
Blinded by Light

domenica 30 agosto 2009

Part 15 - Can not be wors----

It was night and all was sleeping... I've hear someone leaving and when i've opened my eyes i've seen Spirit..
Flame-"uuuhhmm...(trying to sleep again) uff... (=_=)"
I woked up too... now cause Spirit i couldn't sleep again. and then i've walked near the sea..
voice-"Aaah! Stop!"
Flame-"Uh? (°.°) who's there?"
voice-"Here! i'm here!"
I've looked down and there was a little rat with the wings... (just like a bat) and i was going to crush him.
Flame-"Oh, sorry.. i didn't seen you..! who are you?"
Strange pet-"(going up my back) uhm, that's not important"
Flame-"oh good... so i'll call you 'Anab'..."
Strange pet-"What? why Anab?"
Flame-"it mean: animal nuisance and black" i've pushed him away from me with the tail.
Anab-"hey! it's that the way to behave with the peaple smallest than you?"
Flame-"*sigh..* what you want from me?"
Anab-"I'm here with a friend, and she is big like you!"
Flame-"A dragon?....She?"
Luce appeared behind me-"BUUUUH!!!"
Flame-"(jumping away)GAAH!!" i turned and i've seen Luce "Y-YOU!"
Luce-"hahah! is always fun scare you"
Flame-"Ugh!..(°_°)' don't do it again!"
Anab-"Oh Luce! so you know him!
Luce-"Sure! he is my friend..!"
Flame-"What? you know Anab?"
I pointed the rat-bat "him"
Luce-"He's name is not Anab! (°.°) he is Crips"
Cr--- "I'm not Crips!!"
Flame-"yeah, he is Anab!"
An...Cri...(@_@)-"My name is Tub!!"
Tub-"You know me?"
Flame-"who the hell are you?!"
Flame-"Tiauch..! (@_@)"
Tub-"I'm small but strong (u.U)"
after some min Tub was gone, he sayd us he was controlling the ship for the trip to Draco Island... but something in himself was strange.
Flame-"So, Luce, we meet again"
Luce-"Strange uh? everywhere you go, you find me.. i could think you are following me..!"
Flame-"hehe. no, sorry, i'm just going to Draco Island with my friends."
Luce-"Uhm.. Draco Island..."
Flame-"uh? what?"
Luce-"Oh, nothing.. i was just wondering why you are going there..."
I could trust of Luce.. she wasn't bad..
Flame-"Well... we are looking for Spyro and Cynder.."
Luce-"......... who the hell are they? (°.°)"
Flame-"What?! (°_°)' how you can't know them?"
Luce-"(°.°) never hear that names"
Flame-"Well they are...." wait.. who are they?... i mean.. what they have done to be legendary dragons? "ehm..(°_°)"
Luce-"(@.@) so you are going to find them, without know the story? (°.°)"
Flame-"I know the story.. but.. ehm... i don't remember that.."
ok i trust of Luce but..i don't know why, i feel something strange... i won't tell her about the mission.. why?..
Uriel-"Uh, you're lieing."
Uriel was appeared from the darkness..
Uriel-"Flame, we Light Guardians have more powers.."
Flame-"so.. you can read my mind?"
Uriel-"Well.. just say.. i've a power like the powers of your friends Gana and Nera.."
He know th--- oh..
Flame-"So.. you two are still following me?"
Luce-"ehm.. yep (^_^)"
Flame-"*sigh..* (Uriel pushed me down) gah! hey!"
Uriel-"uh.. not good.."
Uriel-"look that crystal..."
they begin to look my right wing..
Flame-"what are y---"
Luce-"oh-hoh~... that's not good"
Uriel-"so it's true... well guys, i go.. we'll see again one day.."
Uriel flew away..
Luce-"need of help?"
Flame-"*sigh* no thanks.." i got up...
Flame-"why you don't come with us instead follow me like a spy?"
Luce-"well.. that could be possible.. but not now."
She flew "Maybe when we'll found the light.. i could come with you and your friends..!"
Flame-"uh? 'when 'WE'll'....?"
she flew away "cya later Flame!"
i was back to sleep... i was so tired in that moment. I lied in my bed and ,some seconds later i've closed my eyes the other woke me up..
Griz-"Come on sleepyhead! it's time to go! you've slept all the night! now you have to wake up!"
Flame-"*siiiigh...* Uhmmmm (rolling on the bed) (>.<)"
Griz-"uff.. (he was gone and after some seconds was back)"
Flame-"GAAAH!! Ok Ok! I'm awake!!"
I fleed out, heading towards the other in the ship.
Griz-"Okay passengers. Let's head for Draco Island." And we set sailed.
I felt someone was following us.. some seconds later i've thought Luce was following us.. and i've smiled..
It's good know we was to the sure in this ship..
Flame-"Wait.. this is a ship..."
Ugh!.. a.. ship!... UGH...! why i noticed that only now?! (ç____ç)
Flame-"(looking the water) bwahhh...... my head.... my stomach... I felt like a spinning top going to fall down (@_@)"
ooohhhw....look how they move those waves.... (@.@)
how many are they?.. why there are waves? (@.@) why i'm feeling this? my eyes couldn't look anything else, my head was blocked to look at the sea... I am going to hate this mission
I hope it's the last trip in this ship.. (T.T)

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