
Blinded by Light

sabato 2 ottobre 2010

This feeling...

The boy took us in a building.. obviously nothing that could still be called 'a house'... but at least we could be safe for a while.
???-"Its's safe here." He lights a fire and gived us food.. finally we could take a real break from this hell. We also saved some food for later.
Flame-"So whats your name boy?"
Kyle-"Im Kyle..." Kyle uh...
Flame-"Im Flame. This is Gana and Peter." We talked for a while.. Kyle was alone in this place. I was pretty surprised that he could survive here without help.. Then we went to sleep... But all of a suddent i heard something and woke up and then i saw machines that were taking Gana away.
Flame-"Gana!!" I began to run but something grabbed my leg and thrown me against a wall "AAH!" W-What the.. Uh? As i opened my eyes i saw Gana in front of me.. "Gana?" I just.. saw her being captured by the machines... how is that possible?
Gana-"Shhh....stay down."
Peter-"Flame!!" She grabbed Peter and Kyle too. "What the..?" We all look at the other Gana being carried away by the machines.... i was really confused..
Flame-"Can you explain whats happening?"
Gana-"I came from the future. I want to prevent a certain event from happening." What..? When did she learned to... "You see,those machines are carrieing me to a transporter,where there are a lot of survivals. If the tansporter gets to his destination a lot of them will die and I will become a cyborg. Like I am one now." I looked at her.. a cyborg... that's another thing Buraki is working on.."You must destroy the transporter, its on its way to San Francisco. I suggest you hurry up before its too late. You will change a lot of bad things that are to happen in the future. You have to fix all the mistakes we made." I looked down.. She was very carefull with the future.. if she came here to change it.. this mean it's something wrost than i though.. Then she looked at me "And Flame....dont go yourself. Dont try to be a hero and do something stupid. Think twice,before you make a decision. You will change your fate." Uh?
Flame-"W-wait.. what does that mean?" She closed her eyes and dissapeared.. "N-No! Wait!!" I got up and looked around "damn..."
Peter-"What now?"
Flame-"You've heard her... We must save Gana.. Let's hurry up!" Peter and Kyle climbed up on me and i flew as fast as i could..
Kyle-"W-woah! Your wing is on fire!" Ngh.. Kyle noticed the white fire that cover my broken wing when i fly.
Flame-"It's.. what allow me to fly.." And it's pretty painfull, though... All of a suddend one of the machines that were on the ground jumped and hitt my chest and then throw me on the ground "AAAH!!... (We were all down.. but i tryed to get up.) d-damn machine.."I shacked my head and looked at it. It was an humanlike, covered by a black mant and it was holding a pretty big axe.. "..I meant...nice...machine.. niiice.." It ran thowards me and used its axe, i jumped back and it hit the ground. The axe was stuck on it and i got the chance to hit the humanlike with the head and sent it some metres away... Uh.. i.. didn't felt pain..'s a machine! I grabbed the axe with the mouth and waited. The machine got up and walked for a while, then it runned. I pounched the ground with my paw and destroyed a big part of it, the machine was sent in the air. Then i jumped and reached it "Any last words?" Its eyes were shining of a red light.. just as the machines Buraki used in one of my missions to get informations.. "....Don't waste my time, Buraki!" then i cutted it in half with the axe. It was going to explode. "Ah!" I was too close to it.
Peter-"Flame!!" He shooted a magic wave..that seemed almost a lucky shoot. It hit a part of my wing but also froze the machine before it could explode, then i've hit it with the tail and sent it on the ground and it was completely destroyed. I tryed to land even with the frozen wing, next to Kyle and Peter. I was pretty surprised by what he did..
Flame-"Are you allright?" they both nodded "Thanks you Peter...But next time.. ah.. nevermind.." I kept the axe with me "This will be helpfull." I smiled, but then we heard something passing not too far from us, it was a transporter. "You two stay here! This time, no magic power can help with that thing." they nodded and i jumped on the transporter, there was Gana and a lot of others dragons and humans.
Flame-"Step back!" I used the axe and broken the prison cell. I'm sorry for you Buraki, but there are not only magic powers in this world. I opened the doors enough to let everyone escape.
Gana-"Look out!" Uh? I turned but not soon enough, i got hit by a harvester that was attached to the transporter and i fell down.. "Flame!!" Ngh.. I couldn't move, Gana jumped with a girl and used her fury to destroy the transported and then she grabbed me and landed where Kyle and Peter were. "We have to move on! They know we are here." Then i got up and carried Kyle. Gana pick up Peter and the girl. "How did you guys know I was here?" Me, Peter and Kyle looked at eachothers..
Flame-"You told us...."
Gana-"What?!" I explained Gana what was happened... even if talking about what she said was still weird to me.. and the last part maked me think a lot... "Wow...If I'm loosing all my powers now, I wonder how I get the time traveling ability..." .... We flew for some minutes. I just kept following Gana... but i was still thinking at what was happened. Buraki's new projects were totally different.. and i knew about them yet, but i couldn't just destroy what i did untill now in all these years to get his trust. Also, the Gana of the future.. That wasn't only the result of what we may meet in the future.. cyborgs.. But she also said something that i couldn't just ignore. Was maybe something happened to me? Something that i could just avoid staying with the group?... With.. Gana?... We reached a place that seemed totally different from what we've been into untill now.. it was a forest.. very similiar to the places we've been more than 5 years ago.. Before Buraki's machine changed and maked the war wrost than we could expect..
Flame-"Lets land here. Maybe we can find some food..." And so we did... But Gana stopped.. "Gana? Are you coming?" she was lost at looking around.. that place was really different... very beautyfull...
Gana-"No, I think I'll stay here and rest for a while. You go"... Peter, Kyle and the new girl, Claire, kept going.. I looked around watching the valley.. Gana layed down and I walked from her..
Gana-"You're not going,eh?"
Flame-"Hah,no. I decided to stay here and...protect you!"
Gana-"Oh now I fell down to that level where I need your protection,huh?"
Flame-"Yep! You need me...." She laughed a bit and i smiled..
Gana-"Well you're right...I do need you Flame. Very much" We look at eachother for a few seconds... I felt a bit weird.. for some reasons.. i liked that moment.. "Uhmm..." In these days i noticed... that everytime i'm with Gana.. I feel... "...I'll close my eyes for a few minutes. Wake me up when those 3 come back,ok?"... I nodded and she closed her eyes and fell asleep.. I kept watching her for a while.. it was weird.. i felt something different for her in these days.. It was nice to be with Gana, and i kept thinking at that more and more.. I went closer and closer to her.. slowly my mouth was at a few centimetres from her... Is this feeling... Love?..Ah!.. I got up and walked back. N-No, what am i doing?!.. I can't! I shacked my head and sitted next to Gana and took a deep breath... Those 3 are taking too much time to find something.. I slowly got tired and closed my eyes and i layed down next to Gana. I kept thinking at that, Gana was different after all these years.. and now that we were only 2 of the group, i could talk with her more.. maybe that maked me feel like this..? But.. I can't do this... she... she Loves Pyron.. then I fell asleep too...

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