
Blinded by Light

lunedì 31 agosto 2009

Part 16 - New threats..?

Flame-"baaa.... water, water... well, what i could expect from the sea?... earth?...ngh....."
Vixers-"seasick uh?.."
Flame-"yeah... uffff.... i didn't know i had seasick before come here... i've remembered too late!.."
it was night, everyone was eating.. blah, just see that food in that moment had just make me worse than before..
all around me was food and peaple was eating.. all except Pyron: he wasn't eating.. something was wrong in his head.. surely it wasn't seasick, i've seen my face and i know how is someone with seasick..
some time later i went outside.
Flame-"wait...(back inside running) I can't go outside!... that water could kill me..!*sigh..*"]
A vision?.. i though that headacke was for the seasick!..
a dragon i've seen before yet was looking me badly.. but i'm seeing with the eyes of someone else?..
[Voice-"you have killed them.."]
he seems... Uriel..!
[Uriel-".. i can't forgive you!"]
[Voice-"w-wait!... I won't fight you!"]
[Uriel-"well, so it will more easy for me!"]
that was the past?.. but Uriel seemed the same of now.. i decided to go outside.. i needed of a breath of air.. i'll just try to don't look at the water..
all that visions.. they are confusing me.. i don't know if they was me in that memories..if they was the past, present or the future.. and plus I was seeing through the eyes of someone but i wasn't sure he was me...
The voice was so different.. and i don't remember nothing of what i'm seeing..
Voice-"so you really don't remember nothing.."
i turned and i've seen a dragones i've never seen before..
Flame-"who are you?.."
Aika-"My name is Aika.. I'm the Light Guardian of the Time."
Flame-"a Light Guardian?.. so.. you should know Uriel..?"
Aika-"Yes. but i'm not here to talk with you...I wan---"
Flame-" are a.. Guardian of the Time.. you can controll the time, isn't?.. so you've saved me in that fight with Emalf?"
She seemed so serious..
[I'm here to save you[save you..]... your future is full of dangers[dangers]]
Aika flew away..
Flame-"h-hey! wait!...ah.." I went inside and i've seen Pyron and Gana go into a room.. Pyron seems strange and Gana was worryed, something was wrong.. then i've tryed to see what was happening..
[Bulco mos't find your mind!]
Flame-"Bulco?... aaah!.."
I felt a terrible pain in my head and I was barely standing..
[Just... don't go!]
Flame-"ugh.. what's... happening...?" i fell to the ground... "damn.. ok ok... i'll don't go there.. calm down.."
damn!.. seem everyone can do something with my mind!... Kyle sayd: ' you have something in your body, Flame... something that allows us to know where you are, what you heard and what you say...' ... and in this way they can controll me.. but someone else can controll me too for this 'something in my body'?
Then.. I'm just a toy that everyone can use..! my friends could do it too if they'll know how to do...
something in my head was wrong.. something making me angry.. How can i think that? my friends will never use me to do what they want..
I'm gone to sleep... i've seen Spirit and Elmo go into the room where Gana and Pyron was gone.. but i can't go there...
Just..close your eyes Flame... nothing more..
[Voice2-"so.. just a crystal of dark power could make him so powerful?"]
[Voice3-"Yes.. these crystals have a great power.. Buraki have underestimated their power.."]
[Voice5-"Is so stupid! where he found that crystals?"]
[Voice-"we don't know.. but it's sure we can't allow him to find other crystals for the experiments.."]
[Voice2-"that will not happen.."]
[Voice5-"someone have to controll Buraki's experiments and stop him if he found the crystals"]
[Voice-"I'll go.."]
Again that dreams... all flash of a past life..
[I need of you[of you..]]
[You can't stay here[here..]]
[Please![please!..] Don't go![don't go!...]
[I'm sorry[sorry...]... but i can't let all of you die[die...]]
[Don't do it[do it...].... what about me?[me?...]..]
[ will never alone[alone[alone..]...]]
[Kill us[us..]...]
It's passed some times and everyone was worried for Pyron..
[that Bulco... he could kill your friend Pyron..]
Flame-"I.. i feel me so weak.."
[You feel the energy of Pyron..he is in so much pain..]
Flame-"but why?.. how can i feel the energy of the others?.."
[I don't know.. is a kind of... power]
Flame-"umph.. a power..... uh? wait a second..who are y---"
Gana-"Hurry Griz. We have to get to the island of the fairies."
Griz-"We're going as fast as we can Gana. Calm down."
Gana-" Calm down?! Did you not see what happen to Pyron?! He can die at any moment! If he does, I...I..."
Nera-"We'll get there Gana. Please don't cry."
Spirit-"I can sense his soul. He's in so much pain. It's like looking at Danny all over again."
Lagon-"Don't cry Spirit. We'll save Pyron."
'feel the energy of who is near me'... so i can die when someone die?.. why it wasn't happened when Jewel, Kaloth and Heinaus was dead?'s just a stupid joke?.. i feel me weak because someone is playing with my body in this moment?..
why.. why i feel so angry?.. what's happening to me?.. I'm so nervous....
and i've a bad feeling.. the ship went into some fog.. house of the dragonlike Manti.
Flame-"damn, that's not good.."
It seems the Vixers knew the Manti very well and they were fighting them.. then all we have joined. Pyron and Gana was into a room in the ship and i still was a little weak...
We fought for 2 hours and finaly we managed to get out of the fog..It's a miracle that i'm still alive...
Griz-"Those creatures really worked us didn't they?"
Saka-"The Manti are a symbol of death. However, we can't let them stop us."
Nera-"The ship needs repairs. Griz, can we land somewhere?"
Griz-"There is an island not far from here. We can land there." So it was agreed, and we went from that island.
Half an hour later we found the island..and before we landed i've seen all around me was stopped... The water, my friends, the ship..
Voice-"So, you still have the forces to fight for hours uh?"
I turned and i've seen Aika.
Flame-"Aika.. what's happening? why it's all stopped?"
Aika-"This is one of my power.. i can stop everything I want, who I want and when I want.. not just stop however.."
Flame-"uh.. why you've done that?.."
Aika-"Your dark powers are too much stronger now.. i have to take away the red crystal in your wing."

Flame-"I have a red crystal?.."
Aika-"When you've seen Alazar kill your friends, the fury in your body had maked stronger the dark power..and then, the crystal had maked it more stronger than normal.."
Flame-" you want to tear off that crystal from my wing? hey it's hurt, you know?"
Aika came near me but i've jumped back.
Flame-"Gah! stop! there most be another way!.."
Aika-"For now it's the only idea i have and i have to take away from you that don't move.."
Flame-"Ugh... n-no! wait!.. in what wing is that crystal?.."
I can't let Aika to tear off my wing!..maybe..i... I need of an idea!...
Voice-"Stoop! Aikaaaa!"
someone was fell in the ground near us.. guess who: Luce.
Luce-"auuch (@.@)"
Aika-"Luce! what are you doing here?"
Flame-"Wait, you know Luce?"
Aika-"Sure.. she is--"
Luce-"Don't tear off that crystal!"
Flame-"Uh! (*.*) *hides behind luce* yeah! don't do i---"
Luce-"Because i want do it!"
I've jumped away.
Flame-"Yoooouu!! I was going to trust of you!"
Aika-"Luce.. you shouldn't be here..!"
Ok, something strange was happening in that moment.. Luce knew all the Light Guardians.. is she a Light Guardian too?.. I have to know more about this 'Guardians'... and i have to understand why they know so much about me.. Uriel,Luce.. and Aika too..!
Aika-"umph.. now i go..sorry but maybe you've right Flame: there most be another way.."
Flame-"pew*.. really?"
Luce-"oh, Really?" she seemed sad (-.-)
Aika flew away "we'll find a way.. and WE will save you this time.."
what?.. what she mean with 'this time'?.. and save me by what?..
[Voice2-"He can't be our worst enemy.. we need of him.."]
[Voice4-"No, we need of the Light.. we need of him just to know where are his friends.."]
[Voice3-"Is not just this.."]
[Voice4-"uh?.. what you mean?.."]
[Voice3-"he is.."]
Flame-"again..that voices.."
Luce-"uh!.." she seemed worried "sorry i have to go.. i won't your friends find me here when the time will begin to go again"
Flame-"Why you kee--"
Luce flew away and all around me was moving again..
Lagon-"Flame! come on, you have to find some food!"
Flame-"Uh? (=.=) ok..."
Then Silver, Nera, Spirit, Lagon and me went for food..
Flame-"ok guys.. i'll search the 'meat'....(going away from the group) mmhh....meeeat...."
then i'm gone away from the group and i've began to search for some food.. it was a dark place.. but full of food!
ok, 1^ hunt lesson: no noise....
I'm gone behind a tree..
........... ............ ........... [CRAAAAAASHHHHH!!!]
Flame-"W-Who's there?!"
A dragon was fell against a tree destroing it, and all the food was escaped for that!
Dragon-"(getting up) ah.. damn.."
Flame-"Who.. who are you?!"
Is someone else like Luce? oh, no thanks.. Luce is enough!..
he saw me and came in front me... he was a gold dragon with red eyes and big wings.. and he was a little big than me.
Dragon-"so.. you are Flame.."
Flame-"uh? how you--"
he taked me by the neck.. looking me so seriously.. he.. he want kill me?..
Flame-"AH! w..what are you doing?!....."
Vinge-"My name is Vinge... and is better if you don't forget it.."
Flame-"l...let me.. go...!"
I was losing the forces... his taking was really strong... I tryied to hit him with my tail but it doesn't work..
Vinge-"... show me your true power.."
[Voice-"Stop, Vinge!.."]
Vinge-"umph.. you're lucky"
he freed me from the taken and i fell on the ground..
Vinge-"What now?.."
[Voice-"you mos't do it now!"]
I.. I hear that voices again.. Vinge is talking with them?..
Vinge-"(looking at me)... i wouldn't kill him.."
[Voice-"you are doing the serious? stop it, is strange"]
Vinge-"*sigh* but is cool!"
what?.. something in Vinge was changed!
[Voice-"now, come back to the temple, we have to talk."]
Vinge-"you are serious too now!"
[Voice-"maybe you want me there?"]
Vinge-"ugh! n-no no! i'm coming!"
I get up and Vinge began to flew..
Flame-"why you've tryed to kill me?..."
Vinge-"if you think about, everyone are trying to kill you, Flame"
Flame-"uh? (he flew away) h-hey! wait!" too late, he was gone now...
What's happening here? who are all these guys?.. well... for now i have to think at the food for the other.... then...
I've began to walk to find the food and back to the others..
[Voice5-"I've seen his crystals... but i've not understod what they could do..."]
[Voice-"They will work when he'll have a strong feeling.. like the death of friends.."]
[Voice3-"But.. we have seen what is happened when his friends was dead... the dark power was going to destroy his mind!"]
[Voice4-"yeah.. that's true..."]
[Voice2-"what's happening?.."]
[Voice4-"well... the dark power is more stronger of the Light power.. maybe if we could controll it.. we---"]
[Voice5-"Of what are you talking about?! you know very well that we need of the light power!.."]
[Voice4-"But why?!"]
[Voice2-"Stop!... we mos't talk about this.."]
[Voice-"now.. let's find the light.."]
[Voice5-"Who go?.."]
[Voice4-"umph... i'll go.."]
[Voice2-"Don't kill him yet..."]
...what i've done... in my past?...
Warning, Do Not Copy

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