
Blinded by Light

giovedì 27 agosto 2009

Part 9 - New enemies

I've sleeped with Luce for some hours... it's fun stay with her.. i feel better when she is with me.. in that momen i had forget all my questions, all my problems..
Suddenly i've heard an explosion, i've open my eyes and i've seen smoke coming from Mist Falls Village..!
Flame(waking up)-"N..NO! What's happening?!"
Luce-"Uh..? Flame, what's going on..? *yahwn*"
Flame-"Mist Falls Village..!"
I've begin to run, i can't stay here doing nothing! i most help them!..
Luce-"Hey wait!"
Flame-"What now? i've no time"
Luce(coming near me)-"(i'm hearding someone..)"
Flame-"uh?..*looking around* i don't se---"
Luce-"Shh! listen..."
I didn't heard nothing.... i've heard somethink!...
Flame-"(what's that?)"
Luce-"(i don't know.. but it surely not a good and small guy..)"
Flame-"(and he is not alone...)"
we begin to looking around us, ready to fight...
Luce-"They're coming..!"
From the trees appeared some creatures i've never seen before..
Flame-"What are they?"
Luce-"oh..They small.."
Flame-"Thanks for answering, uh.."
Luce-"no problem!..*smile*"
???-"So... we have found you"
Behind us there was a dragon...
Flame-"who are y---"
Luce-"Uriel.. what are you doing here..?"
Uriel-"nice to see you again guys."
Flame-"I've never seen you before.."
He seemed surprised after i've sayd that... He knew me too?..
Luce-"Right, you've never seen him."
Luce seemed angry.. Uriel was a bad guy?... well, I don't need of a genious to understand that.. his little strange creatures let understand all..
Uriel-"Luce... what are you doing?"
Luce-"Not now, Uriel.."
Flame-"What's happening here? who is this guy?"
Luce-"He is--"
Uriel-"I am one of the Light Guardians.. after the disappearance of the last old Guardian, a new group of dragons has followed the light.. and then, here us.."
Flame-"Us?... you mean you and your little friends, isn't?.."
Uriel-"no.. i mean---"
Luce-"Shut up! Flame, you have to go, isn't? so do it!"
Flame-"Oh, yeah! Mist Falls!"
I've begin to run, Mist Falls Village needed of help, i can't stay here...but who was they?.. i'll see them again?... now i don't have to think at them, i have to help my friends!
[voice-"he is gone[gone..]..."]
[voice4-"Yes... but we'll see him again[again..].... we have to.[have to..]"]
[voice5-"yes, we have to[have to..]... but not so fast...[fast..]]
Why i heard this voices?... who are they?... but in that moment i was thinking just to help the village, the only place where i've thought i was.. at home..
There was more damaged things in the village.. i've seen all fighting with the other of the village... what's happening here?
Emalf-"Hey Flame..."
behind me was appeared Emalf, the dragon that Kyle showed to me..
Flame-"What's happen--- AAH!"
he hitted me with his tail sent me against a tree and i fell to the ground...
Flame-"ugh... damn.."
Emalf-"the last time i couldn't do nothing.. but now..let me show you my real power"
He was going to hit me with a large dark fireball... it was the end for me?..
Emalf-"Why you don't use the crystals?!"
Emalf-"Show us what you can do!"
He shotted me that fireball...
I've closed my eyes... nothing is happened.. when i've open my eyes again i've seen all around me was stopped... all was more dark of before and i've seen the crystal and my purple eye was shining...what's happening?
I just have to go away from here... when the fireball could not hit me anymore, all back like before and the fireball hits the ground destroying a big part of it..
I can't beat him... he is too much strong, and the luck can't help me again... I've used that light beam i've used in the temple stunning Emalf..
now! i most go away from here!..
I'm gone inside the village and i've seen Spirit and Nera..
Flame-"Nera! Spirit!"
when i've reached them Lagon and Pyron came too..
Pyron-"Guys, what's happening?"
Nera-"Buraki send these clones to be us and to destroy the village from the inside out."
Flame-"They're way stronger than us."
Gana appeared too.
Gana-"Guys, your okay."
Pyron-"Gana, your here."
Gana-"Sorry. My clone captured me and posed as me to destroy the village. I was able to escape."
Pyron-"Where's Spirit?"
What?! damn, how he is gone without noone has seen him? oh yeah, he is a little young..
The clones appeared and had us cornered... what can we do now?.. they are stronger than us..
Spirit-"Stooooooooooop! You will not harm my friends!"
We saw Spirit up in the sky. He glew white and whipped up a vicious storm. The storm caught the clones and blew them away.
Spirit had lost control of his weather powers.
Gah! what he is doing? Gana flew up and knocked him out and the storm ended. Mist Falls was....completely destroyed!
Flame-"That little guy did all this? Wow."
i was looking the village.. or what was left of it: nothing.
Gana-"Spirit, are you okay?"
Spirit-"Yeah. I'm sorry Gana...I wanted to...protect Pyron does...because you too..."
Gana-"Spirit..." She hugs Spirit..

And now? what we can do?.. we can't stay here ... more....

Warning, Do Not Copy

●All the stories can not be copied or used
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●The Characters can not be copied or used
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