
Blinded by Light

sabato 1 agosto 2009

Part 3 - Doubts and Questions

I.. I'm so tired...I walked for all day...I.. I need to rest for a moment..but.. what could happened if i'll sleep..?.. That thing could take the control of my body again...and hurt someone...
And i won't be the bad guy here..
My eyes.. i can't leave them open.. i... I most.. sleep...
I fell to the ground without forces... closing my eyes.. that was.. so nice.. finaly.. i could rest...[rest...[rest..]]
What.. happening...?
Where am I?...
I.. I feel.. like a bolt in my hurt!...
It's all blur here...
It's a Dream?.. Or not?...
I've begin to see someone.. they was dragons!.. it's all dark!... i don't see they very well!...
???-"hey?... are you ok?.."
???-"He is dead?.."
Who.. who are they?.. where is from this voices? head..
i feel.. like an electricity bolt in my head..!..
Who are all the dragon i've seen?.. ugh..!...
All be dark.. and i can see just 2 black... female...dragons..they looking me..?
I open my eyes.. it was.. just a dream.. a strange---
???-"you see? he isn't dead, Lagon.."
Lagon-"I knew..! how are you Dark Purple one?.."
Flame-"who... who are you?.."
Pyron-"My name is Pyron."
Lagon-"I'm Lagon.. and you are..?"
Flame-"..Flame..." I was seen them in my dream... in that group of dragons... how i could know them...?
I.. I was still tired.. i haven't sleep so much..
Pyron-"What are you doing here? seems weak"
Lagon-"He can tell us all when he will in the village.."
Pyron-"Right.. can you walk?"
I was confused.. why they want help me? they don't know me.. i could be a bad guy.. but.. I wake up me.. i could walk..
Pyron was looking me strange.. what he was thinking?..I felt me uncomfortable...I've somethink.. strange?..
oh!... i could ask them all..!
Pyron-"Where you from..? i've never seen you.."
Flame-"I.." I can't tell them nothing.. i don't remember... "I've.. lost my memories..."
Lagon-"Really? that isn't good..."
Flame-"The.. the humans find me.. and take me from a lab.."
Pyron-"You been a part of experiments?.."
yeah.. they know the experiments and the humans...
Lagon and Pyron still watching me... why? what i have so strange for them?... my eyes? The crystals?... my broken wing?...
Flame-"yes.. i think..."
Lagon-"what they have done?"
Flame-"Well.." i show them my wings.. "They have.. put these crystals in my wings..i don't know why.."
Pyron-"Your eyes.. they aren't.. normal, isn't?.."
Nothing of me is normal now!... i'll don't give an answer.. i just want forget... Pyron and Lagon...they looked strange..
I'm so different?.. I was just go in a sure place.. where i could seen the other dragons.. but...
Pyron-"uh?.. why did you stop?"
Flame(Looking the ground)-".....I.. I can't come whit you.."
Lagon-"What? why no?"
I could lost the control.. that thing has sayed "They can control you... when i'll want" so.. maybe they are waiting i go from the other dragons.. maybe they can see all i do... and use me to.. take all them from the lab.. I can't do it.. i won't!..
Flame-"I'll stay.... ehm.. i Most stay.. far away from the other dragons..."
Lagon-"I.. I don't understand.."
Pyron-"Why?.. you most be to the sure, you are tired and confused.."
Flame-"I.. I know...but.." I can't tell them what i could do.. i'll stay alone for all my life.. "..but i think it's better if i stay here.. i can't come.. don't ask me more...please.."
Lagon and Pyron looked strange...
Flame-"...." hey.. wait a second.. how the humans know what i'm thinking..? That's impossible.. and if they know where i was.. why they didn't catch me before?... so.. they can't.. they can't find me..! but now..?
Pyron-"Are.. you sure?.."
Flame-".. you.. ehm.. you could take me near the place where we going... for now i won’t meet noone of the other..
Pyron-”..ok..if you want..
I knew.. the humans didn’t know wherei was.. but i’m not so sure about this..and i won’t help the humans to catch the other..
Lagon-”We could talk about you to the other?..
Flame-”Not yet... thanks for ask me..
Pyron-”Ok... i don’t understand why you want this but.. it’s Ok..
We have walked for long time and finaly...we have found the place..
Pyron-”Here we are.. Mist Falls Village..!
Lagon-”So... we go, Flame.. i hope you’ll be ok here.
Flame-”I’ll be fine.. don’t worry
Pyron and Lagon go inside Mist Falls Village ..
I’ve found a quiet place where i could live for now.. I didn’t know when i’ll go inside the village..I was scaried.. I..I was confused.. That dream.. it was so strange.. and my head never stop to be hurt.. why?.. what’s happening to me?..The night come.. with her cold.. Sleep is hard now..I’ve too much things inside my head.. Some hours later.. I’ve finaly close my eyes and i’ve begin to sleep... and then...
.... To Dream
Warning, Do Not Copy

●All the stories can not be copied or used
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