childish as you are now. I have to help Buraki with his new experiments." he walked and took something that was on a desk behind me.
Flame-"Why you? Doesn't he have a lot of.." I saw what there was inside the room.. there was a little fox... and.. Gana was there too! "!!!..G-Gan--" Emalf runned and prevented me from talking "NGh! [LeT mE mGo You mBast--]"
Emalf-"Shut the fuck up!" I calmed down, but my eyes could say all: Damn bastard, if you just let me go i'll stab you with my claws untill i'll see your bra-- "Calm down. We don't want to hurt your friend..." I took a deep breath, Emalf freed me and i walked back.
Flame-"What are you doing with her??"
Emalf-"After experimenting with new stuff... the mind swap.. Now Buraki wanted Gana to join us. He is going to let her sould go into her body."
Flame-"Wait.. You mean that the Gana i saw there.."
Emalf-"Inside her body, there is now the soul of that little fox namned Anakin.." I didn't know what to say.. i was shocked. This is what Buraki did in these months?? he played with the souls of my friends??
Flame-"She is not the only one.."
Emalf-"Yeah, even Pyron got mind swapped. Now he is where we can't go.. who knows, maybe he won't get his old body back." I won't be so sure... even if i can't know that.. I.. Just trust him.. However all this story is so strange... why Buraki did this? Just to have some fun?? Buraki was getting angry.
Buraki-"Flameee! Wheres that bloody drug?!?!" F-Flame?!
Flame-"Hey! Are you guys just trying to--"
Emalf-"Sorry, the work is calling me." He took the drug and went back inside the room. They will make Gana thinks that Emalf... is me! Damn! She will hate me! ngh..
Flame-"I won't let them do that...!"
Scientist-"A-A-Ah. Sorry but something tells me that you will." I turned, i was getting angry.. "You're here just for one reason.. i don't think you can resist thinking that you maked us kill your beautiful friend Luce..." I have enough of L... w-wait.. no, why i'm thinking that?! I looked at the door.. then i looked again at the scientist.
Flame-"Take me in my room..." We walked for some minutes and suddently the alarm turned on. "Ah! What's happening??" Everything was shaking, just like an eathquake.
Scientist-"We have some big problems!!" A lot of robots began to move, i turned and there was a computer. I saw Gana that was going away.. using the bad manners.. I smiled, Gana was safe now.
Buraki-"Don't be so happy Number 2." Buraki was behind me.. "I don't like when someone mess with me.."
Flame-"Well, you are all that powerfull.. why don't you just make that noone can mess with you..?" Does he understood that i'm messing with him?..
Buraki-"Ah... if you just could understand that is not so easy..."
Flame-"Sometimes peaple just can't get it..." I said sarcasticly... looking at him. I think he get what i said after some seconds, he looked at me kinda confused.
Buraki-"This is how you show respect??"
Flame-"I never said this was respect, genious.."
Buraki-"H-How dare y--"
Flame-"*siighh...* I was going to sleep, if you don't mind. Cya later big-boy." then i began to walk. Buraki said nothing, maybe he didn't expect to hear that from me... Bah, what makes him think that i would ever show him some respect..?
Buraki-"Not so fast, Number 2." Ohhhh what now....Uff... I stopped but i wasn't even watching him. "I don't remember that i told you to go to sleep after your little tour of this place."
Flame-"....So?.. what do you want from me now?"
Buraki-"There is a kind of chain of betraiments around here... There are the useless and who is envy.."
Flame-"Cut it, i don't want to waste my time."
Buraki-"Who try to kill you is just a failment here... I want you to kill Emalf once for all."
Flame-"Kill him... or let him kill me..." Emalf is one of the guys that caused a lot of problems to me and my friends... and i've got some unfinished business with him.. "I guess it's ok..." Buraki smiled evilly "Niiice, Buraki... nothing makes sure that i will win."
Buraki-"Oh.. but there is something..." He walked away... what does that meant?..
Buraki-"How is going with that?.."
Scientist-"The process is really slow.. but there are some results... soon you'll can use the old mind controll you used at Mist Falls village.."
Buraki-"Muahaha! That's just great...!!"
[Processing - 12%....]
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