
Blinded by Light

sabato 15 agosto 2009

Part 8 - When old friends come back

I was running, my head still hurt and make me weak.. what's happening to me? why i'm becoming weak? Why i've this headacke?
I... I'm feeling the energy of someone becoming more weak.. i can really feel this?
After some min i've seen Lagon, falling to the ground.. i was losing my sense too.. that feeling was the energy of Lagon?... i'm gone near to Lagon and carry him in a more quiet place, and then i've tryed to wake up him..
Flame-"Lagon! can you hear me? Lagon!"
That wasn't working.. i need of water?.. i could try again..
Flame-"Lagon.... are you there..?"
Ah... my head...
I feel my energy coming back.. what's happening..?
Good.. he is ok.. and now i'm ok too.. i felt the energy of Lagon?...
Lagon-"what happend? Where am I?"
Flame-"I dont know what happend but I saw you was nearly dead." when i said that, it seems Lagon had remember something.
Lagon-"why did you saved me!? Just leave me alone!"
That was incredible!.. i saved him and he say me that? well, the next time i'll leave you die if you want!...
Lagon-"I dont mean to hurt you but I dont need to be saved. Ok?..."
what?.. is so strange.. why he is saying that?..
Flame-"I dont understand, what happning to you?.."
Lagon seemed sad.. "I... I, nera just.."
Flame-"what? I dont understand.."
Lagon-"I was going to talk to nera but she, she knocked me down with her tail."
He turned around and walked to the river to calm down.
Flame-"but why did she knock you down? Did you say something wrong?"
Lagon-"I dont know, maby she hates me"
oh damn.. what's happening here? Nera couldn't do something like that...
In that moment.. Lagon began to cry..
Flame-"I...I am sorry for what happend with you and nera..." He saw me and smiled.
Lagon-"thank you for saving my life, if you dont had come back I would be dead now."
Flame-"no problem. But I think you should get back to the village and ask her why she did that to you."
Lagon-"yeah, I will come back to you and tell aboute it soon, cya!"
Flame-"good luck!"
Lagon flew away... and i've began to walk...
after Lagon leave i've walked alone in the forest.. What is happened to Lagon?.. Why Kyle want me in Buraki's forces?.. and..Who was Luce..?
I've more questions.. like how i can controll my power..and..who really am I... My life was becoming a real hell.. it seems everyone know me better of myself!.. and great... i've again headacke! damn!...
[voice-"we don't need of him again.."]
uh..? what's happening?..
[voice2-"Yes, we need of him.. he is the last Light-Guardian of the past.."]
who... who's talking?..
[voice-"and so?.. what special power he have?.. he is weak now.."]
[voice3-"but he had saved all of us.."]
The crystals begin to shine... all around me was different now.. where am I?..
Voice-"yeah.. but now he could kill all he meet!"
I've seen behind me 4 dragons..
Voice4-"I'm sorry you think that.. but you have to remember that I've closed him in that crystal.."
Flame-"who.. are you?"
It seems noone saw me.. i was in a dream?
from the darkness come Luce..
Luce-"Shut up! all you don't understand! he have lost his memories.."
Voice3-"What you mean?"
Luce-"Without memories he can't controll his powers.. and that Buraki's experiment are slowing their growth.."
Voice2-"so... he could learn to controll them better of the last time?"
Luce-"no, he mos't learn to use them better!"
what's h
appening..? who are they?...
All around me is back the Forest.. and in front me there was Luce..
she came near me..
Flame-"w.. what are you--"
Luce-"Shh! let me see this.."
She pushed me to the ground...
Luce-"I have to tell you all?..*uff*"
Flame-"hey!.. uh?"
She was looking my wings.. what she want do?..
Luce-"uhm.. strange.. i've never seen these crystals before.."
Flame-"What are you--- AAAH! Stop!!"
She was trying to take away one crystal
Luce-"ups, sorry"
I've closed to me my wing
Flame-"Are you crazy?! Don't.Do it.Again!"
I'm woked up looking her badly..
Luce(smileing)-"ooh come on! it was so hurt?"
Flame-"Well, you know.. when someone try to torn away the wing...SURE IT WAS!"
Luce-"haha! sorry"
Flame-"(it wasn't funny) Tsk!"
I was going away but she stopped me pulling my tail
Flame-"agh! hey!"
Luce(laughting a little)-"not so fast Flame..!"
She was doing somethink with her tail.. she want hit me?
Luce-"Prepare to..."
Flame(cover himself with the wing)-"waah!"
[Luce-"you don't remember this?"]
I've seen in her tail something... is it.. a.. blue apple?...
Flame-"what? ugh... i hate apples, sorry.."
Luce-"I'm sure you like this"
Ok, if i die i'll never say to the other how much i've hated this place, how much i've hated this forest and that Kyle.. and i'll never know how is have a girlfriend.. and at last, i'll never say goodbye to them for the last time... but.. however it's just an apple.. And this girl have that stupid smile in her face..
Flame-"hihicof cof... ehm.."
Luce-"EAT IT! *bwaaahh! snif snif*"
Flame-"Ah! okok, calm down..!"
Ok... 1... 2... 3!
Flame(running away)-"Noo! i'll never eat that apple! it's blue!"
Luce-"Uuuh? heyyy!"
Oh no! she is following me! run faster! she is craz--- SBAM!!!
Flame-"aih aih...damn trees.. auuch..(looking around) ugh.. there's noone...(falling to the ground) yaaaaahwnn---- UGH!"
Luce-"ahha! take this!"
UGH! when she's came?! oh no! she have throws in my mouth that apple! cof cof cof!!
Flame-"Gwaaahhh bleah!!! cof cof!"
Luce-"Uh? you don't like it?"
Flame-"Ugh... it's... uh? wait.. it's nice now..."
Luce-"ahha! see?.... uh?... hey?... what's happening to you?"
Flame(@_@)-"...I feel me.... strange..."
Luce-"Uh? oh no! now i remember! you don't sustain the alchol!"
Flame(@_@)-"W..what?! that apple had alchol? what the hell of apple is th--- (fall down and sleep) *zzZZzzZzZ*"
Luce-"oww... i didn't remember that[that..].."
After a few of hours of strange and shocking dreams, i've opened my eyes and there was Luce sleeping near me..
Flame(waking up)-"AAH! Go Away with that apple!!........ uh?...'s over.... owww my head... that's not the headacke of a vision (@_@)'s the same headacke of the first time i've drinked a strongdrink..."
(wow.. i remember that? maybe for that strange dreams i've done..)
GAH! she is waking up! shhh Flame, Shhhhhh!! don't say nothing! she is crazy, she want make you mad!...
Luce-"yahwn... zzzZZZzzZZzz"
Peewh.. gone.. now i most escape..... GAH!.. what the---? what's this chain in my tail?!
Luce-"Uh? oh, you've wake up!"
Flame-"what the hell is this chain?! (showing my tail)"
Luce-"I knew you wanted to escape... but before that you have to wake up at 100% *smiiiiiile*"
Flame-"ugh.. why are you torturing me? *sigh..* ok.. what i have to do..?"
Oh my god.. what she wanna do..?
Flame-"i don't like that fac----- *SPLAAASHHH* AAH! what the---?!?!"
Luce-"Take a showeeer!*shining eyes*"
Flame-"GAAH! stop! it's frost!!! you want kill me with a personal way?!?!"
Luce-"haha! your days are so boring! i've seen you for all the time!you need of a wake up!"
Flame-"If you continue to do this crazy things I think i'll never wake up again!"
I was feeling somethink new... it's too much time past from the last time..
.... i've laughed.
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