
Blinded by Light

domenica 2 agosto 2009

Part 4 - Everything is changing

That.. that was another dream?.. why..?.. why i see this[this..]..?
I.. I'm seeing.. a temple?.. i.. i've seen that temple before... Argh... my head.. not's.. all blur!..
I've started to seen some guys.. they.. they wasn't all dragons..
they.. they was talking to.. me?
???-""Well well. Your a hard dragon to find, you know?"
he didn't talking to me.. i've heard.. Pyron's voice.. i was seen that.. whit Pyron's eyes?...
k Fang. You and your clan didn't get me a few days ago when I was with Lagon. What makes you think you'll hold me?"
W...what's happening?.. where is him?...n..NO!.. not all dark!.. not now!..
Then.. i've seen again that 2 dragons...still... watching.. me...
ugh.. what's.. happening.. i.. i was in another place.. but this time.. this time it wasn't Pyron..
I feel myself so.. weak.. all become dark..
I've open my eyes.. i was worried.. Is Pyron in danger? that was my only trouble... where is him?..
Ah!.. my head!....a.. again that feel.. like a bolt in my head.. I've closed my eyes and i've seen a road.. and at the end of that.. there was Pyron!...
"P...Pyron.." I've started to run.. i don't know but.. i was knew where to go... i.. i was feel that i was going to the right place..!
I've seen a dragon flying back to the village.. and some time later... a flying wolf flew to my same way... he has saw me..
???-"Hey! where are you running?"
Flame-"A friend is in danger..! I'm.. I'm going to save him!.."
He was still flying.. oh.... my wing...
???-"I'm checking a friend too.. his name is Pyron!.."
Pyron? that.. flying wolf is one of the other in the village...!
Flame-"Who are you?"
HeartStone-"My name is HeartStone!.. and you?"
Flame-"I'm Flame!... why you checking for Pyron?"
HeartStone-"is.. Gana. She..."
I was understand.. and that isn't good.. i have to move!
Ugh!.. my head don't stop to be hurt...! I.. I can't stop me..!
[They can control you[you...].. when i want[want...]]
I.. I'll never let you control me again...
Here we are..! I've seen Pyron! and.. that dragon with him.. who is?
In my dream.. i don't think she will one of the good guy..! i have to help Pyron..
An other dragon was fighting whit that bad... and HeartStone was gone to help the other.. i could free Pyron from there..
Flame-"No problem."
All the enemies was escaping..
Jewel-"Get back here Heinaus!!!"
Flame-"There's no time. We got to get Pyron back to the village."
Pyron-"Why? What's going on?"
HeartStone-"It's Gana. She's..."
I've seen the face of Pyron.. he was really worried.. that's Gana is important for him..?
We was going back to the village... all gone inside there but I.. I could not... i've heard that voice again when i was going to free Pyron..
I was gone away from there.. back in my .. "Home.."..
It's past few min when the others gone inside the village.. i was hitting a stupid rock..! why i'm so different? why i feel that?...
i've seen Pyron looking me for some second.. but he's gone away.. maybe he had thought i was in training..
3 days later i've choose that... i.. i would go inside that village.. i hope i'm not doing an error..
I've seen Pyron go outside, to the forest..and to the other side 2 dragons up a hill.. i have to know all of the other in these village and---...... Aah! My... my head!!....
[Finally[finally..]... you've choose what to do..[to do...]]
ugh..!! w...what?...
[I'm sorry for you[you..]'ve done the wrong thing to do[to do..]..for you and the others..[the others..]]
N..No..! go away!...ugh..!!
[Finaly we know where he is[he is..]..thanks to you Number 2...[number 2..]]
No..! y.. you...can know where i am?... ugh!...
[haha! sure!...[sure!...] You were a fool to drop your guard[guard...]]
I.. I most get out from the village..!!
[It's too late[late...]... we-are-coming[coming]....!]
How i was wrong... how i did that... i'm just.. a fool...
I've run outside the village.. i knew.. i could not do nothing now..
i've done the wrong thing.. and i didn't know what i could do.
And in that moment...
... i've meet him...
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