
Blinded by Light

domenica 2 agosto 2009

Part 5 - In Kyle's Control

???-"Flame... isn't?"
Flame-"Who... who are you?"
Kyle-"Oh.. you don't know me? My name is Kyle..."
He didn't like me.. i've a bad feeling..
Kyle-"now, Flame... join with us..!"
Flame-"W-what are you...aaah!... my...head..!"
Kyle-"You are in my control.. you could be a good weapon for this quest..."
I feel that bolt in my head.. so.. they have tryed to control me before? when i had that dreams?... ugh..!.. i won't..
Flame-"Ugh... I'm... with you..."
What? no! they.. they have my control..!
Kyle-"hehehe.... good.. now we can go.."
In that moment we have heard somethink.. it was Pyron..!
Kyle-"Nice to see you Pyron."
Kyle-"I told you, didn't I? Now you brought destruction on Gana and Mist Falls."
Pyron-"I don't get what your problem is, but I'll stop you."
[Kyle-"Kill him"]
I've heard that voice in my mind... i.. I could not stop me.. I launched a fireball against him.... he dodged it and then, Pyron saw me.. but i... I was losing my control... I.. I have to tell somethink!...
Flame-"Get to...Mist Falls... hurry..!"
Pyron flew away.. my head was exploding.. never stop to be hurt...
Kyle-"umph.. you are still with your control uh.."
Flame-"I... I won't.. You can't control me.."
Kyle begin to walk around me..
Kyle-"Really..? that is what you think..let me show you somethink new.."
I've seen a light behind me.. my wing begins to shine..
Flame-"What?.. the crystals...What are you doing..?"
Kyle-"I'll ask you another time... Join with us, will make your life easier.."
My head begin to be more hurt than before..
Flame-"Why...? Why you want me...? ugh.."
Kyle did an evil smiling..
Kyle-"I know you most think up about this.. but i haven't more time..!"
Flame-"oh yeah.. you have to destroy all uh?"
My right eye begin to shine... what happening to me?..
Flame-"I'll never let you do that..."
My body was without control, but this time wasn't because Kyle..I'm running against him to hit him but... i've seen a kind of barrier and later that... a light...
Kyle try again to control me.. and this time.. i really could lost my control..
Kyle-".... you've disappointed me"
Flame-"What you want know of don't know nothing..."
later that.. he begin to control me...
Kyle-"uh... that's enough... it's time to attack your friends.. Flame.."
I won't do it.. but it's too late.. now he could control me.. i.. i don't remember nothing from that moment.. but i've open my eyes again.. and Pyron was there...
Kyle-"Well Pyron, you brought this on yourself."
Kyle-" We came here to destroy the village and that traitor Lagon. Since defecting the dark army he's been marked for death. And now Buraki sees you as a threat Pyron."
The Buraki's forces.. want.. Lagon and Pyron?...
Kyle-"Your becoming stronger and so is your power to heal. Buraki sees you as a threat to his experiment."
Ugh... the.. experiments?... I can't do.. nothing?... I most tell him why i'm here... I...
Pyron-"Flame?! What are you doing?"
Flame-"The humans...they're controlling me..."
I knew.. maybe Pyron will never trust of me again... noone could trust of me now... i knew.. that isn't my place.. not more...
Pyron flew away..
Kyle looked me badly...
Kyle-"this time I won't commit the same error.."
Flame-"Really uh?...".. my head.. it's too much hurt... I don't withstand anymore...
Kyle-"You'll see.. the only hope of your stupid friends... will over soon.."
Flame-"What you mean..?"
Kyle-"You should know.. The Sun Temple[sun temple..].. isn't?[isn,t?...]"
Flame-"Ugh...! The... sun... temple?.. Aaah!.. my head!!..."
Kyle-"What?.. what's happening?..."
I felt to the ground without senses...
Kyle flew away, to the same direction of Pyron with other member of Buraki's forces...
I was seeing somethink.. again that temple... why i see---....
wait..! Now.. Now i remember!.. That temple!! the humans find me there!... so.. that is my.. home?..
[Flame?... Flame, open your eyes!... Flame!]
I've open my eyes and i've seen Lagon call me..
Flame-"ugh... what.. what's happened?..."
I was trying to wake me up...
Lagon-"We won this battle but---"
Flame-"Wait a second!..."
I have recovered the strengths and I'm jumped back away from Lagon..
Lagon-"uh?.. what are you--"
Flame-"I.. I can't stay here..!"
Lagon-"What? wait a second.. why you--"
Flame-"I.. I have to go.. ugh.. my head.."
Lagon didn't understand more..
Flame-"what i most do...? oh yeah! The temple!..."
Lagon was looking me strange..
Lagon-"Of what are you---"
Flame-"Yeah! the temple is to the south!... i'm sorry Lagon.. I.. I have to go.."
I've started to run away the village.. i could not stay there more.. I most stop the Buraki's forces.. they want attack my home?..
However.. that village isn't my place anymore...

Warning, Do Not Copy

●All the stories can not be copied or used
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●The Characters can not be copied or used
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