
Blinded by Light

lunedì 27 settembre 2010

Machine's Evolution

I flyed for a while, trying to doesn't let Gana or Pyron notice that i was following them. I didn't know why Gana did that, but she surely had a good reason... Also, Pyron didn't deserve to be traited that way by the others... The story about him is different... just a misunderstandment, maybe.
When i reached them, Gana was telling him about that..
Gana-"...Another thing Pyron, you aren't a full Dark Draco...and you'll never will be."
Pyron-"Huh? What do you mean?"
Gana-"Your heart isn't twisted. It does have some darkness in it, but it's being balanced by light."
Pyron-"I'm confused. What do you mean?"
Flame-"Gana's saying your a hybrid Pyron." I walked from them, they where both a bit surprised... Gana was also pretty angry.
Flame-"Yes. And your the only one who will put an end to the Dark Dracos once and for all."
Gana-"What are you doing here?"
Flame-"You're not going anywhere without me this time." I went closer. "And whatever you say, Gana, wont make me change my mind.. Im coming with you." Gana said nothing, she just nodded and we kept moving.. I didn't know very well where we were going, also because i didn't know that place as I allways did in the past.. this time it was different... as if i lost something of me.
I looked around and i saw a weird rock.. "Woah...!" There, little drops of rain formed some strange signs... That's.. the ocean. And a castle?.. What does that mean? I looked again around, but there wasn't anything else... It's pretty weird.. But i don't see how it may be possible that a stupid rock could say something important uh.. "uhm...."
Gana-"Hurry up Flame!" Gana and Pyron kept walking, then i run to reach them. That trip was taking so long... And after all the stuff i did before reaching the others, i had no time to rest... i was really tired.
Flame-"Damn...How long are we gonna walk??"... and for that, i was also getting pretty nervous.
Gana-"Just behind the...." She stopped all of a suddent.
Pyron-"You ok?"
Gana-"Something's not right...." I had a bad feeling too.. But i couldn't see anything.. "C'mon let's fly!" Wh-what? She all of a suddent flyed and so me and Pyron did.
Flame-"Would you please tell us whats happening?" Gana was going to talk, but i heard something and i turned... it started to flood and there was a giant wave coming to us. We tryed to avoid it but something pulled us, and then it was all dark.
???-"Wake up, young dragons.." I've opened my head.. where am I?... I looked around and noticed we were underwater, and then i stop breathing. Gah!.. d-damn! How the hell i'm still awake?? I turned and saw a kind of Dolphin, and then i swam back. What the hell?!
Dolphin-"Welcome to the Akkadian Empire!" Then Pyron and Gana got up, and it seemed they hadn't problems..
Pyron-"What happened to us?" .....whut.. i took a breath.. We... can..
Flame-"And how can we....breathe under water?..." That dolphin explained that they gave us a kind of power that allow us to breathe under water... but for a limited time. Gana didn't seem very pleased, something was wrong with this place for her.
Gana-"Oh thats nice. The invite couldave been nicer too.."
Dolphin-"I am sorry,but since you hate water we knew you would never try to enter it,so we had to do this..."
Gana-"Good! Now that we are forced to be here....explain to us who are the Akkadi and why do we need to be here." It seems Gana wanna leave as soon as possible... oh, maybe that's what's wrong with her... she really hates water all that much?
Dolphin-"The Akkadi are very gentle and proud creatures" I looked at that dolphin and almost laughed. Pft.. that guy is sooo weird...! He looked at me and continued "You do NOT want to insult them. It may be the last thing you ever do." I looked around trying to avoid his eyes.. ngh.. "They are also known as «Generous creatures of Darkness» ... If you are afraid,don't show it." How can i be afraid by a dolphin... however...
Flame-"Now...what are we doing here?"
Dolphin-"The Akkadi king, Slaifon, needs to speak to you. Follow me!" Oh, a king.. We followed that guy for a while and he took us to the doors of the King's room, the guards there was sword fish.. This place is not like all the others, i didn't expect to end up here starting a trip from Mist Falls village... More close we went from the king, and more weird feelings i was getting... i felt a great energy coming from the room.. So, we finally came to the royal hall.
King-"My guests have arrived. Please,come in. I am sorry that our hands grabed you and forced you down here,but there was no other way to contact you except for the signs that we were sending you,but none of you havent noticed. We had to do it this way then." Ah.. now i see..
Flame-"Woah...that trick you did on the rock was pretty good."
King-"And not enough good for you to realize it means something." Ngh.. I putted my head down. Yeah that was... Uh.. weird.. what's happening to me..? "I have brought you here to tell you that Buraki made new types of machines..." I looked back at him.. Buraki was working on something before he let me go... Maybe this guy is talking about that?.. "Stronger,faster,bigger and more powerfull then any other machines we ever seen before,and they all have the same,the only task: Whipe out dragon resistence and dragon allies..."... Just as it was suppose to be. Buraki's plans hasn't changed in all these years of war... "We examined the current machines that your army fought againts. You remember death hounds, hunters, dragon killers..." We all nodded, it wasn't easy to forget those machine afterall.. But.. what about them?
Pyron-"Wait,you can see whats happening above the water? How?" Uhm.. good question.. I looked at the king, but i think i already know the answer..
King-"I can see everything thats happening on the surface if I want to." Yes.. that was the only way he could know.. "I just pick a destination,then I can see everything. Thats how I saw Mistfalls end. The war at Dragonopolis. The war between Eastern and Western dragons. Good becomes bad,bad becomes good.."I looked down.."...and now,Embers death....This is how I found all about his machines. But without you,I would not see it. Cause those machines top prioriti was,and still is,to destroy the new born and the main leaders. The main leaders are you two I guess." He pointed to Pyron and Gana.
Gana-"The new born is....Angel?"
King-"Hmm...your daughter. Yes." Angel... So she IS a threat for Buraki... I still have something to understand about her. Like, why i feel pain everytime i'm next to her.. After that the King replyed, Gana started to cry and Pyron and I hugged her trying to cheer her up..
Gana-"Our child is on Burakis top list. I am just afraid that I wont be there for her,when she needs me the most." Gana... All of a suddent i felt pain in my head.. and then, sadness... It.. was Gana... All her energy, feelings... i could feel that somehow. Weird.. it never happened before now...And if i think about it, she was the only one who i never felt anything.. like pain.. as it's happened with most of the peaple i met... Pyron, Lagon.. even with all my enemies.. Is it changed now that i'm close to her?
King-"Gana,she can take care for herself now..."
Gana-"What? For crying out loud,shes still a baby!"
King-"With great powers..."
Gana-"With great powers,comes great responsibility.." I looked down... Great powers.... "Tell us everything you know,even the tinyest details about the new machines!" And so he did. The king told us about everything he knew about the new machines, their new codes, names, powers. Nothing that i didn't know and that Buraki hasn't told me before coming back from the alliance... S-100, C-44: new projects for Dragon Killers and Death Hounds.. But then he told us about a 1,400-pound T-800, designed as a human metal skelton... Buraki.. focused on humans instead of dragons now?! That's... what he wanted to do with all those humans he got in his lab... I can't believe this is happening. The king kept talking, this time it was about the machine that Buraki used to take the humans in his lab, the Transporter and Harvester.. Buraki hasn't told me much about them, but i knew how they worked.... hide everywhere... keep everything..
King-"...And last but not least, the newest,water-proof Hydro-Bots, which we describe as a cross between a psychotic crab and a deep sea fish with an eel body. So,our empire is going to be attacked by those. Noone knows when. But our forces have been gathered and train every day." A lot of new toys, let's say.
Gana-"Its not enough! It has never been enough. We are outnumbered! machines!" I looked at her... Yeah... that's it. "I need to get out of here....Im sorry but we cant even help ourselfs!" She left.. I looked at the king.. and i began to think.. if he know about this, and everything of our story... Does he also know about my situation.. now?.... I've not been with them untill now...Then i followed Gana, Pyron stayed there for some minutes. Then we got went outside the water.
Flame-"Are you ok?"
Pyron-"Yeah,you put up quite a show there..."
Gana-"Im not ok!"
Pyron-"Gana,whats happening? We can help you."
Gana-"Noone can help me...its over for me. I cant....fight the machines."
Flame-"What? What are you saying?"
Gana-"Im starting to loose my abilities! I lost the power to run fast,to breathe ice,move objects with my mind,control other peoples thoughts.... Whats left is...pain infliction,low level electricity and I can see at least 1 hour in the future." I looked at Pyron, i was a bit worried.. I didn't know what was happening to Gana, but it wasn't surely the right moment to happen..
Pyron-"What about your fury? You used it to save me,remember?"
Gana-"The last bits of my fury powers...yes."
Flame-"Thats...terrible! Whats happening? Are we all gonna loose our powers right before the main fight againts Buraki??"
Pyron-"Noone knows! But Im sure that Buraki has something to do with Ganas loss of powers! And Im gonna find it out! Lets go!" Is this really something connected to Buraki?.. How is it possible to do something like that..? We got up and saw a human that was looking at us..
Gana-"Peter?!" I looked at her. What? Does she knows that guy?.. The human ran away "Wait!!" Then Gana followed him, and so me and Pyron did. We arrived in a village where there was humans.. that seemed didn't like dragons by how they were looking at us..or maybe they just never met dragons before.. Gana was a bit nervous "Has anyone seen Peter Petrelli? Anyone?" Nothing.. "This is pretty importaint." Noone said a word.. Please, not all together... "Heres the little dirt bag!" Someone pushed the same guy that Gana saw before coming here..
Gana-"Peter Petrelli?" He nodded at Gana.
Peter-"What do you want? Are you taking me away?!"
Gana-"We prefer to ask you first...are you feeling different? Like you dont belong here?" Then i looked at Gana.. what is happening here? Who's this guy and why she's asking that?.. Gana kept talking with Peter.. Asking him something about some powers.. her powers.. and then i looked around...
Flame-"What the.. (.. Pyron? Where is he?)"
Gana-"You have my powers Peter, and we didnt meet just randomly. Everything now happens for a reason!" So this guy is coming with us? Peter picked up a few things from his house and climbed on Gana's back. Then Gana flyed.. One day i will understand, right?... And then i followed Gana..
Pyron was just dissapeared without saying a word.. what is he going to do now?...

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