
Blinded by Light

sabato 29 agosto 2009

Part 13 - A curse or a power?

[I'm here, with you[you...]...]
[Don't leave me![leave me!...] not again![again!..]]
[What have you done[done..]....?]
[I.. [I...]... I couldn't stop me[me...]....]
[it was nice being with you guys[guys...]...]
[I'll back to you[to you...].... I promise.[I promise[I promise...]....]]
[..........I love you[I love you...]...]
[voice2-"he have lost a lot of blood[blood...].. but he will be fine[fine..]..]
Where am I...?... who is him?...
I've slowly opened my eyes...i was feel my head like that want explode..
Doctor-"oh, you're waking up yet?"
Flame-"W...where am I..? ugh.."
Doctor-"Don't worry, you are safe now.. let me heal you."
Flame-"ugh.. you can't...noone can..."
i've tryed to get up..
Doctor-"nono..! (making me down again) you can't go away yet."
Flame-"B..but i can't stay here... I--- ugh..!"
Doctor-"ah.. just let me do something.. you could rest after that.."
Flame-"*sigh..* ok..."
Doctor-"This will make you sleep.."
when i've closed my eyes, i didn't hear nothing.. all was quiet.. i felt.... better...
[Voice-"damn... that Kyle could kill him.."]
[Voice4-"Flame have used a strange power..."]
[Voice5-"was it.. the light power?.."]
[Voice2-"oh, you're back.."]
[Voice5-"i couldn't help him... now how we can know when he need of help?"]
[Voice-"yeah... we can't leave him die.. but we can't slow the growth of his powers.."]
[Voice4-"so his powers be more powerful everytime he is in danger.."]
[Voice3-"something will happen soon... if he'll see that, the dark power will be more stronger..."]
[Voice4-"that's not good[good...]"]
When i've opened my eyes, it was morning.. i got up and walked.. the doctor had disappeared... and I could barely walk..
after some min i've hear a voice, and i've seen all was leaving
Saka-"Okay. Let's go!"
what? they are leaving without me?
Flame-"hey! Wait!"
all turned and saw me.
Lagon-"Go back Flame. Your in no condition to come with us."
Flame-"Maybe, but Pyron can heal me. Did you forget?"
uhm... someone is becoming old.. hehe
We walked for hours up to nightfall and then we made a base camp and planned our next move.
Silver-"According to the map, we should reach Diamond Port by mid-day tomarrow."
Saka-"So we'll rest up and leave at first light."
Everyone was sleeping... in that moment i had scary to sleep.. i won't dream again that voices... i was thinking i was a monster in my past.. all trying to kill me... all talking about me like an experiment.. and they following me..
i got up and i've began to walk.. i've seen Pyron was gone too.. maybe i could follow h----
Flame-"Aah! m-my head!...."
Oh damn.. what now?!.... UGH!.... why i feel all this pain?!...
[ "Jewel!! Watch out!!" ]....Jewel was struck by a tentacle and she falls to the ground... in that moment i've seen Alazar...
I've seen he killed Kaloth... and Heinaus too!..
[Pyron-"Alazar!!! You will pay!!![pay!!...]"] Pyron's body glew a crimson and black color... what's happening?.. is that the future again?...
Flame-"NOO!" i've opened my eyes... that was the future!... I.. I can not let this happen!..
I've begin to run... I remember that place.. i can go there before.. ah!
it was too late, i've seen Heinaus fighting Jewel and Kaloth. but.. where is Alazar?.. oh, i have to help them!..
I had a few injuries and I was still weak.. but i went from them and hitted Heinaus..
Jewel-"You again?"
Flame-"ehm...'Thanks', no problem"
Kaloth-"Who are you?"
Flame-"uh!.. there's no time now.."
Heinaus-"Umph.. how you guys think to beat me?"
Flame-"We could say the same thing to you, Heinaus!"
Jewel-"Stay back Flame, you can't fight..!"
yeah.. she is right.. i'm too weak to fight.. but..
In that moment Heinaus hit all 3 with his tail and with a dark energy..
[Voice-"That's enough, someone most go there!"]
[Voice4-"I'll go..!"]
[Voice5-"no! wait!.. someone else is coming!"]
[Voice3-"Who are they?"]
[Voice5-"Fortunately ... friends"]
I was down, on the ground.. i've opened my eyes, some of my old injuries was losing blood again..
there was Pyron and Gana, they flew near us..
Heinaus-"Good. More welplings to fight."
Jewel got back her green look.
Jewel-"I was free Kaloth...and get my appearance back."
Gana-"You guys stay back. Pyron and I'll handle her."
Heinaus-"I have more power in my tail than you two have in your entire bodies."
Gana and Pyron begin to fight Heinaus...
No.. it's.. all like my vision...
I turned and i've seen Alazar.
Flame-"no... Jewel!! Watch out!!"
but it was too late.. Jewel was struck by a tentacle.
Gana, Pyron, and Kaloth-"Jewel!!!"
She falls to the ground.
Alazar-"That's one nuisance down."
Kaloth-"I'll make you pay!!" Kaloth hrads for Alazar..
AH!... i felt pain... all my forces was going to leave completly....
Kaloth gets struck by Alazar's tentacle too...
[Voice2-"that's... can't be... you have..killed them..."]
[Voice-"!... I..."]
[Voice2-"Why..... WHY?!?!"]
[Voice-"I... I couldn't stop me!... they..."]
[Voice2-"Go..go away!... before i kill you!..."]
*anf..anf*... What's happening?... why i feel my forces go away?... ugh!..
I didn't hear nothing anymore... the pain was too much... and my head was exploding!..
i've just seen another life was gone.. Alazar killed Heinaus too...
How he could do it?
[Voice5-"I'm here.. he can't hear us.."]
[Voice2-"why he is losing the forces?.."]
[Voice4-"he feels what the others feel?"
[Voice5-"So all his forces are going away?.. but he could---"]
[Voice-"yeah... and look the Fire Dragon..."]
Pyron-"Alazar!!! You will pay!!!"
Pyron's body glew a crimson and black color.
Alazar-"What's the meaning of this?!"
Pyron-"Alazar! Your going down!"
[Voice-"If he kill Alazar..."]
[Voice5-"you mean... if someone else die... Flame couldn't resist at all this feelings...?"]
[Voice-"Yes... and he could.."]
Warning, Do Not Copy

●All the stories can not be copied or used
without our permission©.
●The Characters can not be copied or used
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