
Blinded by Light

giovedì 10 settembre 2009

Part 17 - Betray them all to save one..

I was walking to back to the ship and leave the food... everything was quiet.. too.much.quiet.... Luce and Aika want trew out my wings.. and now another one want kill me.... Kyle keep saying that Buraki want me with them.. and that's sure: i won't help them more than now..
It's strange... if they know where am I... why they aren't here now?
Plus: they want Pyron and Lagon dead? and i'm helping them to find my friends.. if i knew what is that thing in my body that allow everyone to controll me and do what they want I could destroy it..
Well... I don't know what to do.. i should say to the other what's happening? I should go out from the group?.. that could help them.
[You don't have to..]
uh?.. oh damn! can you stop to listen all i think?... you don't know the privacy?
[Flame, if you say that to your friends we'll have to kill you]
who are you? why you should kill me? ah.. my head.. go away! I feel my head hurt when someone is talking to me in this way.. when someone is trying to controll me, and when i have that visions.. why my head is hurt when this happen?...
[Don't think at this... just don't tell what is happening to you.. or we'll kill you..]
I'm not scared!... the voice was gone and i've began to walk..
Flame-"tsk.. incredible.. they think i'm weak? they think i couldn't beat them?..." but.. of who was that voice? she didn't told me nothing
well.. yes...surely that was a female voice...
Suddently i've felt my energy was disappearing... now i knew: is that kind of power... i feel the energy of who is near me.. then..someone is in danger? my friends are in danger?!
Voice-"I think you don't have to be worried about that.."
uh?.. i turned and there was a dragon.. he was black and a little biggest than me..
Flame-"W-who are you?" he was walking, coming to me... "You know me too?.." i was going back slowly.. he.. he was scaring me..i think i felt scary.. maybe i'm just worryed... everyone i meet are trying to kill me in this days...
???-"Yes, i can understand that.."
Flame-"W-what?" of what he is talking about? i've said nothing!
???-"umph.. i know you've not said nothing...when you'll understand?.."
Wait.. he meant... that he can read my mind?
???-"Well, you've understod alone that, uh?" I couldn't go back anymore.. this damn rocks are everywhere, and now they was behind me..
Flame-"W-What you want from me? Who are you??"
???-"What i could say... well.. just call me.." his eyes began to shine of a red light.. "Number 1..."
Flame-"W-WHAT?!" N-Number 1?! what that mean?! He is a Buraki's experiment?
N.1-"Yes, i am... just like you.. but i'm not a failed experiment like you.."
Flame-"How you can accept to be namned.. Number 1?!"
N.1-"Well, you can also find a name for me, if it's more confortable for you.." why he just doesn't tell me his name? "oh yeah.. i was forgetting cause i'm here.."...uh? "The Master sent me here..."
Flame-"The..Master??" i don't know why.. but i think i know of who is talking about... "Buraki... right?"
N.1-"ooh, then you are not stupid like as i though" tsk... "....Your brother had just slowed us... but i think the request to you will be different.."
Flame-"W-Wait!... you said... MY BROTHER?!"
N.1-"Yes. any problems? (evil smile) did you forget.. your brother??" !!!!... I.. I have a brother?!... "Strange... you been with him for long can you forget him..." his eyes was shining again ".. If you been with him for all the trip?!"
Flame-"W-WHAT?!?!" No.. that's impossible... one of my friends is.... my brother?!
N.1-"Well.. i can't understand why this could make you so sorprised... don't tell me that you have lost your memories, Number 2.."
Flame-"N...No. I... I don't.." ..............
N.1-"What are you doing? are you hiding your mind? Umph!" .............. "grrr...if you really think that you can hide from me.." he jumped against me "YOU ARE THINKING WRONG!"
Flame-"Ah! W-what are you doing?!" I jumped back and dodged it. The hit makes a big shock wave that has destroyed some metres of the ground. Damn! he could kill me just with one hit like that..!
N.1-"Yes, Number 2! i'm the best and powerful experiment of Buraki's army! I could kill you just wit my tail! Look th-----" Suddently the eyes of Number 1 wasn't shining anymore... and he was completely blocked... something was happening in that moment in his mind..
ugh.. my head... again?!
[Calm down, Number 1...] u-uh?... of who is this voice?!... [you've forgot why i sent you there?..]
N.1-"M-Master...Buraki.... I've just.. AAAAAH!!!" i've seen a light blue light.. something in the body of Number 1 makes electricity in his body...
Flame-"S-Stop! whoever you are!----"
N.1-"S-SHUT UP!" uh?!
[Umph...] "how can you hear me... Number 2?" Someone was there with us... and suddently he is appeared behind me.. i turned and jumped back.. Number 1 flew away... he could barely fly..
???-"It's good to see that the crystals had not killed you.." he was a big snake with the wings of a dragon..
Flame-"And you would be...?"
???-"hahaha! is strange that you don't know me, Number 2... strange you don't know.. the maker of your powers..."
Buraki-"Nice to meet you, Number 2! my name is.. Buraki!"
Flame-"Uhm..." i don't like his way to show his superiority... "Buraki.. Buraki... uhm..."
Flame-"I'm sorry, i think you've wrong dragon..i've never heard your name, big-boy."
Buraki-"UMPH! Foolish dragon..." uh?.. "I think I'll not tell you the proposal to you, in this case.." the proposal?...
Flame-"What proposal?" He did an evil smile "i don't like that smile.."
Buraki-"I should look behind you..." someone was going to attack me behind, but i've hitted him with the tail without move me.. i was still looking Buraki.. "Uhm.. you don't seem a stupid one.."
Flame-"Today everyone are in mood of compliments uh? you are the 2^ one who tells me that.." well.. something like that.. "your weak creatures can't do nothing to me... thanks to you and your fu..." uh.. i can't say that.. I think that i'm just making worsen the situation.."ehm...damned experiments!"
Buraki-"I don't care what you think about me or the experiments... i'm here just to take you back to my army!" umph, he think i'm stupid? no wait... he told me before that i'm not stupid.. well..whatever..
Flame-"What let you think that I can accept an offer like that?" here the only stupid is---- W-WHAT?! behind Buraki there was a cage... inside that there was.. Luce! "What that mean?! What you did to Luce?! Free her! NOW!"
Buraki-"oh.. you've seen it uh? well.. let me explain... I've asked this to you using the good manners... but seem it won't work with you.. then here my proposal: You join in my army... and you'll follow all the orders, you'll help us more than before... and i'll free your weak friend.."
grr... i knew there was the cheat..
Flame-"I think...uh... you though wrong if you though that i'll accept to join in your army... just for that dragoness.."
Buraki-"And you though wrong if you though that you can save your friend in that way.." damn.. he had understod... uh well.. it wasn't hard..
Flame-"Ok then...I think I should use the hard way!" i began to run against him to hit him with my claws..
Buraki seemed quiet... and he was smileing "tsk tsk tsk... foolish dragon.." his eyes was shineing and in that moment my head was in great pain...
Flame-"AAAAH!!!! W-What are y....." i fell to the ground..I could barely keep my eyes open... "S-Stop!.." but the pain was even increased.. "AAAAAAH!!!!!"
Another... vision?... there was Pyron and Kyle..
Pyron-"What do you want Kyle?"
Kyle-"That's simple." He blasted Pyron with his Sonic Wave.*flash* "I'm here...*flash* to kill you...Pyron!" He used another Sonic wave

W-what this vision meant?! Pyron is going to die?! ah!! he is not... the only one...
Buraki-"I think you shouldn't understimate the enemy..especially me!"
Flame-"Tsk.... ugh.. I though that..i had understimated you... but i though wrong.. ugh..You... YOU ARE REALLY WEAK!" A big shockwave destroyed the controll of Buraki on me and a big part of the ground.. and the wind broked some trees.. "*anf, anf*... let me... told you something... I think you've heard this not long time ago... : I think you shouldn't understimante the enemy...ESPECIALLY ME!"
Buraki-"Tsk! seem this jockes can't work on you... i've maked a real powerful dragon uh?.."
Flame-"*anf, anf* just created....a threat for yourself!..." I tried to go to the cage... but i could barely walk..
Buraki-"A threat?... hahahaha!" what's so funny you assh---.....bastard...? "you really think that YOU are a threat for ME? hahaha"
Flame-"Just to know... you are laughing for nothing like an idiot!"
Buraki-"Umph, it's just funny.. that you think that you are stronger than me!"
Flame-"Why? ooh wait.. you are strong? i didn't knew that... wait.. i didn't knew that, because you are not stronger, big-boy...!"
I feel me so ironic when I am going to die.. (LOL)
Buraki-"I think you've forgot your friend in this cage, isn't?.." oh damn.. "Now that I have your attention I can try again with my prop----"
.......... . . . . . . . seem that Buraki is surprised.. the silence has occupied the entire area...
Flame-"..........*cof cof*"
Buraki-"Y...You told---"
Flame-"Oh damn, it was so quiet when you kept silent! I've finaly found the way to make you shut up and you talk some seconds later?" gooooodbye Flame.... (LOL)
Buraki-"Ok, that's enough! You guys, take care of the dragoness!"
Flame-"N-No! Wait!"
Buraki-"Umph! Then?"
Flame-"You...You win..." I can't belive it...
Buraki-"Is another joke? I warn you: if it is a joke, I'll kill your friend." .... what can i do? Luce is important for me.. but my friends too... I.. I have to join... i can't be the cause of the death of Luce..I won't...
Flame-"This is..not a joke..." well.. what did i said to Kyle?... something about 'the dog of Buraki' or something like that... well, i'll be not the dog of Buraki... " free Luce!" Buraki did an evil smile... oh.. correction: another evil smile... "What's funny? i wanna smile too."
Buraki-"I think you've not understod the agreement.. but it's too late, Number 2..."
Flame-"What you mean?" that's wasn't funny uh.. the bad guys have a strange humor...
Buraki-"I told you exatly this: You join in my army... and you'll follow all the orders, you'll help us more than before... and i'll free your weak friend.."
Flame-"yes yes, get the point: Fr---- mean..?!"
Buraki-"Yes, Number 2, I'll free Luce just when you'll follow all the orders!.." damn!... well.. this change something... I can't escape..I.. I've lost... "Welcome to My army! (he flew away with the cage of Luce) I'll tell you soon what to do... and thanks your powers... my work will be more easy! hahahaha! For now... stay with your 'friends' ... hahaha!" he is gone.. leaving me here.. i couldn't do nothing.. his power was really strong.. and he told that was just a joke?... damn! i just want to know what is this 'something in me that allow them to controll me'...
grr..if only I could do something.. I'm sorry guys...
[Buraki-"one more thing, Number 2... noone must know who you really are now.."] grr... damn you Buraki..
.... now what i should do?.... !!!! wait! Pyron! he... he is in danger! i began to run.. i didn't know where i was going, i just knew that was the right way. Some minutes later there was a strong Sonic wave.. This is Kyle..! i hope is not too late! i run and i've seen Kyle and Pyron... Pyron seems in a whorse shape.
Flame-"I-I have to hel----- ah!! my head!..." [do you really think that i allow you to spoil my plans?] "W-who are you?" [ should be one of us, isn't? I don't know how Buraki forced you to join but you should know that you can't.. you can't spoil my plans!] "What plans?!" [just go away.. you don't have to help your friends when someone of Buraki's army want kill them.. is an order! go away..]
d-damn..! i can't go away!... oh great! we begin with the hardest choise! if i save Pyron.. Luce will die! but if i don't help him.. Pyron will die!... aah! DAMN! i was going to help Pyron but suddently i've seen Gana was coming.. uh!.. Gana.. she.. she will save him... i turned and began to walk... i feel me so stupid.. i went to the others...
Lagon-"Flame!" ....... "..are you.. ok?" ...
Flame-"just.. leave me alone, i'm tired.." i went inside the ship in my room... my friends... they helped me so much.. Pyron saved my life after that fight i had with Emalf and Kyle.. if he wasn't there i could die.. and what i've done? i'm gone away when he needed of help.. what if Gana couldn't save him? I get up "G-Gana! Pyron!" i run outside and i've seen Gana with Pyron.. Pyron was barely alive.. "oh no..."
[Voice4-"Seem noone want understand uh?"]
[Voice-"I've understod what you mean.. and only now i've understod that you don't know the real power of the light.."]
[Voice4-"I just... don't understand why him!"]
[Voice-"What's the problem?... you know who he was..and what he have done for us"]
[Voice4-"..... yes.."]
............["he killed my family..."]

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