
Blinded by Light

domenica 30 agosto 2009

Part 14 - Something wrong..

I was hearing my was in great pain... my body was losing all the forces.. I didn't know if i could resist anymore..
[Voice-"It's strange.. the dragons with that 'power' should die at the first death they see..."]
[Voice4-"Why he is still alive?.."]
[Voice5-"Maybe he have more power than we was expect.."]
[Voice3-"But that's not a power..! how that can be a power?"]
[Voice-"I don't know.. but i've seen just two dragons with that ability.."]
[Voice5-"This couldn't surely help him.."]
Pyron fired Alazar's tentacle but he shots a black beam and destroyed it.
Pyron-"You will pay!"
Alazar flees as Pyron fired another beam, nailing part of his wing.
When Alazar was gone.. my forces was coming back slowly...
Pyron was back himself and he head for us with Gana..
Pyron-"Are you ok?.."
Flame-"Don't worry.. ugh.. I.. I'll be fine.. but i'm worry for them.."
Gana and Pyron got us from the doctor..
Doctor-"oh.. all you are in worse shape..!"
Flame-"no, don't worry about me.. i'll be fine without help.."
i was near Kaloth and Jewel...
Flame-"I'm sorry... I.. I couldn't do nothing..."
After some time, the doctor let me go..
Pyron-"How are Jewel and Kaloth...?"
Doctor-"....I'm sorry.."
I turned and i've seen the face of Pyron.. he was sad? angry?... noone can know what someone feel when the friends die..
is that the feeling i had..
I'm sure i wanted cry... i felt that.. but i couldn't, don't know why..
Flame-"Alazar.. you'll pay for that.."
Something in me was changing.. i had that feeling... when i've met Luce, i've began to hear voices... and to see something of the past.. Uriel knew me before find me.. and Luce too..
I was really confused.. and angry.. I'll never forget what Alazar have done!... I'll hate him for the rest of my life!..
some hours later we head for Diamond Port but Pyron.. Pyron wouldn't go.. i can understand that.. but.. i don't feel this emotion anymore..
That dragons i've seen in that visions.. they was dead.. I've really done this?.. of who are this memories?.. If that vision are true.. i've killed someone...? I can't feel any emotions, i could kill without say a word, without feel me sad.
I just hope all that visions wasn't real.... I.. I couldn't do something like that..
I turned and i've seen Luce and Uriel..
Flame-"*sigh*...leave me alone.. please..."
Uriel-"It's not your fault if it's happ--"
Flame-"SHUT UP!"
Luce and Uriel-"Uh.."
Flame-"I've done nothing to save them! I've seen the future, i knew what could happened! But i've done NOTHING!"
Luce-"Please Flame..! calm down..."
Flame-"How can I calm down? I... I.."
In that moment Uriel hitted the back of my neck with the tail and i'm fell down...
Flame-"UH!.... I'm... so..." then, i've lost my senses..
[Voice4-"He was losing his controll.. the dark power could destroy his heart and take the controll.."]
[Voice2-"So the dark power will be more stronger for that..?"]
[Voice5-"I'm afraid yes..I've seen his wing.. a crystal has become red.."]
[Voice-"So, these crystals make more stronger this powers.."]
[Voice4-"The humans and Buraki didn't know that... and now Flame could become a threat for everyone..."]
[Voice5-"For them too.."]
....[It's over now[now...]...]
I've opened my eyes.. i was in the camp.. Pyron and Spirit woked up everyone..
We then went to the graves. A crystal levitated into the air and was above the graves and a beam of light shot out of it and into the graves.
what was happening? My energy was coming back.. somethink was happening, something.. good..
Lagon-"Oh, dig everyone!"
As quickly as we can we dug Jewel's and Kaloth's caskets out and open them up.
Pyron went to them and his body began to glow. Seconds later they woke up.
Spirit-"Their alive!"
Jewel and Kaloth was ok..! uhm.. Jewel looked a little different....infact... Now Jewel was a male!..
In 2 days i've learned more things about my feelings... first: the answer at "How many strange powers there are in the world?" was: ... well, ok I'm a little shocked.. but now i've understod why i didn't have a big liking for Jewel: I've felt she.. ehm.. He had something strange.
Flame-"Gah... I'm so emarassed (>/./<)° "
Jewel was embarassed too, he was so busy to find Heinaus.. that's the why he didn't tell us he wasn't a Female.
Jewel and Kaloth left.. and all was looking me..
Flame-"(>/./>) i'm ok."
After some time we arrive at Diamond Port, a port side town. Businessess were booming and everyone was working. It didn't seem that the war with Buraki reached this place.
Lagon-"So where do we find a ship large enough for all of us?"
ugh... a.. ship?...
Saka-"I know someone. Come with me." We follow Saka but Pyron stopped.. he was looking someone
Gana-"Pyron! Come on!"
He seems confused, he looked somewhere again and is back to us..
We came to a shipping yard and saw a big grizzly bear with an eyepatch on his left eye.
Griz-"Well well, if it isn't Saka and Silver."
Saka-"Hi Griz."
Silver-"How ya been big guy?"
Griz-"Business a little slow, but it's not the fishing season for another couple of weeks. I'm good, and who are your friends?"
Silver-"This is Gana, Nera, Pyron, Flame, Spirit, and Lagon."
Griz looked a little stunned.
Griz-"Did you say Lagon?"
Saka-"Uh, yeah."
Something was wrong?.. yeah, Lagon is a big boy but i don't think it was that had shocked him
Griz-"Quick, come inside."
I was waiting the other was inside and and I heard something that touched my tail, but when i've turned there was noone..
Griz-"Are you sleeping?"
Flame-"oh, sorry"
[Voice5-"Gah! sorry!"]
[Voice4-"be careful, he mos't see us"]
uhm... who was him, her or it?..
we was inside his large hut.
Griz-"That was close."
Gana-"Is there a problem?"
Griz-"Lagon's known in these parts as a deserter of Buraki. He has a large bounty on his scaly hide, and bounty hunters come through here from time to time. It's best not to say your names too loud."
Nera-"We'll be careful."
Griz-"So why have you come?"
Lagon-"We need to get to Draco Island."
Griz-"Draco Island? Hmm...well, it has to be a real good reason your going there. Okay, we'll leave in the morning. For now, rest up here." We agreed.
My forces was back... i could finaly sleep...
.....but i couldn't forget what was happened...
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