
Blinded by Light

lunedì 31 agosto 2009

Part 16 - New threats..?

Flame-"baaa.... water, water... well, what i could expect from the sea?... earth?...ngh....."
Vixers-"seasick uh?.."
Flame-"yeah... uffff.... i didn't know i had seasick before come here... i've remembered too late!.."
it was night, everyone was eating.. blah, just see that food in that moment had just make me worse than before..
all around me was food and peaple was eating.. all except Pyron: he wasn't eating.. something was wrong in his head.. surely it wasn't seasick, i've seen my face and i know how is someone with seasick..
some time later i went outside.
Flame-"wait...(back inside running) I can't go outside!... that water could kill me..!*sigh..*"]
A vision?.. i though that headacke was for the seasick!..
a dragon i've seen before yet was looking me badly.. but i'm seeing with the eyes of someone else?..
[Voice-"you have killed them.."]
he seems... Uriel..!
[Uriel-".. i can't forgive you!"]
[Voice-"w-wait!... I won't fight you!"]
[Uriel-"well, so it will more easy for me!"]
that was the past?.. but Uriel seemed the same of now.. i decided to go outside.. i needed of a breath of air.. i'll just try to don't look at the water..
all that visions.. they are confusing me.. i don't know if they was me in that memories..if they was the past, present or the future.. and plus I was seeing through the eyes of someone but i wasn't sure he was me...
The voice was so different.. and i don't remember nothing of what i'm seeing..
Voice-"so you really don't remember nothing.."
i turned and i've seen a dragones i've never seen before..
Flame-"who are you?.."
Aika-"My name is Aika.. I'm the Light Guardian of the Time."
Flame-"a Light Guardian?.. so.. you should know Uriel..?"
Aika-"Yes. but i'm not here to talk with you...I wan---"
Flame-" are a.. Guardian of the Time.. you can controll the time, isn't?.. so you've saved me in that fight with Emalf?"
She seemed so serious..
[I'm here to save you[save you..]... your future is full of dangers[dangers]]
Aika flew away..
Flame-"h-hey! wait!...ah.." I went inside and i've seen Pyron and Gana go into a room.. Pyron seems strange and Gana was worryed, something was wrong.. then i've tryed to see what was happening..
[Bulco mos't find your mind!]
Flame-"Bulco?... aaah!.."
I felt a terrible pain in my head and I was barely standing..
[Just... don't go!]
Flame-"ugh.. what's... happening...?" i fell to the ground... "damn.. ok ok... i'll don't go there.. calm down.."
damn!.. seem everyone can do something with my mind!... Kyle sayd: ' you have something in your body, Flame... something that allows us to know where you are, what you heard and what you say...' ... and in this way they can controll me.. but someone else can controll me too for this 'something in my body'?
Then.. I'm just a toy that everyone can use..! my friends could do it too if they'll know how to do...
something in my head was wrong.. something making me angry.. How can i think that? my friends will never use me to do what they want..
I'm gone to sleep... i've seen Spirit and Elmo go into the room where Gana and Pyron was gone.. but i can't go there...
Just..close your eyes Flame... nothing more..
[Voice2-"so.. just a crystal of dark power could make him so powerful?"]
[Voice3-"Yes.. these crystals have a great power.. Buraki have underestimated their power.."]
[Voice5-"Is so stupid! where he found that crystals?"]
[Voice-"we don't know.. but it's sure we can't allow him to find other crystals for the experiments.."]
[Voice2-"that will not happen.."]
[Voice5-"someone have to controll Buraki's experiments and stop him if he found the crystals"]
[Voice-"I'll go.."]
Again that dreams... all flash of a past life..
[I need of you[of you..]]
[You can't stay here[here..]]
[Please![please!..] Don't go![don't go!...]
[I'm sorry[sorry...]... but i can't let all of you die[die...]]
[Don't do it[do it...].... what about me?[me?...]..]
[ will never alone[alone[alone..]...]]
[Kill us[us..]...]
It's passed some times and everyone was worried for Pyron..
[that Bulco... he could kill your friend Pyron..]
Flame-"I.. i feel me so weak.."
[You feel the energy of Pyron..he is in so much pain..]
Flame-"but why?.. how can i feel the energy of the others?.."
[I don't know.. is a kind of... power]
Flame-"umph.. a power..... uh? wait a second..who are y---"
Gana-"Hurry Griz. We have to get to the island of the fairies."
Griz-"We're going as fast as we can Gana. Calm down."
Gana-" Calm down?! Did you not see what happen to Pyron?! He can die at any moment! If he does, I...I..."
Nera-"We'll get there Gana. Please don't cry."
Spirit-"I can sense his soul. He's in so much pain. It's like looking at Danny all over again."
Lagon-"Don't cry Spirit. We'll save Pyron."
'feel the energy of who is near me'... so i can die when someone die?.. why it wasn't happened when Jewel, Kaloth and Heinaus was dead?'s just a stupid joke?.. i feel me weak because someone is playing with my body in this moment?..
why.. why i feel so angry?.. what's happening to me?.. I'm so nervous....
and i've a bad feeling.. the ship went into some fog.. house of the dragonlike Manti.
Flame-"damn, that's not good.."
It seems the Vixers knew the Manti very well and they were fighting them.. then all we have joined. Pyron and Gana was into a room in the ship and i still was a little weak...
We fought for 2 hours and finaly we managed to get out of the fog..It's a miracle that i'm still alive...
Griz-"Those creatures really worked us didn't they?"
Saka-"The Manti are a symbol of death. However, we can't let them stop us."
Nera-"The ship needs repairs. Griz, can we land somewhere?"
Griz-"There is an island not far from here. We can land there." So it was agreed, and we went from that island.
Half an hour later we found the island..and before we landed i've seen all around me was stopped... The water, my friends, the ship..
Voice-"So, you still have the forces to fight for hours uh?"
I turned and i've seen Aika.
Flame-"Aika.. what's happening? why it's all stopped?"
Aika-"This is one of my power.. i can stop everything I want, who I want and when I want.. not just stop however.."
Flame-"uh.. why you've done that?.."
Aika-"Your dark powers are too much stronger now.. i have to take away the red crystal in your wing."

Flame-"I have a red crystal?.."
Aika-"When you've seen Alazar kill your friends, the fury in your body had maked stronger the dark power..and then, the crystal had maked it more stronger than normal.."
Flame-" you want to tear off that crystal from my wing? hey it's hurt, you know?"
Aika came near me but i've jumped back.
Flame-"Gah! stop! there most be another way!.."
Aika-"For now it's the only idea i have and i have to take away from you that don't move.."
Flame-"Ugh... n-no! wait!.. in what wing is that crystal?.."
I can't let Aika to tear off my wing!..maybe..i... I need of an idea!...
Voice-"Stoop! Aikaaaa!"
someone was fell in the ground near us.. guess who: Luce.
Luce-"auuch (@.@)"
Aika-"Luce! what are you doing here?"
Flame-"Wait, you know Luce?"
Aika-"Sure.. she is--"
Luce-"Don't tear off that crystal!"
Flame-"Uh! (*.*) *hides behind luce* yeah! don't do i---"
Luce-"Because i want do it!"
I've jumped away.
Flame-"Yoooouu!! I was going to trust of you!"
Aika-"Luce.. you shouldn't be here..!"
Ok, something strange was happening in that moment.. Luce knew all the Light Guardians.. is she a Light Guardian too?.. I have to know more about this 'Guardians'... and i have to understand why they know so much about me.. Uriel,Luce.. and Aika too..!
Aika-"umph.. now i go..sorry but maybe you've right Flame: there most be another way.."
Flame-"pew*.. really?"
Luce-"oh, Really?" she seemed sad (-.-)
Aika flew away "we'll find a way.. and WE will save you this time.."
what?.. what she mean with 'this time'?.. and save me by what?..
[Voice2-"He can't be our worst enemy.. we need of him.."]
[Voice4-"No, we need of the Light.. we need of him just to know where are his friends.."]
[Voice3-"Is not just this.."]
[Voice4-"uh?.. what you mean?.."]
[Voice3-"he is.."]
Flame-"again..that voices.."
Luce-"uh!.." she seemed worried "sorry i have to go.. i won't your friends find me here when the time will begin to go again"
Flame-"Why you kee--"
Luce flew away and all around me was moving again..
Lagon-"Flame! come on, you have to find some food!"
Flame-"Uh? (=.=) ok..."
Then Silver, Nera, Spirit, Lagon and me went for food..
Flame-"ok guys.. i'll search the 'meat'....(going away from the group) mmhh....meeeat...."
then i'm gone away from the group and i've began to search for some food.. it was a dark place.. but full of food!
ok, 1^ hunt lesson: no noise....
I'm gone behind a tree..
........... ............ ........... [CRAAAAAASHHHHH!!!]
Flame-"W-Who's there?!"
A dragon was fell against a tree destroing it, and all the food was escaped for that!
Dragon-"(getting up) ah.. damn.."
Flame-"Who.. who are you?!"
Is someone else like Luce? oh, no thanks.. Luce is enough!..
he saw me and came in front me... he was a gold dragon with red eyes and big wings.. and he was a little big than me.
Dragon-"so.. you are Flame.."
Flame-"uh? how you--"
he taked me by the neck.. looking me so seriously.. he.. he want kill me?..
Flame-"AH! w..what are you doing?!....."
Vinge-"My name is Vinge... and is better if you don't forget it.."
Flame-"l...let me.. go...!"
I was losing the forces... his taking was really strong... I tryied to hit him with my tail but it doesn't work..
Vinge-"... show me your true power.."
[Voice-"Stop, Vinge!.."]
Vinge-"umph.. you're lucky"
he freed me from the taken and i fell on the ground..
Vinge-"What now?.."
[Voice-"you mos't do it now!"]
I.. I hear that voices again.. Vinge is talking with them?..
Vinge-"(looking at me)... i wouldn't kill him.."
[Voice-"you are doing the serious? stop it, is strange"]
Vinge-"*sigh* but is cool!"
what?.. something in Vinge was changed!
[Voice-"now, come back to the temple, we have to talk."]
Vinge-"you are serious too now!"
[Voice-"maybe you want me there?"]
Vinge-"ugh! n-no no! i'm coming!"
I get up and Vinge began to flew..
Flame-"why you've tryed to kill me?..."
Vinge-"if you think about, everyone are trying to kill you, Flame"
Flame-"uh? (he flew away) h-hey! wait!" too late, he was gone now...
What's happening here? who are all these guys?.. well... for now i have to think at the food for the other.... then...
I've began to walk to find the food and back to the others..
[Voice5-"I've seen his crystals... but i've not understod what they could do..."]
[Voice-"They will work when he'll have a strong feeling.. like the death of friends.."]
[Voice3-"But.. we have seen what is happened when his friends was dead... the dark power was going to destroy his mind!"]
[Voice4-"yeah.. that's true..."]
[Voice2-"what's happening?.."]
[Voice4-"well... the dark power is more stronger of the Light power.. maybe if we could controll it.. we---"]
[Voice5-"Of what are you talking about?! you know very well that we need of the light power!.."]
[Voice4-"But why?!"]
[Voice2-"Stop!... we mos't talk about this.."]
[Voice-"now.. let's find the light.."]
[Voice5-"Who go?.."]
[Voice4-"umph... i'll go.."]
[Voice2-"Don't kill him yet..."]
...what i've done... in my past?...
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domenica 30 agosto 2009

Part 15 - Can not be wors----

It was night and all was sleeping... I've hear someone leaving and when i've opened my eyes i've seen Spirit..
Flame-"uuuhhmm...(trying to sleep again) uff... (=_=)"
I woked up too... now cause Spirit i couldn't sleep again. and then i've walked near the sea..
voice-"Aaah! Stop!"
Flame-"Uh? (°.°) who's there?"
voice-"Here! i'm here!"
I've looked down and there was a little rat with the wings... (just like a bat) and i was going to crush him.
Flame-"Oh, sorry.. i didn't seen you..! who are you?"
Strange pet-"(going up my back) uhm, that's not important"
Flame-"oh good... so i'll call you 'Anab'..."
Strange pet-"What? why Anab?"
Flame-"it mean: animal nuisance and black" i've pushed him away from me with the tail.
Anab-"hey! it's that the way to behave with the peaple smallest than you?"
Flame-"*sigh..* what you want from me?"
Anab-"I'm here with a friend, and she is big like you!"
Flame-"A dragon?....She?"
Luce appeared behind me-"BUUUUH!!!"
Flame-"(jumping away)GAAH!!" i turned and i've seen Luce "Y-YOU!"
Luce-"hahah! is always fun scare you"
Flame-"Ugh!..(°_°)' don't do it again!"
Anab-"Oh Luce! so you know him!
Luce-"Sure! he is my friend..!"
Flame-"What? you know Anab?"
I pointed the rat-bat "him"
Luce-"He's name is not Anab! (°.°) he is Crips"
Cr--- "I'm not Crips!!"
Flame-"yeah, he is Anab!"
An...Cri...(@_@)-"My name is Tub!!"
Tub-"You know me?"
Flame-"who the hell are you?!"
Flame-"Tiauch..! (@_@)"
Tub-"I'm small but strong (u.U)"
after some min Tub was gone, he sayd us he was controlling the ship for the trip to Draco Island... but something in himself was strange.
Flame-"So, Luce, we meet again"
Luce-"Strange uh? everywhere you go, you find me.. i could think you are following me..!"
Flame-"hehe. no, sorry, i'm just going to Draco Island with my friends."
Luce-"Uhm.. Draco Island..."
Flame-"uh? what?"
Luce-"Oh, nothing.. i was just wondering why you are going there..."
I could trust of Luce.. she wasn't bad..
Flame-"Well... we are looking for Spyro and Cynder.."
Luce-"......... who the hell are they? (°.°)"
Flame-"What?! (°_°)' how you can't know them?"
Luce-"(°.°) never hear that names"
Flame-"Well they are...." wait.. who are they?... i mean.. what they have done to be legendary dragons? "ehm..(°_°)"
Luce-"(@.@) so you are going to find them, without know the story? (°.°)"
Flame-"I know the story.. but.. ehm... i don't remember that.."
ok i trust of Luce but..i don't know why, i feel something strange... i won't tell her about the mission.. why?..
Uriel-"Uh, you're lieing."
Uriel was appeared from the darkness..
Uriel-"Flame, we Light Guardians have more powers.."
Flame-"so.. you can read my mind?"
Uriel-"Well.. just say.. i've a power like the powers of your friends Gana and Nera.."
He know th--- oh..
Flame-"So.. you two are still following me?"
Luce-"ehm.. yep (^_^)"
Flame-"*sigh..* (Uriel pushed me down) gah! hey!"
Uriel-"uh.. not good.."
Uriel-"look that crystal..."
they begin to look my right wing..
Flame-"what are y---"
Luce-"oh-hoh~... that's not good"
Uriel-"so it's true... well guys, i go.. we'll see again one day.."
Uriel flew away..
Luce-"need of help?"
Flame-"*sigh* no thanks.." i got up...
Flame-"why you don't come with us instead follow me like a spy?"
Luce-"well.. that could be possible.. but not now."
She flew "Maybe when we'll found the light.. i could come with you and your friends..!"
Flame-"uh? 'when 'WE'll'....?"
she flew away "cya later Flame!"
i was back to sleep... i was so tired in that moment. I lied in my bed and ,some seconds later i've closed my eyes the other woke me up..
Griz-"Come on sleepyhead! it's time to go! you've slept all the night! now you have to wake up!"
Flame-"*siiiigh...* Uhmmmm (rolling on the bed) (>.<)"
Griz-"uff.. (he was gone and after some seconds was back)"
Flame-"GAAAH!! Ok Ok! I'm awake!!"
I fleed out, heading towards the other in the ship.
Griz-"Okay passengers. Let's head for Draco Island." And we set sailed.
I felt someone was following us.. some seconds later i've thought Luce was following us.. and i've smiled..
It's good know we was to the sure in this ship..
Flame-"Wait.. this is a ship..."
Ugh!.. a.. ship!... UGH...! why i noticed that only now?! (ç____ç)
Flame-"(looking the water) bwahhh...... my head.... my stomach... I felt like a spinning top going to fall down (@_@)"
ooohhhw....look how they move those waves.... (@.@)
how many are they?.. why there are waves? (@.@) why i'm feeling this? my eyes couldn't look anything else, my head was blocked to look at the sea... I am going to hate this mission
I hope it's the last trip in this ship.. (T.T)

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Part 14 - Something wrong..

I was hearing my was in great pain... my body was losing all the forces.. I didn't know if i could resist anymore..
[Voice-"It's strange.. the dragons with that 'power' should die at the first death they see..."]
[Voice4-"Why he is still alive?.."]
[Voice5-"Maybe he have more power than we was expect.."]
[Voice3-"But that's not a power..! how that can be a power?"]
[Voice-"I don't know.. but i've seen just two dragons with that ability.."]
[Voice5-"This couldn't surely help him.."]
Pyron fired Alazar's tentacle but he shots a black beam and destroyed it.
Pyron-"You will pay!"
Alazar flees as Pyron fired another beam, nailing part of his wing.
When Alazar was gone.. my forces was coming back slowly...
Pyron was back himself and he head for us with Gana..
Pyron-"Are you ok?.."
Flame-"Don't worry.. ugh.. I.. I'll be fine.. but i'm worry for them.."
Gana and Pyron got us from the doctor..
Doctor-"oh.. all you are in worse shape..!"
Flame-"no, don't worry about me.. i'll be fine without help.."
i was near Kaloth and Jewel...
Flame-"I'm sorry... I.. I couldn't do nothing..."
After some time, the doctor let me go..
Pyron-"How are Jewel and Kaloth...?"
Doctor-"....I'm sorry.."
I turned and i've seen the face of Pyron.. he was sad? angry?... noone can know what someone feel when the friends die..
is that the feeling i had..
I'm sure i wanted cry... i felt that.. but i couldn't, don't know why..
Flame-"Alazar.. you'll pay for that.."
Something in me was changing.. i had that feeling... when i've met Luce, i've began to hear voices... and to see something of the past.. Uriel knew me before find me.. and Luce too..
I was really confused.. and angry.. I'll never forget what Alazar have done!... I'll hate him for the rest of my life!..
some hours later we head for Diamond Port but Pyron.. Pyron wouldn't go.. i can understand that.. but.. i don't feel this emotion anymore..
That dragons i've seen in that visions.. they was dead.. I've really done this?.. of who are this memories?.. If that vision are true.. i've killed someone...? I can't feel any emotions, i could kill without say a word, without feel me sad.
I just hope all that visions wasn't real.... I.. I couldn't do something like that..
I turned and i've seen Luce and Uriel..
Flame-"*sigh*...leave me alone.. please..."
Uriel-"It's not your fault if it's happ--"
Flame-"SHUT UP!"
Luce and Uriel-"Uh.."
Flame-"I've done nothing to save them! I've seen the future, i knew what could happened! But i've done NOTHING!"
Luce-"Please Flame..! calm down..."
Flame-"How can I calm down? I... I.."
In that moment Uriel hitted the back of my neck with the tail and i'm fell down...
Flame-"UH!.... I'm... so..." then, i've lost my senses..
[Voice4-"He was losing his controll.. the dark power could destroy his heart and take the controll.."]
[Voice2-"So the dark power will be more stronger for that..?"]
[Voice5-"I'm afraid yes..I've seen his wing.. a crystal has become red.."]
[Voice-"So, these crystals make more stronger this powers.."]
[Voice4-"The humans and Buraki didn't know that... and now Flame could become a threat for everyone..."]
[Voice5-"For them too.."]
....[It's over now[now...]...]
I've opened my eyes.. i was in the camp.. Pyron and Spirit woked up everyone..
We then went to the graves. A crystal levitated into the air and was above the graves and a beam of light shot out of it and into the graves.
what was happening? My energy was coming back.. somethink was happening, something.. good..
Lagon-"Oh, dig everyone!"
As quickly as we can we dug Jewel's and Kaloth's caskets out and open them up.
Pyron went to them and his body began to glow. Seconds later they woke up.
Spirit-"Their alive!"
Jewel and Kaloth was ok..! uhm.. Jewel looked a little different....infact... Now Jewel was a male!..
In 2 days i've learned more things about my feelings... first: the answer at "How many strange powers there are in the world?" was: ... well, ok I'm a little shocked.. but now i've understod why i didn't have a big liking for Jewel: I've felt she.. ehm.. He had something strange.
Flame-"Gah... I'm so emarassed (>/./<)° "
Jewel was embarassed too, he was so busy to find Heinaus.. that's the why he didn't tell us he wasn't a Female.
Jewel and Kaloth left.. and all was looking me..
Flame-"(>/./>) i'm ok."
After some time we arrive at Diamond Port, a port side town. Businessess were booming and everyone was working. It didn't seem that the war with Buraki reached this place.
Lagon-"So where do we find a ship large enough for all of us?"
ugh... a.. ship?...
Saka-"I know someone. Come with me." We follow Saka but Pyron stopped.. he was looking someone
Gana-"Pyron! Come on!"
He seems confused, he looked somewhere again and is back to us..
We came to a shipping yard and saw a big grizzly bear with an eyepatch on his left eye.
Griz-"Well well, if it isn't Saka and Silver."
Saka-"Hi Griz."
Silver-"How ya been big guy?"
Griz-"Business a little slow, but it's not the fishing season for another couple of weeks. I'm good, and who are your friends?"
Silver-"This is Gana, Nera, Pyron, Flame, Spirit, and Lagon."
Griz looked a little stunned.
Griz-"Did you say Lagon?"
Saka-"Uh, yeah."
Something was wrong?.. yeah, Lagon is a big boy but i don't think it was that had shocked him
Griz-"Quick, come inside."
I was waiting the other was inside and and I heard something that touched my tail, but when i've turned there was noone..
Griz-"Are you sleeping?"
Flame-"oh, sorry"
[Voice5-"Gah! sorry!"]
[Voice4-"be careful, he mos't see us"]
uhm... who was him, her or it?..
we was inside his large hut.
Griz-"That was close."
Gana-"Is there a problem?"
Griz-"Lagon's known in these parts as a deserter of Buraki. He has a large bounty on his scaly hide, and bounty hunters come through here from time to time. It's best not to say your names too loud."
Nera-"We'll be careful."
Griz-"So why have you come?"
Lagon-"We need to get to Draco Island."
Griz-"Draco Island? Hmm...well, it has to be a real good reason your going there. Okay, we'll leave in the morning. For now, rest up here." We agreed.
My forces was back... i could finaly sleep...
.....but i couldn't forget what was happened...
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sabato 29 agosto 2009

Part 13 - A curse or a power?

[I'm here, with you[you...]...]
[Don't leave me![leave me!...] not again![again!..]]
[What have you done[done..]....?]
[I.. [I...]... I couldn't stop me[me...]....]
[it was nice being with you guys[guys...]...]
[I'll back to you[to you...].... I promise.[I promise[I promise...]....]]
[..........I love you[I love you...]...]
[voice2-"he have lost a lot of blood[blood...].. but he will be fine[fine..]..]
Where am I...?... who is him?...
I've slowly opened my eyes...i was feel my head like that want explode..
Doctor-"oh, you're waking up yet?"
Flame-"W...where am I..? ugh.."
Doctor-"Don't worry, you are safe now.. let me heal you."
Flame-"ugh.. you can't...noone can..."
i've tryed to get up..
Doctor-"nono..! (making me down again) you can't go away yet."
Flame-"B..but i can't stay here... I--- ugh..!"
Doctor-"ah.. just let me do something.. you could rest after that.."
Flame-"*sigh..* ok..."
Doctor-"This will make you sleep.."
when i've closed my eyes, i didn't hear nothing.. all was quiet.. i felt.... better...
[Voice-"damn... that Kyle could kill him.."]
[Voice4-"Flame have used a strange power..."]
[Voice5-"was it.. the light power?.."]
[Voice2-"oh, you're back.."]
[Voice5-"i couldn't help him... now how we can know when he need of help?"]
[Voice-"yeah... we can't leave him die.. but we can't slow the growth of his powers.."]
[Voice4-"so his powers be more powerful everytime he is in danger.."]
[Voice3-"something will happen soon... if he'll see that, the dark power will be more stronger..."]
[Voice4-"that's not good[good...]"]
When i've opened my eyes, it was morning.. i got up and walked.. the doctor had disappeared... and I could barely walk..
after some min i've hear a voice, and i've seen all was leaving
Saka-"Okay. Let's go!"
what? they are leaving without me?
Flame-"hey! Wait!"
all turned and saw me.
Lagon-"Go back Flame. Your in no condition to come with us."
Flame-"Maybe, but Pyron can heal me. Did you forget?"
uhm... someone is becoming old.. hehe
We walked for hours up to nightfall and then we made a base camp and planned our next move.
Silver-"According to the map, we should reach Diamond Port by mid-day tomarrow."
Saka-"So we'll rest up and leave at first light."
Everyone was sleeping... in that moment i had scary to sleep.. i won't dream again that voices... i was thinking i was a monster in my past.. all trying to kill me... all talking about me like an experiment.. and they following me..
i got up and i've began to walk.. i've seen Pyron was gone too.. maybe i could follow h----
Flame-"Aah! m-my head!...."
Oh damn.. what now?!.... UGH!.... why i feel all this pain?!...
[ "Jewel!! Watch out!!" ]....Jewel was struck by a tentacle and she falls to the ground... in that moment i've seen Alazar...
I've seen he killed Kaloth... and Heinaus too!..
[Pyron-"Alazar!!! You will pay!!![pay!!...]"] Pyron's body glew a crimson and black color... what's happening?.. is that the future again?...
Flame-"NOO!" i've opened my eyes... that was the future!... I.. I can not let this happen!..
I've begin to run... I remember that place.. i can go there before.. ah!
it was too late, i've seen Heinaus fighting Jewel and Kaloth. but.. where is Alazar?.. oh, i have to help them!..
I had a few injuries and I was still weak.. but i went from them and hitted Heinaus..
Jewel-"You again?"
Flame-"ehm...'Thanks', no problem"
Kaloth-"Who are you?"
Flame-"uh!.. there's no time now.."
Heinaus-"Umph.. how you guys think to beat me?"
Flame-"We could say the same thing to you, Heinaus!"
Jewel-"Stay back Flame, you can't fight..!"
yeah.. she is right.. i'm too weak to fight.. but..
In that moment Heinaus hit all 3 with his tail and with a dark energy..
[Voice-"That's enough, someone most go there!"]
[Voice4-"I'll go..!"]
[Voice5-"no! wait!.. someone else is coming!"]
[Voice3-"Who are they?"]
[Voice5-"Fortunately ... friends"]
I was down, on the ground.. i've opened my eyes, some of my old injuries was losing blood again..
there was Pyron and Gana, they flew near us..
Heinaus-"Good. More welplings to fight."
Jewel got back her green look.
Jewel-"I was free Kaloth...and get my appearance back."
Gana-"You guys stay back. Pyron and I'll handle her."
Heinaus-"I have more power in my tail than you two have in your entire bodies."
Gana and Pyron begin to fight Heinaus...
No.. it's.. all like my vision...
I turned and i've seen Alazar.
Flame-"no... Jewel!! Watch out!!"
but it was too late.. Jewel was struck by a tentacle.
Gana, Pyron, and Kaloth-"Jewel!!!"
She falls to the ground.
Alazar-"That's one nuisance down."
Kaloth-"I'll make you pay!!" Kaloth hrads for Alazar..
AH!... i felt pain... all my forces was going to leave completly....
Kaloth gets struck by Alazar's tentacle too...
[Voice2-"that's... can't be... you have..killed them..."]
[Voice-"!... I..."]
[Voice2-"Why..... WHY?!?!"]
[Voice-"I... I couldn't stop me!... they..."]
[Voice2-"Go..go away!... before i kill you!..."]
*anf..anf*... What's happening?... why i feel my forces go away?... ugh!..
I didn't hear nothing anymore... the pain was too much... and my head was exploding!..
i've just seen another life was gone.. Alazar killed Heinaus too...
How he could do it?
[Voice5-"I'm here.. he can't hear us.."]
[Voice2-"why he is losing the forces?.."]
[Voice4-"he feels what the others feel?"
[Voice5-"So all his forces are going away?.. but he could---"]
[Voice-"yeah... and look the Fire Dragon..."]
Pyron-"Alazar!!! You will pay!!!"
Pyron's body glew a crimson and black color.
Alazar-"What's the meaning of this?!"
Pyron-"Alazar! Your going down!"
[Voice-"If he kill Alazar..."]
[Voice5-"you mean... if someone else die... Flame couldn't resist at all this feelings...?"]
[Voice-"Yes... and he could.."]
Warning, Do Not Copy

●All the stories can not be copied or used
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●The Characters can not be copied or used
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venerdì 28 agosto 2009

Showdown 2

Kyle and Emalf was waiting something.. they want i attack first?... ugh why my head is keeping to be hurt?
[Voice2-"why you've let him live? you know what he have done..!"]
[Voice-"he can't kill him yet..."]
[Voice4-"I can't.. not now...and i've not forget what he have done.. how can I forget?!"]
[Voice3-"I know it's hard to forget..."]
[Voice4-"grr... what about that Buraki?.. he is still slowing the growth of the powers?]
[Voice-"We think if Buraki keep send his servants... the powers will be at the best shape soon..]
[Voice2-"That's great!.."]
[Voice-"yeah... there is a 'but'... the powers that are growing... are..."]
after that i've heard nothing.. but my head was still hurt...
Of what they was talking about? where are they?... why i hear that?...
Now i could not think at this.. someone is waiting me..
Kyle-"So, Number 2... what are you waiting for?.."
Flame-"Oh you was waiting me? thanks...."
Emalf-"grr... fool, if you make me angry your death will be more painful!.."
Flame-"uuh, I'm dying of fear..!"
Flame-"Look! I'm here! Ready to be hitted! are you blind?"
Ok, now i'm dead.. shut up Flame!...
[voice2-"This are the Ruins of Warfang[Warfang..]... Your new training home[home..].."]
[(someone was going out from there)voice-"I've no time[time..].. so be fast.[fast..]"]
ugh.. damn, what was that?.. uh!
Emalf done a big jump to hit me with his claws but i've dodged it. i've hit him with my tail and sent him in the air..
Kyle-"woah.. where did you find all those forces?...."
Flame-"Surely not thanks to you!"
ugh.. not again..
[(An human girl was there..)Girl-"Don't leave me here[here..]..Please, not again![again..!]]
[Voice-"Don't worry[worry...]... I'll back[back...]...]
[(a Light came by the body of the dragon) go![go!...]]
ah! damn!.. what's happening?...
A fireball was coming from the air.. my purple eye was shining and a barrier protected me.. a big explosion make a lot of smoke in the valley..
Emalf fell to the ground..
Emalf-"Ugh.. hehe.. easy.."
Kyle-"It's not over yet.."
Kyle begin to run in the smoke and he hitted the barrier, destroying it and hitting me with the head, sent me against a big rock destroying a part of it..
I fell to the ground and Kyle is jumped in front me
Kyle-"it's over now..[now...]"
[Voice-"I... I couldn't stop me... I.."]
[Voice2-"Just tell me what's happening..!"]
[Voice-"He... he was one of them.. I.. I don't know why... why i've done this?..."]
[Voice3-"d-don't worry..."]
[Voice2-"It's over now[now...]..."]
[Voice-"What i've... done?[done?..]..."]
Why i'm seeing this?... I don't remember nothing about that...
Kyle taked me by the neck....
Kyle-"you are just a failed experiment.."
Flame-"and you are just... the dog of.. Buraki.."
he was pressing my neck against the rock... i was losing my senses..
Flame-"...ugh..." all was becoming dark.. it's really this.. the end?...
[close your eyes[eyes...]... leave your dark powers controll you[you...]... it's the only way to beat them[them...]...]
uh... my.. dark powers...
[voice2-"Please! Stop!"]
[voice-"Go Away...!!"]
[voice2-"no! Don't do it!"]
[(hitting him ("voice2")) voice-"umph, you can't tell me what i have to do!.."]
[voice3-"Stop! you don't need of that power!"]
[voice-"We'll see that[that...]..."]
[come on! free you dark side!..]
no... [uh?!] i want save me... but not by you!
my purple eye begin to shine with the crystals.
Kyle-"What? the crystals..!"
Flame-"Go... AWAY!"
a big shockwave from my body destroyed the ground and sent Kyle and Emalf away from me..
Emalf-"Aaah! w-what's happening?!...."
Kyle-"ugh.. he have.. an incredible power..."
all my body was shining of a blue light..
[voice3-"follow your heart.. follow the light.."]
[voice-"I'll use the dark powers.. just when i need of them.."]
[voice2-"try to don't die.."]
[voice-"Don't worry, i'll back.. i promise to you[to you...]..]
[.... brother[brother...]...]
Kyle-"umph.. let's go"
Kyle-"look there.. and after all.. we can't kill him yet.."
I was stopped, I could not move.. my wounds was too hurt... my head was going to explode for that headackes... i couldn't fight anymore, and Kyle knew that.. but... why he don't kill me?...
Kyle and Emalf flew away... and after that i've lost my senses and i fell to the ground....
all was dark... i've just seen my blood on the ground... Kyle was really strong...
I never felt this feeling before..
is this the feeling the peaple feel...
... before die?....
Warning, Do Not Copy

●All the stories can not be copied or used
without our permission©.
●The Characters can not be copied or used
without our permission©.