
Blinded by Light

lunedì 3 agosto 2009

Part 6 - The Sun Temple

I've walked for some hours... why i can't fly?! damn humans..!
Finaly i was to the temple... the only place i could call... "Home".
I was going to go inside but.. another headache begin..
Ugh..! this's more hurt than the other times..!!..
I've begin to see somethink.. That was.. a past scene...i... i didn't remember that...
My memories was slowly coming back to me... about all my past life... in this temple...about the fight lessons i've learned... the guardians..but i think... that memories wasn't all..
A flash.. and then the scenes is changed.. i've seen Pyron.. talking with someone...
[Pyron...can you keep a secret?[a secret?..]...... You see, I'm a part of Buraki's army[buraki's army...]..]
W..what? who was him? i've heard that voice yet... but.. UGH!..
another flash changed the scene..
This time.. there was more flash.. i've seen Mist Falls village... under attack..!..
and then.. another flash...
[You can't protect your friends[friends...]..when you are with them[them..]...the buraki's forces will know all..[all..]]
Kyle, Heinaus and another dark dragon comes behind me..
Kyle-"Ooh.. so you are still alive?... great!.."
I've open my eyes and I turned me towards them...
Flame-"I could say the same thing, Kyle.."
Heinaus-"Umph!.. you're an arrogant guy uh?"
I've seen that dragon before.. when i've saved Pyron.. the first time i've seen with his eyes...
Kyle-"I'll let you know.. Kaloth, our new buraki's member..!"
Kaloth?...i.. i've never seen him..
Kyle begin to walk around me slowly, looking me..
Kyle-"no mercy this time.."
ugh.. my head...
Jewel-"Leave him alone!"
Kyle jump back from Heinaus and Kaloth
Kyle-"hump.. i didn't expet that..."
Heinaus-"Jewel uh.."
Jewel was looking badly Heinaus... i didn't know more of Jewel but.. i've seen she know Heinaus very well..
Jewel-"Flame, let Heinaus to me.."
Flame-"Y..yes.. ok!.."
Jewel, Heinaus and Kaloth begin to fight.. Jewel was really strong and she could fight them alone.. so.. i have to stop Kyle..
Kyle-"Let's see what you can do.. Number 2..!"
Flame-"Shut up!!" i've begin to run against him but he start to fly..
Kyle-"hahaha! you are just a fool if you think you can kill me...!"
He use a big dark fireball to hit me..
That fireball going to hit me..i.. i would jump away but.. my body didn't move!..
My right eye was shining, the fireball was nearly to me!...but.. my body..all my body begin to shine..! i've make a big blue barrier around me!..
The fireball hit that barrier and a large shock wave damaged much of the ground.. and after that, the dark fire was rejected against Kyle, but it don't hit him, and the fire was gone to the sky..
Kyle-"damn.. so these jokes don't work with you uh?"
now i could move me.. and i was looking Kyle...he was smiling..!
Kyle-"tsk!.. Bring it, little one..!"
Flame-"You've asked me..!"
I've begin to run from the wall of the temple and i've jumped against that...
I extract the claws and I managed to remain clinging to the wall and i've begin to run on the wall going up..
I've seen from there i could hit Kyle... but maybe i was too far..
my purple eye shines again and then.. i've jumped against Kyle..
Flame-"i'm glad the guardians had teach me that..! .... no mercy this time..!"
I've really hit him with my head! and after that, with my tail..
he fall to the ground and i've shotted a fireball to him destroing a big part of the ground..
I'm felt to the ground looking Kyle.. Jewel was still fighting with Heinaus and Kaloth.. i was going to help her but Kyle woked up and blowed me dark fire, hitting me..
Kyle-"Uhmp! you've really thought you've killed me yet?.."
Flame-"ugh...damn you...!"
Kyle run against me and hit me with the head launched me against the wall of the temple destroing a part of that...
Flame-"ugh..he is.. strong.."
Kyle didn't saw me, i was inside the temple now, under the stones of the wall..
Kyle-"Is that the best you can do, number 2?.."
In that moment i could not move me.. that hit was really strong... ugh...
Jewel-"Curse you Heinaus. You made me look like Gana and you corrupted Kaloth. You can't even fight me in a fair fight."
Heinaus-"As long as your finished you little water welp."
I've seen a fireball.. who was came?
Pyron-"The calvery's here."
Pyron and Lagon was came too, i have to wake me up.
Jewel-"Huh? It's you."
Heinaus-"Well well, it's the red lizard and the traitor."
Lagon-"Move aside Pyron. Your too injured."
Pyron-"No. I'm fighting."
Kyle-"You should listen to him Pyron."
I got up.. i could still walk.. i'm gone outside the temple slowly...
Pyron-"Whoa, your in worse shape."
you see it much? .. he-he!..
Kyle-"And so are you."
Kyle blast Pyron with a black fireball and Pyron was down.. Lagon was fighting Heinaus and Kaloth with Jewel.. i have to be hurry! i most help!
Kyle-"Heinaus did good to corrupt that Kaloth. Now we will destroy this temple, Lagon, and you."
What?.. no way! not my home! NOT MY FRIENDS!
I've blast Kyle, Heinaus and Kaloth
Flame-"Leave my friends alone!"
Kyle-"Flame?! I thought we took care of you earlier."
Flame-"umph!..You guess wrong. I won't be control by you."
So now shut up! i've blasted them with some.. kind of.. beam? when i've learn that?
Heinaus-"Let's get outta here."
They flee.
Jewel-"Heinaus!!" Jewel goes after her.
Flame-"Jewel, wait!"
Lagon got up..
Lagon-"She must really hate her."
and Pyron got up too..
Pyron-"I...couldn't do nothing."
I have to tell him... what happened to me the last time..
Flame-"Pyron.. I'm sorry about yesterday.."
what?! he don't remember?..
Flame-"well... the hum----"
Lagon-"Come on you two. We'll talk about this in the temple"
Oh! the temple!..
We went inside and walked..
Pyron-"So the humans are controlling you?"
Flame-"yes... I came to the Sun Temple.. and slowly got my memory back.."
yeah.. well.. not all..
Flame-"Why did the army attacked the village?"
I knew was my foult they had find us but.. why attack?..
Lagon-"Because of this."
We found a mural of a purple dragon and a black dragon incased in crystal.
A purple dragon.. and a black dragon..
another headache come..
ugh!... i.. i've seen that place before..!
what Lagon's saying? ugh!... i.. i don't heard nothing.. somethink coming back to my memory...!
Flame-"This mural...shows Draco Peak, a mountain on Draco Island."
......................What?! oh god.. i've really say that?...
Lagon-"We have to get back to the village now."
what? that Draco story have really.. sense? how i could say somethink if i didn't know?.. maybe i've lost that memory yet.. *sigh*..
We leave the temple and... Lagon and Pyron begin to flew..
oh.. thanks uh!..
i've begin to walk in the forest going to the village...
I hope.. my home will be ok.. why the Buraki's want destroy that?...
Uhm.. let's see.. maybe i've heard somethink.. like...
Ugh!.. damn headaches..!
Lagon was talking about.. Pyron's heal powers.. Cynder and Spyro... He knew too much... how he could know all that story?..
The guardians told me about that.. but noone could know the story.. how Lagon know that?
... what is happened when i was in the crystal?..

Warning, Do Not Copy

●All the stories can not be copied or used
without our permission©.
●The Characters can not be copied or used
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