
Blinded by Light

giovedì 27 agosto 2009

Part 10 - Be different.. is that a problem?

Mist Falls Village was completely destroyed, all lost the home for that incredible storm...
Flame-"uh? Yes?"
Pyron-"Your wing is broken.. but i think i could heal it."
That was good! i could fly again thanks to Pyron's heal power..!
Pyron-"Sure, let me see."
I've showed my wing to him.. he tried to heal it but all he have done was just heal some injured of the battle with Emalf.. the crystals was shining too and in that moment I felt more pain.
Flame(closing the wing to himself)-"Ugh!..s-sorry.."
Pyron-"don't worry. It's just strange.. why i can't heal your wing..?"
Flame-"Maybe.. for that human's experiments.."
Flame-"Pyron, the humans can controll me.. and i think is for these crystals.. that's the why I've attacked you at the first Mist Falls village attack.. I'm sorry..."
Pyron-"don't worry, you do not need to apologize, is not your fault."
Pyron-"I just don't understand how these crystal can do all this."
Flame-"I don't understand this too.."
after some min Pyron sayd he need to stay alone for a while and he is gone in the forest..
What can I do if he can't heal me?... noone can? i'll can't fly for the rest of my life?..
Flame-"I go too guys.. i need to stay with myself for a while.."
then i'm gone in the forest, in my "Ex-home".. it was a quiet place to rest and think.. then i've closed my eyes and i've tried to rest..
[voice-"Hey?.. hey sleepyhead! open your eyes!.."]
uh.. I know this voice...
I've open slowly my eyes and when i've seen that voice was of Luce i've closed them quickly.
Luce-"ooh! wake up! is no time to joke!"
Flame-"*uff..* what you want now?"
Luce-"What are you doing here alone?"
Flame-"Why you want know that? i was trying to rest and stay with myself but now.."
Luce-"aah! who was that cool red guy with you in the village?"
Flame-"What?! how you--- wait... you are spying me?!"
Luce-"Ups! hihi"
Flame-"tsk, why you keep follow me?"
Luce-"Pleeeeease! tell me who he was! (*_*)"
Flame-"Ugh... he was Pyron and he have the girlfriend yet!"
Luce(Thunders Background)-"Nooooooooooo"
So she's following me.. but why?
Flame-"So... why you keep fol---"
Oh no, if she say again is coming someone, this time i've no exuses to go away..
she pushed me down..
Flame-"Agh! hey! stop to push me down! it's hurt..."
Luce-"This time i'll try to be faster..."
Flame-"ugh.. what you want do?......"
Luce was looking me seriously....
..... what she wan------ What the hell?!
Luce-"maybe it was this apple..."
Flame-"AGH! go away with your apples! ...ugh... and it's really pink that?"
Luce-"Yeah.. never seen an apple like this.. but i could try (^____^)"
Flame-"AAH! Go away! why YOU don't eat that apple?!"
Luce-"I'm not hungry! come on!"
Flame(hits the apple)-"GAH!"
The apple fall some metres away from us...
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Luce-"heyyy, it seemed nic----"
Flame-"AAAAH!!! What the hell?!?!"
Luce(shocked)-"(O.O) ehm...i didn't.. expect that...
*cof cof*"
the apple has left a huge hole on the ground...
I was looking Luce mooooooooore badly like i've never done before...
Luce-"ha-ha-ha! come on!! it'll fun when you'll think at that again in the future!"
Flame-"........... when i'll be crazy maybe..and with you that will be soon.."
Luce-"however... your friends are going away from Mist Falls Village.."
Flame-"Uh?.. how you know that?.."
Luce-"I.. uh?.."
Flame-"What now?"
Luce-"aaaaah!! a Spird!"
Flame-"......A what?..."
Luce-"It's a mix of a Spider and a Bird! blaaaah"
Flame-"how many blue apples you've ate today?.."
Luce-"ooh! look is behind you!.."
what the hell is a Spir------ What?!?!
behind me there was really a spider with the wings of a bird!
Flame-"AAGH! I've never seen something like this! (going to burn it)"
Luce-"Ah! Stop! don't kill him!"
Flame-"(X_X) auuuch...."
Luce-"Is so cute! (*O*) why kill him?"
Flame-"I've done nothing.. why you want kill me? (@_@)"
Someone was coming.. i've heard something around us..
Luce-"What's happening?"
ugh.. another headacke... what's happening?...
Flame-"ah! Look out!"
I've jumped in front Luce and a white fire hitted me..
I felt to the ground.. how i knew that fire would hit Luce?..
Luce-"Flame! please get up!"
Flame-"ugh..." i got up slowly.. "don't worry.. i'm ok.."
Luce-"Who's there?!"
There wasn't noone..? why attack us and escape?...
Flame-"Ugh..Are you.. ok..?[ok...]"
all was becoming dark.. what's happening? that hit wasn't so strong..! I felt to the ground and all was dark...that fire was..poison?..
Luce-"Flame?.. Flame![Flame..!]"
all was dark... i was just barely seeing the bodies of some dragons..
[Voice-"what's happening[happening...]..?"]
[Voice3-"Luce is not back home yet[yet..]... what she wanna do?[do..?]"]
[Voice2-"That's no important[important..].. how is he now[now..]?"]
[Voice4-"We can't do more for him[him..]..."]
Someone is appeared from the darkness..
[Voice5-"He is not dead[dead...]...and I won't this will happen[happen..]..."]
[..... not now[now..]...]
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