
Blinded by Light

lunedì 27 settembre 2010

Years Ago, and Now.

Flame-"No.... not yet....I'm not done with you." I got up and looked Buraki and Luce.
Buraki-"Oh..! I didn't expect that.. actually i though you was here just to save her." I was.. but after all this time, i finally understood that the only way to stop you, is being a member of your stupid army..
Flame-"And then, where i should go? tsk, this is my home now."
Luce-"Your home eh?"
Flame-"Luce... you're the next one in my death list. You should never drop your guard down."
Luce-"Why you--"
Buraki-"Well, how do you feel now, Number 2?..." Uh... what? "Luce just did what you've done with your friends... you though she could be one of the alliance... but then she turned into one of us... that i guess you're still seeing as an enemy." Uh--.. but I...won't leave the alliance.. I will go back from them!
Flame-"I am... different." I turned looking at the door "I'll be in my room, If you'll need me again." Then i walked away. Years passed, and now... i'm here.
While i was with Buraki, i got a big part of my memories back... just as i was hoping. I began to remember about the Light Guardians, my home and something about my father. It wasn't really enough. I still have a lot of questions...
All i remembered just cleared out some of the visions i had during the trip with the group. The Light Guardian.. Dragons that choosen to follow the light and got the rights to protect it to get its power. That was what Luce wanted to do from the beginning, even with my father... Long time ago.
I just have to keep following my plan... and get the right moment to attack Buraki... Now that I did everything he wanted, i think he won't notice me if i'll be away from him for some time.....I have to do my moves carefully, if i want that my plan will work... I'm doing this for you all, friends.
My head keep hurting since i was from Buraki. I'm sure something happened there, strange he doesn't want to tell me the truth. I never felt all this pain for so long time.. i can't even remember how is being normal, without any pain. And I think i won't remember that for some more time...
We walked for a while, Gana was leading the way.. she was one of the leaders now, just as it was suppose to happen... Sadly i wasn't there when --- NGH!.
Flame-"Ugh! (What the--?)" Next to me there was Angel. I tried to walk a bit away from her..
Angel-"Problems with me?" She was looking me kinda badly... afterall she never met me as a friend. I've always been part of Buraki when she saw me..
Flame-"N-no..." Also.. i don't understand why everytime she come close to me.. i feel all this pain... it doesn't happen with the others.."..S-so.. you are.. Angel, aren't you?"
Angel-"Yeah, and you are that traitor." That traitor? Good, what does the others told her about me? *sigh* "You're here because of Buraki, isn't?"... patience, Flame... stay calm.
Flame-"...I haven't seen him for a while.." Is not a lie afterall.
Angel-"No, no. This may work with everyone here but me." Ngh, who gived her this personality? She came closer, and i began to feel more and more pain again, then i tried to stay away.. "Why you keep--- uh?" what? I turned and there we almost reached the city...or whatever is suppose to be.... But luckly, she have to stay away from me now..I felt much better... I guess i'll need a lot of time to get her trust.
During the little trip, I've understood that Pyron wasn't welcome in certaint places... Peaple that see him like a monster, hating him just because he's a draco... I know who the Dracos are.. but i found very irritating what peaple was thinking about him... But i couldn't do anything. Pyron was freed from the cage, but still chained. A part of the group, after leaving again the village, was walking next to Lagon, that was taking Pyron with the chain. Others were flying. During these years, i found out a kind of way to let me fly again, i could finally feel the same feeling of freedom i wanted..
"STOP!" Nera yelled and everyone stopped, and I with all the flying group landed to see what was happening.
Lagon-"What's the meaning of this? We have to get moving if we intend to reach Wells before nightfall! You know very well Gana that Burakis machines are better hunters in the dark!" Gana nodded..
Gana-"I know! But I'm here to tell you that we have to change our course!"
Lagon-"Why? This is the closest way we found!"
Gana-"Cause if we go this way we all are gonna die!" Uh.. Everyone gasped, I looked the way we were going.. nothing seems wrong.. it's also pretty quiet.. Then i looked back at Gana.. What does she wanna do?
Lagon-"Gana, what have you seen?" Gana needed a bit of time to give an answer..
Gana-"...Its an ambush! Burakis machines are in the forest and I saw that we loose this battle. But I also saw another way to the city of Wells and its in that direction." She pointed to a valley covered with a thick fog. Everyone gasped. I looked at the ground shacking my head and almost smiled ironically.. Now that's an exuse.. As if all this story wasn't hard enough.
Lagon-"Are you crazy? We cant go thru there!"
Gana-"Its either that or you die...make your choice Lagon,its whatever to me but I pick life,which is the fog..." Then she flyed and after a while everyone followed her. I stayed on the ground walking, then i began to feel like a magic energy and i looked up.. It was hard to see with that fog, but there was a light in the sky, above Lagon and Pyron... Slowly the power was getting stronger.. that was the same energy of Gana's fury, maybe weaker.. I looked at the chain, and then again at Gana.. Does she want to.. free Pyron? All of a suddent a bolt fell and hit the chain, Gana took Pyron pretty fast. Everyone was scared or confused, Nera landed and tryed to calm them all..
Nera-"Please, everyone stay calm! Just let's keep moving! Calm down!" I began to walk "Where do you think to go?"
Flame-"Sorry, but this time i won't just stay here and wait those two to fix this mess." From how Nera reacted at what was happened, i though she knew where to go.. "Do as she said, I'm going with them." Then i jumped and followed Gana and Pyron..

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